...to deserve the week I had!
You know, there are companies that can go 10 years or have never even had a DOT audit, this last week I had my second one in 2 years... and I know this doesnt mean anything to a lot of people, so let me just tell you this... imagine giving birth and having a root canal at the same time, I would have rather gone through that... enough said.
I have honestly not seen my family much in the last week, i have been at work before they wake up and gotten home in time to take my shower and go to bed... tired is an understatement... And then I am in a training class all next week... this is what i get for missing church two Sundays in a row... I will be sitting on the front row this Sunday.
God Bless and Good night...

Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
A little more...
Did I mention we have a new addition to our family? His name is Crabby the Crab, yes, my son HAD to have a hermit crab when we went down to the coast. Thanks a lot to Cathy for letting her boys bring theirs to the Teen meeting on Tuesday, just what I needed, one more thing to do… We bought him a little condo that is so cute with an orange lid and filled it with purple rocks, he FREAKS me out though when he comes out of his shell… which, he hasn’t in a couple of days so please keep Crabby in your prayers. I left a piece of lettuce just outside his little hut he has been in to try to entice him to come out…. I just know he is waiting for me to try to pull him out so he can pinch me… Ya, the place we bought him from gave me a sheet of paper about their care, I read it and it stressed me out, okay, first…none of us want to touch him, so you KNOW who is going to get stuck doing it…ugh! second, um…hello…I can never keep caught up with laundrey and now we have a crab, two fish and a dog…it’s bad enough I have to find a dog sitter everytime we go out of town, now who is going to watch this stinkin crab that has to have ‘fresh distilled water’ and ‘don’t leave food more than a day’ in his cage…did I mention he has to be bathed too? give me a break, I have to bathe myself and my son isn’t that enough? I really need to add GINO to that list because that dog stinks…but I keep saying I didn’t want a dog but obviously the boys know the smell gets to me and they have no problem ignoring it…not to mention he is way overdue for a nail trimming and vet visit. You see what I mean, how everything seems to come back to me?! my husband will read this and roll his eyes, but, whatever…he knows it does because I take care of my boys AND their toys… dammit… I still need to get both of my boys in to finish up their dental work and now I am stressed about this crab…
An update on my Mom is long overdue, she is doing great, living with Kasey and all her animals and she seems really happy. I am surprised that the animals don’t bother her, I was worried that they would because I am totally NOT a pet person but those are Rina’s kids…and I mean she makes the Brady Bunch look like a small family…she has 4 dogs and at least 6 cats and I am probably way off on that count… But mom has not complained about them once, I am sure they are good company, Noah loves them and I know Mom is safe because you get anywhere near the house and those dogs go crazy. It is so funny because every dog we had growing up my mom called snoopy and cats, she used to throw them across the yard when they crossed her path… Things sure change, because let me tell you, My mom will get on the floor to play with my son and I don’t remember her even watching TV with us when we were little!
I a good note, I actually got up and worked out this morning, yes…I know…everyone is passing out in shock. I have had every intention of getting up when my husband leaves to take Jeremy to work in the morning and doing that walking workout on Exercise on Demand but I just can’t get out of bed! So this morning I made myself get up, pulled on my tennis shoes and walked out there and guess what, the Exercise on Demand channel was having an “error” this to me was a sign to go back to sleep…but I didn’t… I put it on one of the music channels and did my own version of walk away the pounds for 35 minutes. I am sore and feel it already, how sad is that? I have gotten so dang lazy when it comes to exercise. Why why why can’t we invent calorie free food…that is good! It’s okay … I am losing these rolls if it kills me, and it just might!
Oh and this summer was my 20 year High School Reunion, which I did not go to because they had it Fourth of July weekend…which I think was a bad choice because …hello, this is Texas, do you know you can cook meat on the sidewalk right now! and second, I can go to the Oak whenever, I just didn’t feel like listening to people trying to tell me how great their lives are..Facebook is annoying enough! Okay, actually me and Christina get a kick out of laughing our asses off at those annoying posts…GAG… please, I think it is really sad when you have to keep saying your life is good rather than just living it… okay, I have a little PMS, but it is really dumb and sometimes I wonder if people actually sit there giving so much energy to pick the right words just because they want everyone to read it…are they trying to convince the world or themselves? On that note, I did do some reflecting on where my life was at this 20 year mark, and I tried to remember, what did I say I wanted to be, and I didn’t have these glamourous hopes to become a star, all I ever wanted was to be was married and have a family…and love taking care of them and it feels really good to know I have that, and a good life…and I know it…
Count your blessings and stay blessed and most importantly remember…even though your house is a wreck and gray hairs are starting to pop up everywhere, a little hair dye and a drop off laundry service will get you back on track in no time… LIFE IS GOOD, LIVE IT!
An update on my Mom is long overdue, she is doing great, living with Kasey and all her animals and she seems really happy. I am surprised that the animals don’t bother her, I was worried that they would because I am totally NOT a pet person but those are Rina’s kids…and I mean she makes the Brady Bunch look like a small family…she has 4 dogs and at least 6 cats and I am probably way off on that count… But mom has not complained about them once, I am sure they are good company, Noah loves them and I know Mom is safe because you get anywhere near the house and those dogs go crazy. It is so funny because every dog we had growing up my mom called snoopy and cats, she used to throw them across the yard when they crossed her path… Things sure change, because let me tell you, My mom will get on the floor to play with my son and I don’t remember her even watching TV with us when we were little!
