Tuesday, January 27, 2009
No Gas
Okay, why do these things always seem to happen to me...don't get me wrong, I am not usually a poor pitiful me person... but come on... Today I had to take the MOMO (my mother in law) to a checkup for her foot...which by the way is doing great... when i realize on the way to drop her back off... 0 miles to empty...no problem, zip into the Shell and fill up... NOT, all their pumps EXCEPT the premium are out of order.... humm, seems a little fishy to me... Nope, the sensible side kicks in and I say... on to the next station... right across the street, pull in... big sign, no credit or pulse cards, cash only... *!? ummm, okay, i rarely have cash and i certainly don't walk into a store to pay for gas, hello? does anyone know how to say PAY AT THE PUMP... It's okay, i can make it down the street to the other station, so on i go, a little nervous but determined, i pull in... and these pumps DON'T EVEN HAVE A SLIDER FOR THE CREDIT CARDS... okay, now i am looking for the cameras because i have 1) got to be a part of some 20/20 experiment or 2) entered a time warp that sent me back to Happy Days... okay, now, i am pushing it so I head into the store to pay... Did I mention that the cold front had come in and it had already dropped from 70 to a mere 43... and the wind made it feel even colder and i was already having a bad haird day...really bad...and i left my jacket at work because dammit it was hot when i left and the news guy said the cold front wasn't coming in til mid afternoon and last time i checked, 10 a.m. was not mid afternoon... anywho... get to the door, and almost lose me fingers...it's locked!!!! alright, now i am pretty sure i did something really bad to piss God off... the kind (and warm inside the store) bud light delivery guy tells me the owner, who is obviously working alone went to the restroom and will be right back... so i freeze my butt off waiting, and waiting and getting madder and madder ...and then a little grossed out realizing this is obviously a serious restroom visit.... and lo and behold here comes mr. happy to let me in and happily take my checkcard from my frozen hand, my hair looks like i am one of the Jackson 5 and he has the damn nerve to tell me "is it cold out there" and me, the non-confrontational- not rude person that I try to be tells him with every ounce of hate i can stutter out... yes it is and i really don't think that is funny, if i wasn't on empty i would have left... and being the clever (and brave) fellow that he is he says 'oh, your out of gas' no sir, i am not out of gas, i just have my parked car in front of the pumps and froze my butt off while you took the turtles to the water because I am a crazy and wild person like that... ring me up so i can get the he!! out of here! So there it is...a taste of my wild side.... ROAR
Monday, January 26, 2009
Xanax...where is my XANAX!!!!
I am so tired, and overwhelmed, I just ...just got home from the grocery store, went straight there with Mom afterwork...it is 8:28... Me, Mom and Noah, at the grocery store for almost 3 hours.... My back is killing me...i am not even grouchy, just numb. Poor mom has gotten so slow, she can barely move and she took her medication before i picked her up, not good. I was supposed to put up the Christmas stuff tonight but I am exhausted and Noah still needs a bath...has NO clean underwear which means that I need to do a load of his clothes. My wrist is killing me and i swear it is from texting on my ancient phone, I am so not current with stuff it completely surprises me that I am doing this blog but I feel like it is an outlet. Noah is content for now playing with some video game or something he found in his toybox, he has no idea what it is and is just pushing buttons but if it gives me 20 minutes of time to just let my mind settle down i will take it however i get. Sometimes i feel like a terrible mom because i just want to find a corner somewhere dark, take a pillow and a blanket and hide, just for a little while... I know I know, we all need a little quite time. It was so fricken hot in the grocery store i swear i was going to have a damn heat stroke, and of coures halfway through the store i have to pee...and of course all of a sudden Noah does to, I was scared to leave my mom alone but i REALLY had to go and ended up pinching it from aisle 2, all the way to aisle 8 where the restrooms are, I figured as slow as mom moves, leaving her in the produce section, no way would she be done before me... I make it, with sweatbeads on my forehead to the restroom screaming at Noah to go to the handicap stall and he proceeds to go before me, I almost passed out! I finally couldnt take it anymore and literally pushed him out of the way so i could sit down, at this point i had not a care in the world if he tinkled on the toilet... I know, I am not well but you do what you have to do so you don't walk around in the grocery store in wet pants right? gotta go...the saga will continue soon....
