Friday, October 30, 2009
Noah my love...

Creepy Crawlers
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pumpkin problem
PMS is real
So, I would say I have been in rare form today… even for me… I totally thought I was going to smack the receptionist at my WW meeting. Don’t get me wrong, she is a very nice lady… too nice, you know the kind I am talking about, like that annoying Patty cheerleader girl that practically forces Sandy to be a cheerleader in Grease, I mean come’ on now, Sandy was a nice girl but Patty went way overboard, kind of like a June Cleaver on crack… I am getting off track here… ANYWHO, she is a chit chatter, and I already work with one (yes Chrystal, I love you and I don’t mind at all chit chatting with you blah blah) anyway, she like talks too much and there are like always tons of people in line and I am like ‘look lady, you are the receptionist, just weigh us, write it down and move it along’ but know, she has to ask them how they are, how is their day going, are your bunions still hurting…did you know they got a new shipment of the fat free cheese at wal-mart…and goes on and on… with all of us (some of us) waiting patiently. So I guess my frustration with her has been building… never mind the fact that every time I have a loss of more than 5 lbs she makes me get on the scale again ‘just to make sure’ ya right whatever…just say it, ‘you usually don’t do that much, did you got some of those shots in mexico or what is going on?’ I bribed the scale lady… no no…my guardian angel is behind me holding me up just enough to make me lose this week. Ya, she has totally done that to me like three times. And when I gain… ‘were you expecting to gain this week? what happened” mam, when you see me walk in and remove everything I can down to my earrings, chances are pretty clear that I have eaten too much this week. When I go into the restroom hoping to squeeze out at least 6 more ounces, probably means I overate.. What happened? I ate too much… that’s what happened! So this week when I gained 1.6 lbs, I wasn’t worried, I had PMS…my excuse was actually REAL this week… and when she asked ‘were you expecting that’ I just looked at her and said ‘I really don’t know what I was expecting’… because I was trying to hold back what I really wanted to say… I looked at her little employee badge that said lifetime member since 1992, and I reminded myself, that she had done quite well keeping her weight off, and I thought… maybe I should be a smart alec and tell her to reward herself with a nice makeover as a treat… STOP IT … your being ugly now BG… but I refrained, but next week, when I step on that scale when all this extra water is gone and there is a big loss… because there will be… and she makes me step on the scale again ‘just to make sure’ … I am going to put some of those sugar free chewy’s up her nose!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Okay, and I am going to throw all caution to the wind and tell you this, because I know I am TOTALLY leaving myself wide open here... BUT Chili's is having a great deal right now... 2 can dine for $20, you get an appetizer, two entrees and a dessert!!!! You cannot beat that! AND 10% of your bill goes to St. James but make sure you tell them! Okay, I know I am going to get a lot of harrassing texts from that info... so let me tell you now ... WHATEVER! and...FYI sniff sniff...they were OUT of paradise pie for dessert...you talk about 2 big girls wanting to cry, I totally thought my other friend Chrystal who was at lunch with me, was going to crap her pants when the waiter told us... I warned him... I said "brother, you better be glad I am sitting between you and her because you seriously put your life on the line telling her that"... the hostess talked us into the brownie sundae... double yuck! Chrystal sucked it up and took one for the team and FORCED it down... if anyone should be reported to our Weight Watchers leader, it should be her...
