Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This is MY TIME of the year, The holiday season is getting ready to kick off and I am sooo pumped! I love the Holidays…for the most part, and last year was so stressful with Mom’s stroke and then Ernie passing that I am looking forward to making sure the Holidays are extra special for my family. I have a couple more projects to do at home that I really want to get done at least by the end of October. I changed Noah’s bathroom from duckies to more of a standard bathroom since that is the one everyone uses and I want to paint the floor and walls in my den because I hate the colors... and finish putting up all of Noah’s spidey stuff in his room.

We had the Church Festival this weekend and everything was great, Johnny was so tired when he got home Sunday night he could hardly walk. Despite all that the feeling is awesome to know it went well, and it sure feels good to know we have so many good friends that help whenever they can. I have jumped on board to help my husband more and really did enjoy all of it this year, it makes me happy to see him happy and that is what life’s all about.

This weekend we are heading to Houston for baby Dominic’s dedication at church. I can’t wait to get my hands on that baby, I love him so much. Krissy is so excited and it is good to see her so happy. We will drop off the Momo in Houston to spend some time with her brother, he is having a hard time right now adjusting to the Nursing/Rehab center and hopefully having her there will help him. We have been down that road with mom and it was hard, so I know his daughter can use a break. I am going to try to sneak in a little shopping on Harwin Street… I think I have been a pretty good girl and deserve it!

Noah is fighting a cold, he has had fever since Sunday and he is on lock-down at the house until we get this to pass, I stayed home with him yesterday and was having serious cabin fever. I even made homemade corn tortillas for supper last night…with Momo and my Mom watching me, yup…I was ready to run into traffic because they were both telling me everything I was doing wrong. Not a good idea to try something for the first time with a sick kid and two bossy old ladies watching (just kidding!). I think they came out good, they didn’t poof up like Ms. Manleys…okay, I got a little poof but not a full blown one, and they were kinda, um, not flexible…. but in my defense they tasted great and didn’t actually break when we made tacos with them… and as many suggestions that they kept THROWING at me those two old ladies still managed to down a half dozen torts so I know they were good… And even I can only down one taco because those corn tortilla’s are so big and filling and they ate that many! plus two servings of rice… I think they just don’t want to admit I am a pretty good cook! hahaha

Yet once again the day was done, I prayed “O Lord, bless everyone” But as I prayed, into my ear, there came a voice that whispered clear, “pause now my son before you pray, whom have you tried to bless today?”


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday moment

Today is one of those days when you just feel the need to reflect on the blessings that you have..the ones you take for granted. Not because it has been a wonderful day really...or even because something awesome has happened, but because it has been one of those weeks that I feel ungrateful and fussy... I just feel like I am in a funk and I need to snap out of it because I AM blessed and I do have a good life and it shouldn't take something bad to make me or anyone else for that matter appreciate that. Sometimes we get so bogged down by the everyday stress of things thatwe flip to the negative side and it's all downhill from there. My screaming child is just that....a screaming child, not someone that loves me and is trying the only way he knows how toget my attention, not a healthy kid that can talk and run and that has a voice.... he becomes something i try to tune out, ignore or pacify into quitness with cartoons or a movie.. and I want to always try to see the good in it all... and remember that he is calling me back into the moment. So I amgoing to pretend I amnot visiting a very sick relative and have a looong drive home ...to a messy house, I am making the most of the moment...with my family, sharing our time and love...and the laundrey will be missing me too!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday...at last!!!!

I think this is going to be another one of those rambling entries.... I am completely exhausted...oh, if I could just have a dollar for every time I said that! HAHAHA It has been a long week, I even took a vacation day on Monday just to take a breather. We had to go Thursday afterwork to take Johnny's mom to Houston to be with her brother, he is very sick and it doesn't look good. We knew we had a lot going on this weekend so we took her up there so she could be with him. It is hard for us to leave her there even though she does have family there, we just worry about her having t0o find rides to and from the hospital and with her vision, worry about her getting to where she needs to okay... but momo won't have a problem asking for help and I packed her plenty of food to take with her each day for the hospital. I guess I am pretty much a pro at surviving in waiting rooms and hanging out at hospitals... It made my stomach upset just being there, it was a hard year these past 12 months and not one I care to have flashbacks about... and still dealing with the day to day of trying to cope with everything...and keep my head above water. But, it all works out in the end. Ruben is Momos brothers name and he looked so bad, broke my heart, made me realize again that we MUST be grateful for each moment. My new favorite song on Klove is a song about not wanting to just go through the motions... 'I don't want to live my whole life asking, what if I had given it everything...instead of going through the motions'.... how true is that. Life is too short to just exist, we need to give it our all so that at the end of the day we can say 'job well done' So we will continue to live and love and serve our God and eachother.. it's what we should do right?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ramblings of a Hormonal Woman...

I am so excited, tomorrow I am getting my brand spanking new washer and dryer delivered... Yes, I am officially old because I am so happy! Johnny and I got up and went to Lowes and I looked around, pointed to the ones I wanted and told them...Deliver Those To My House...OR ELSE. woo hoo! I don't think I have ever purchased a brand new appliance in my life, is that sad or what? Actually, I just kept telling myself that used was fine, but I am so sick and tired of replacing items that I said enough is enough...no scratch and dent, no estate sale... no just like new... I want to be the first and only one to wash my chonies and dry them in these machines! I seriously feel like I have won the lotto, and if you wanna come by to see my new digital front loading machines... COME ON...

I had a really rough week this last week at work, I swear I am going through menopause... and it was a short work week... ugh... I should have known, I had a warning first thing Tuesday morning... I have been having a serious battle with the coke machine at work... it hates me, and I hate it....SERIOUSLY, that fricken machine is going to make me have a stroke. It started like this, I went to get my daily Coke Zero...my FAVORITE soda, and I always push the button a million times... and ...luck of luck, i got two instead of one... so the next day i tried it again, and it did it again... and so the love affair began, my two for the price of one sodas. But then one day, as i was sitting in my co-workers office...i started listening to the commotion outside her windows at my scrumptious coke machine... apparently, it had done the ultimate... taken my friend Eddies dollar and did not deliver the goods, so I listened as he drew a little crowd trying to help him beat his soda out of the machine...and I laughed...and it must have heard me, and felt completely betrayed.... so the next morning, guess who's dollar got taken, yup, mine... and i was so hurt..i felt, i don't know...violated? but i forgave it, considering it had been so generous to me before...then it took another dollar, and i was angry... so i stayed way and bought my soda elsewhere, and i guess the hurt wore off and i tried again... AND AGAIN it took my dollar... a total of 5 dollars later i swore to NEVER use that damned moody machine again... and i didn't, until this week...when i was walking in and saw someone putting quarters in and getting a Coke Zero... so i thought, that's it...it wants coins not bills!!! so here i go all happy with my four quarters (one good thing about not having a washer and dryer...plenty of change in my purse), I put my quarters in and that damn machine would give me my soda, not even a regular one!!! So there i was screaming at the machine...when i heard it...yup, my coworkers laughing, from the same window i had laughed from... so..i shot them the international peace sign, and vowed once again to NEVER use that damn machine again.... I hope.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Falling off the wagon...

I should be going to bed right now, should be... but here I sit... I went to help at the Church Festival and spent most of the night taste testing... So, I decided, anything you eat standing up has absolutely no calories, and if you eat it AND drink a diet coke, it's actually healthy for you. Does doing laundrey count as a cardio workout? ugh... I am in serious trouble.... But tomorow, or should i say today, is another day, and I vow to eat better...or at least remember to wash it down with a diet coke...