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Have you ever had so much to do you couldn't move... Me...TOTALLY me. I am supposed to be at the church helping with the men's day retreat for team, but the guilt of leaving Noah off on a Saturday somewhere has taken over, especially since he called me at work 3 times yesterday to tell me he was ready to be picked up... nothing like a little bit of good old fashioned guilt to start off the week-end. So, anyway, he is going with me to help...which Lu doesn't even know we'll be there but I am stressed and have a headache b/c i have a lot I need to do at home and going there is not the best choice especially since my Lu already made me feel like a bad wife b/c he couldn't find a shirt to wear today (humm, the one he wanted was in the dirty close piled along the bedroom wall, good thing his shorts were in the washer) and then the drawer in the fridge got stuck when he was trying to pull out and he graciously left it on the counter and asked me to wash it... a subtle hit that my cleaning is not up to par (no offense taken honey, really.... :( ) I really need to take something by for the Momo to eat since jeremy is working today (not that he would make her breakfast) and she needs to stay off her foot and her finger is still a mess (forgot to continue that story, mental note to self: what is going on with the momo catch-up blog entry) so now that i have just begun to touch the tip of the iceberg...and my son is screaming at me that he is hungry (bad mom syndrome)...i will sign off... for now... and search for my bottle of xanax so i can start my day...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
UT Bound
Sunday Noah and I went with Darlene and Mom to take Jay back for her spring semester at UT Austin (Go Longhorns!) Before I forget I had to share this verse that Darlene said Jay sent to her when we were dealing with the loss of Ernie and Mom moving in with her: Anyone in the world can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength. I guess i have to say that Jay and TJ are like my kids, because I really never thought I would have my own, I love them so much... I was touched by the insite this little girl has...to me she will always be a baby, it scares me when I think of her at college because she still seems like a kid to me, but I am SO proud of her, because she is doing exactly what she said she was going to... My sister lives stressed...but to see all that she has done for her kids, is a true accomplishment... and now to take on my Mom, absolutely amazing...
So, I think people need to know that my family can find humor in the sickest situations...that's how we roll... :) First, me and Darlene driving the truck to Austin in the first place is an adventure, needless to say...my stomach was hurting...we're on 35 in traffic she almost causes a chain reaction accident because she didn't see traffic stop, had to swerve onto the shoulder to avoid hitting the car, all of us jerked forward...and I am positive my mom squirted in her pants... I actually remained calm and told her what the ???? she said, it was my fault... I WAS TRYING TO READ THE CHIC FIL A BILLBOARD... yes, my sister almost killed us to read what the damn cow was saying to talk her into eating chicken...like you seriously need to talk her into eating period... then we had to take Jay to sign her lease before we went to the dorm, so on the access headed towards the road to her dorm and my sister has to give money to every homeless person and each stop light, holding up traffic and violating every CSI rule I have... I really think they were radioing ahead to the next light because I swear the were running up to the truck when we got there... but we made it and Jay is safe and sound back at school...
So, I think people need to know that my family can find humor in the sickest situations...that's how we roll... :) First, me and Darlene driving the truck to Austin in the first place is an adventure, needless to say...my stomach was hurting...we're on 35 in traffic she almost causes a chain reaction accident because she didn't see traffic stop, had to swerve onto the shoulder to avoid hitting the car, all of us jerked forward...and I am positive my mom squirted in her pants... I actually remained calm and told her what the ???? she said, it was my fault... I WAS TRYING TO READ THE CHIC FIL A BILLBOARD... yes, my sister almost killed us to read what the damn cow was saying to talk her into eating chicken...like you seriously need to talk her into eating period... then we had to take Jay to sign her lease before we went to the dorm, so on the access headed towards the road to her dorm and my sister has to give money to every homeless person and each stop light, holding up traffic and violating every CSI rule I have... I really think they were radioing ahead to the next light because I swear the were running up to the truck when we got there... but we made it and Jay is safe and sound back at school...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
...she's back
...but just for a bit.... I cannot believe it is already 9:30 and I am off today because i have so much to do... Is it possible to be late for your day off, because I am!!! Of course, i jinxed myself because last night I noticed my son has pink eye, so when I said no doctor's appt.s this week...i did it to myself. Pink eye = no school, which means now I have to take him with me today and pray he doesn't get too grouchy or see the McDonalds golden arches enroute anywhere. My day is: call to try to squeeze Noah in a doctor visit, Momo (my mother in law) checkup with the foot doctor (oh that's right, I haven't told anyone all that is going on, more on that tonight) then off to another doctor appt. in New Braunfels to have an infected nail on her hand pulled (ouch)... In my mind I was completely organized and ready to go for the day...in reality... I am going to throw things in a bag, pray my son behaves (we have been in so many doctors offices and hospitals lately he is actually very good) and pray I don't forget anything and that I don't have to eat Micky D's... wanna put on your tennis shoes and come with us today?
So many things...so little time
I am determined to get better about posting... I actually figured out how to change the layout but there are so many really cute blogs I really need to figure out how to access all the other features but I am not going to lie, i am COMPLETELY technoligically challenged. Do you think there is a medication for that? I have everything else. I t really comes down to the fact that I have absolutely no patience... none... gotta go, my husband is calling to remind me i promised him a sack lunch... don't you just love it...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Uglo!
Today Ernie would have been 54 years old. Brother, I miss you more than words can say and you will forever be on my heart. If you are reading this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for my brother. Rest in peace...
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