Monday, October 26, 2009
All I can say is …. WOW, let me see…how do I start off this entry… put your seatbelts on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
So…. anywho, I get home last Wednesday after work, with Noah and the Momo-nater in tow and get into the house ready to get ready for the next 4 days of ‘off’ time…. I had to mentally prepare myself to get Mom and the Momo ready for their Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday… Open the door, hit the switch – no lights… damn… power out? nope… I wish… so at the same time that I am figuring out the electricity is not on, my sister and keith AND my friend Alice arrive at the house… the DARK house… I am like, WHAT.. this cannot be happening, I look outside to see the neighbor weedeating, with an ELECTRIC weedeater… NOT a good sign, then… it happens… Momo says, “you did pay your bill right” of course I did…duh..duh ..crap, then I remember, the day I go to pay it they are drilling the drive through road and I would have to get down off of my car to pay, um NO… I have plenty of time since I had just gotten the bill, I was totally not feeling the get off the car thing… So I remembered again later that week… they were still working on the drive thru… SERIOUSLY, I was running late so no time to park and get off and hello, there wasn’t front parking space anyway.. in the back of my mind I knew that they send a notice before cut off and I had plenty of time… which brings us back to last week… After I realized it was only my house without electricity I start whining that I did not get a notice so it can’t be that, well, lo and behold, guess what was in the mail, my cutoff notice with yesterday’s mail… I was HOT, checked for a postage marking to prove this was NOT my fault and they mailed my notice late… no postage marking…NICE… It was at that very moment that I should have known…that this would be a clear indication of how crappy my weekend was going to be.. I should have immediately ran, so…of course Johnny gets home in the middle of all the commotion…. and I give him the look… you know which one I am talking about… the “I double dog dare you to say something to me in front of my sister and your mom”, and being the smart man that he is, he just asks…’what do we do now’, I said, pack clothes for the night and let’s go to momo’s and I will call the city when we get their… AND this was only Wednesday night…it was only the beginning (TO BE CONTINUED)
So…. anywho, I get home last Wednesday after work, with Noah and the Momo-nater in tow and get into the house ready to get ready for the next 4 days of ‘off’ time…. I had to mentally prepare myself to get Mom and the Momo ready for their Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday… Open the door, hit the switch – no lights… damn… power out? nope… I wish… so at the same time that I am figuring out the electricity is not on, my sister and keith AND my friend Alice arrive at the house… the DARK house… I am like, WHAT.. this cannot be happening, I look outside to see the neighbor weedeating, with an ELECTRIC weedeater… NOT a good sign, then… it happens… Momo says, “you did pay your bill right” of course I did…duh..duh ..crap, then I remember, the day I go to pay it they are drilling the drive through road and I would have to get down off of my car to pay, um NO… I have plenty of time since I had just gotten the bill, I was totally not feeling the get off the car thing… So I remembered again later that week… they were still working on the drive thru… SERIOUSLY, I was running late so no time to park and get off and hello, there wasn’t front parking space anyway.. in the back of my mind I knew that they send a notice before cut off and I had plenty of time… which brings us back to last week… After I realized it was only my house without electricity I start whining that I did not get a notice so it can’t be that, well, lo and behold, guess what was in the mail, my cutoff notice with yesterday’s mail… I was HOT, checked for a postage marking to prove this was NOT my fault and they mailed my notice late… no postage marking…NICE… It was at that very moment that I should have known…that this would be a clear indication of how crappy my weekend was going to be.. I should have immediately ran, so…of course Johnny gets home in the middle of all the commotion…. and I give him the look… you know which one I am talking about… the “I double dog dare you to say something to me in front of my sister and your mom”, and being the smart man that he is, he just asks…’what do we do now’, I said, pack clothes for the night and let’s go to momo’s and I will call the city when we get their… AND this was only Wednesday night…it was only the beginning (TO BE CONTINUED)
Friday, October 23, 2009
My life is crazy... as I am sure you have figured out by now... but i love it, and you have to know that among my many blessings, one of the ones i consider to fall back on a lot is my sense of humor... Dear God knew i would need it, and my prescription of xanax. The most important blessing, is my Faith... the fact that I do believe in God, I know he sent his only son to die for my sins and that my gift of all gifts is everlasting life. I am not going to blow it, especially after the sacrifice that was made to give me salvation.
I am not a minister, I am certainly not perfect, I am a sinner and I sin often... and I know this... My eyes are wide open to the choices I make, I accept people for who they are, I know the things I have done wrong and the things I have done right. But I also know, in the deepest part of my heart that my Jesus has had a plan for me since the very beginning, I have always completely trusted in him knowing that something great was coming. I just didn't realize that it would be on a daily basis. There is a moment, every day in each or our lives to be Jesus to someone... we need to learn to take it.
Yesterday I went with my BG to pray for a friends mother that is dying. We were supposed to meet some of our ACTS girls there but things happen, and it was just the two of us...and even though praying is not new to us...leading it for a family that is accompanying their loved one on the last stretch home is not something that either one of us thought we would be okay to do. She walked into my house and the first thing she said was 'Cathy can't come, Darren is sick'...and i knew that too...but I knew Alice would be there...no problem... so we scrambled searching through books and prayers and the bible trying to find the right things to do...just in case.. But Alice, sitting in the front of the nursing home, waiting to go in, i think all i could do was think about Alice driving into the parking lot... WILLING her to be there... i looked at Christina and said, if Alice isn't here by now, something has come up because i know she would not have forgotten... So... there we went, i picked a bible verse, we grabbed some prayers I knew were specifically written for a dying person... and we went. As Christina was reading from the bible, I was trying to glance at the prayers... the last time i had read them were to a dear friend that was going home much too soon but had battled Leukemia much too long... he needed rest. and then i remembered, that there were some parts of the prayers that this family my consider harsh, because that was my concern before that although I knew sometimes things can be said one way but knowing my loving God... he wanted us to face up... but if someone was in the baby steps of their faith journey, i did not want to offend them or hurt them or make them feel like i was sitting in judgement... so i changed some of the words, I said sick person instead of dying person, i asked for healing rather than forgiveness for all the wrongs she had done and sins she had commited against our God. But I was worried that I would seem like I was telling her 'your going, better fess up now or it won't be nice' because fear is awful but God is merciful and faith teaches us that.