I a good note, I actually got up and worked out this morning, yes…I know…everyone is passing out in shock. I have had every intention of getting up when my husband leaves to take Jeremy to work in the morning and doing that walking workout on Exercise on Demand but I just can’t get out of bed! So this morning I made myself get up, pulled on my tennis shoes and walked out there and guess what, the Exercise on Demand channel was having an “error” this to me was a sign to go back to sleep…but I didn’t… I put it on one of the music channels and did my own version of walk away the pounds for 35 minutes. I am sore and feel it already, how sad is that? I have gotten so dang lazy when it comes to exercise. Why why why can’t we invent calorie free food…that is good! It’s okay … I am losing these rolls if it kills me, and it just might!
Oh and this summer was my 20 year High School Reunion, which I did not go to because they had it Fourth of July weekend…which I think was a bad choice because …hello, this is Texas, do you know you can cook meat on the sidewalk right now! and second, I can go to the Oak whenever, I just didn’t feel like listening to people trying to tell me how great their lives are..Facebook is annoying enough! Okay, actually me and Christina get a kick out of laughing our asses off at those annoying posts…GAG… please, I think it is really sad when you have to keep saying your life is good rather than just living it… okay, I have a little PMS, but it is really dumb and sometimes I wonder if people actually sit there giving so much energy to pick the right words just because they want everyone to read it…are they trying to convince the world or themselves? On that note, I did do some reflecting on where my life was at this 20 year mark, and I tried to remember, what did I say I wanted to be, and I didn’t have these glamourous hopes to become a star, all I ever wanted was to be was married and have a family…and love taking care of them and it feels really good to know I have that, and a good life…and I know it…
Count your blessings and stay blessed and most importantly remember…even though your house is a wreck and gray hairs are starting to pop up everywhere, a little hair dye and a drop off laundry service will get you back on track in no time… LIFE IS GOOD, LIVE IT!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I didn't forget!
I know it has been way to long since my last entry… so much has gone on… We went to the beach this past weekend and it was wonderful, we had the best time, most relaxing weekend ever. My family really needed that, we have been going so much lately, it was so nice to not have to worry about meetings or schedules. I still have to get my Noah signed up for swimming lessons this summer, I will probably send him next month… He is growing so darn fast, I love that boy so much, more and more everyday. He is going to start 4K next month, I can’t believe it. I was all ready to work with him this summer, I had been stocking up on workbooks to keep his skills up… of course, we did it one evening and they are still in a stack on the kitchen counter…sigh
My house got a good cleaning the Friday before the 4th of July, I busted some serious butt cleaning places that, when I think back, gives me chills thinking how dirty they were… The parade was nice, the whole holiday was nice, just relaxing with family and friends and watching the kiddos in the pool… yes, the Sauceda Water park 2009 was up and running…for that day at least… now, the pool…has officially died…yup, grass grew through the bottom of it and now it is capoot… sad sad, very sad…and we even bought the liner to put it on that was supposed to prevent that…. I never knew that could happen… oh well, it has been so hot here the pool felt like a sauna anyway…jeez!
I have so much vacation time at work I am going to start taking some afternoons off so me and my baby can go get into trouble…. He is doing the summer program at school but he is only going half days so I can pick him up at lunch and take him to do stuff. They take him on field trips every Wednesday so I am happy he gets to do that, but of course I stress out on Wednesdays and have forced Jay to go with him almost every time, TJ is going with him next week, God help ZDT’s I am sure him and Noah will have a blast.
I have bags to unpack still in the den, restrooms that are just on the verge of “yuck” and dishes in the sink so I am pretty sure I will be trying to tackle that tonight, why lie, I have been trying everynight but once I get home…no such luck…I have been so stinkin tired…
Well, believe it or not I have NOT fallen of the WW wagon, Chrystal my friend and co-worker are still going..11 weeks, that has GOT to be a record, 27.6 lbs gone, but can you see it…nope, when you have as much butt as I do I guess it takes a little longer to show J Although I did wear a pair of shorts on the 4th that had been in my closet with the tags on for TWO summers and they didn’t fit… so, yippee for that!
I will sign off for now but will get better at posting.
Please pray for our world, it’s leaders, our economy and families. Never stop praying, and most importantly, continue to leave your worries at Jesus’ feet where they belong.
My house got a good cleaning the Friday before the 4th of July, I busted some serious butt cleaning places that, when I think back, gives me chills thinking how dirty they were… The parade was nice, the whole holiday was nice, just relaxing with family and friends and watching the kiddos in the pool… yes, the Sauceda Water park 2009 was up and running…for that day at least… now, the pool…has officially died…yup, grass grew through the bottom of it and now it is capoot… sad sad, very sad…and we even bought the liner to put it on that was supposed to prevent that…. I never knew that could happen… oh well, it has been so hot here the pool felt like a sauna anyway…jeez!
I have so much vacation time at work I am going to start taking some afternoons off so me and my baby can go get into trouble…. He is doing the summer program at school but he is only going half days so I can pick him up at lunch and take him to do stuff. They take him on field trips every Wednesday so I am happy he gets to do that, but of course I stress out on Wednesdays and have forced Jay to go with him almost every time, TJ is going with him next week, God help ZDT’s I am sure him and Noah will have a blast.
I have bags to unpack still in the den, restrooms that are just on the verge of “yuck” and dishes in the sink so I am pretty sure I will be trying to tackle that tonight, why lie, I have been trying everynight but once I get home…no such luck…I have been so stinkin tired…
Well, believe it or not I have NOT fallen of the WW wagon, Chrystal my friend and co-worker are still going..11 weeks, that has GOT to be a record, 27.6 lbs gone, but can you see it…nope, when you have as much butt as I do I guess it takes a little longer to show J Although I did wear a pair of shorts on the 4th that had been in my closet with the tags on for TWO summers and they didn’t fit… so, yippee for that!
I will sign off for now but will get better at posting.
Please pray for our world, it’s leaders, our economy and families. Never stop praying, and most importantly, continue to leave your worries at Jesus’ feet where they belong.
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