God takes care of us, didn't i just say that? He spoke through Christina, I felt it just as surely as I did when Cathy, Pat or Alice led us...and the BG and I know that is a definite thumbs up. The prayers were perfect, the family felt loved and I truly hope she felt peace. AND I had a brand new copy of the same book that had the prayers in it to give to the daughter, so I did, and i told her to read about the prayer and to please share them with her mom often.
I want you to think about this for a moment, think about the family you love so much, think about sitting next to them and Noahing that they were going away and there was no running, no hiding...no going back. Her sister crying reminded me of my sisters, whom I can't even have in the same room at one time without a fight or someone leaving....or not showing up knowing the others would be there. I think about the love i have for each of them and how i work on it daily because i choose to love them for who they are.
Think about your Mom, if you were an only child can you imagine how spoiled you were? Like my Noah, can you imagine the love... can you imagine the only Mom you have getting ready to leave you... how many times did she reassure you that everything would be okay, but this time how can it possibly be without her?
This family has been on my mind, I will go back again before she goes home. I cry for a mother that can't find the words to give the peace her family needs right now.
Don't waste a minute, life is to precious...
Psalm 91
You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
Say to the LORD, "My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust."
God will rescue you from the fowler's snare, from the destroying plague,
Will shelter you with pinions, spread wings that you may take refuge; God's faithfulness is a protecting shield.
You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day,
Nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon.
Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it shall not come.
You need simply watch; the punishment of the wicked you will see.
You have the LORD for your refuge; you have made the Most High your stronghold.
No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent.
3 For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.
With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the asp and the viper, trample the lion and the dragon.
Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high.
All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor.
With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.
God Bless
I am not a minister, I am certainly not perfect, I am a sinner and I sin often... and I know this... My eyes are wide open to the choices I make, I accept people for who they are, I know the things I have done wrong and the things I have done right. But I also know, in the deepest part of my heart that my Jesus has had a plan for me since the very beginning, I have always completely trusted in him knowing that something great was coming. I just didn't realize that it would be on a daily basis. There is a moment, every day in each or our lives to be Jesus to someone... we need to learn to take it.
Yesterday I went with my BG to pray for a friends mother that is dying. We were supposed to meet some of our ACTS girls there but things happen, and it was just the two of us...and even though praying is not new to us...leading it for a family that is accompanying their loved one on the last stretch home is not something that either one of us thought we would be okay to do. She walked into my house and the first thing she said was 'Cathy can't come, Darren is sick'...and i knew that too...but I knew Alice would be there...no problem... so we scrambled searching through books and prayers and the bible trying to find the right things to do...just in case.. But Alice, sitting in the front of the nursing home, waiting to go in, i think all i could do was think about Alice driving into the parking lot... WILLING her to be there... i looked at Christina and said, if Alice isn't here by now, something has come up because i know she would not have forgotten... So... there we went, i picked a bible verse, we grabbed some prayers I knew were specifically written for a dying person... and we went. As Christina was reading from the bible, I was trying to glance at the prayers... the last time i had read them were to a dear friend that was going home much too soon but had battled Leukemia much too long... he needed rest. and then i remembered, that there were some parts of the prayers that this family my consider harsh, because that was my concern before that although I knew sometimes things can be said one way but knowing my loving God... he wanted us to face up... but if someone was in the baby steps of their faith journey, i did not want to offend them or hurt them or make them feel like i was sitting in judgement... so i changed some of the words, I said sick person instead of dying person, i asked for healing rather than forgiveness for all the wrongs she had done and sins she had commited against our God. But I was worried that I would seem like I was telling her 'your going, better fess up now or it won't be nice' because fear is awful but God is merciful and faith teaches us that.
God takes care of us, didn't i just say that? He spoke through Christina, I felt it just as surely as I did when Cathy, Pat or Alice led us...and the BG and I know that is a definite thumbs up. The prayers were perfect, the family felt loved and I truly hope she felt peace. AND I had a brand new copy of the same book that had the prayers in it to give to the daughter, so I did, and i told her to read about the prayer and to please share them with her mom often.
I want you to think about this for a moment, think about the family you love so much, think about sitting next to them and Noahing that they were going away and there was no running, no hiding...no going back. Her sister crying reminded me of my sisters, whom I can't even have in the same room at one time without a fight or someone leaving....or not showing up knowing the others would be there. I think about the love i have for each of them and how i work on it daily because i choose to love them for who they are.
Think about your Mom, if you were an only child can you imagine how spoiled you were? Like my Noah, can you imagine the love... can you imagine the only Mom you have getting ready to leave you... how many times did she reassure you that everything would be okay, but this time how can it possibly be without her?
This family has been on my mind, I will go back again before she goes home. I cry for a mother that can't find the words to give the peace her family needs right now.
Don't waste a minute, life is to precious...
Psalm 91
You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
Say to the LORD, "My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust."
God will rescue you from the fowler's snare, from the destroying plague,
Will shelter you with pinions, spread wings that you may take refuge; God's faithfulness is a protecting shield.
You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day,
Nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon.
Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it shall not come.
You need simply watch; the punishment of the wicked you will see.
You have the LORD for your refuge; you have made the Most High your stronghold.
No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent.
3 For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.
With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the asp and the viper, trample the lion and the dragon.
Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high.
All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor.
With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.
God Bless
Monday, October 19, 2009
I am seriously having a Monday…and it is actually painful… I just popped an Aleve, a Xanax and 4-B12’s so I can just muster up the energy to finish off this day. It was a tragedy from the get-go… I should have stayed in bed-SERIOUSLY…
You know, one thing I have had to deal with is the fact that although this blog is very therapeutic, I have to keep in mind, that I have opened up myself to people, the ones I know of I love dearly but really, anyone can read it and that is neat…but it does keep me in check and makes me hold back on details that might be a little much to share… SOMETIMES… but today is one of those days when I just need to let it all hang out and I am… SERIOUSLY
I am struggling to get back on the diet wagon… I am just frustrated and not feeling to good about myself and I know a lot of that has to do with feeling like I am losing control on that area of my life. The only person that can change that is me so I have to spank myself… I guess… but I have started walking at the track and I am really enjoying that… SOMETIMES
which leads me to this story…
Yesterday at church my son kept poking at me under my arm… I looked at him and he was smiling…but he kept on…I was kneeling and trying to pray… and he kept on when it hit me, he was playing with my fat! Just about the time I realized that, I glance at him and he looks at his arm, then goes back to flicking my fat with his finger… SERIOUSLY and when I tell him to stop and he doesn’t, because he doesn’t listen to me (which will lead to another story) I have to tell Johnny to tell him to stop because even though I know I can take my shoe off and throw it at him I think he has already caught the attention of the family sitting behind us and that would definitely attract more attention. So…now that I am totally NOT in the right frame of mind to pray I sit back down and look at him, he smiles…and flicks my chicken wing one more time – since daddy isn’t looking… so being the grown-up that I am, I reach over and pinch his stomach roll and smile back… SERIOUSLY
So, after church me and my fellow BG’s proceed to the nearest buffet to take out our frustrations on – and we beat the crap out of that buffet… can’t you just see us standing there telling it ‘who’s your momma’ we spent more on tokens than we did on food to get just a little bit of girl time… but we felt bad, and felt regret after we saw all the plates of food that we demolished… AND we decided to hit the track!
So…we all went home to change and meet at the track for some activity points – I am pretty sure we would have had to walk a couple of days straight to work off what we ate… when we got there, my son who won’t listen to me decides to throw the fit of all times because he wanted me to sit there and watch him play on the bleachers… did he NOT realize that he was one of the reasons I was determined to walk! so after crying, kicking, screaming and whining (him not me) I decided to drag him home and put him to bed to show him I was in charge and he would listen – so I only got one stressful lap in… and made him go to bed and of course I had to stay there with him and fell into a coma myself… UGH
So the guilt of not cleaning my house and taking a nap with all that food still working it’s way to my hips was weighing on me (no pun intended), when I wake up to hear shuffling in the kitchen, I could have sworn not even 5 minutes ago it was snoring. My husband is cleaning the cabinet out above the stove and has all the contents all over the place and tells me how gross it is. Only another woman can understand the hidden message we get… while you were sleeping instead of cleaning I had to get up and do something to this filthy house. Um, could you have proved your point in the restroom, where people actually SEE. I guess the foil was crying out for help and the lunch sacks just couldn’t bare another minute of suffering… SERIOUSLY….
So, if you enjoyed this little rant…smile…because you must be a woman! Every man reading this is rolling his eyes… and everyone woman is thinking ‘I hear you girl, I feel your pain’
Don’t get me started on today….
Serenity…Peace…Joy…NOW please
You know, one thing I have had to deal with is the fact that although this blog is very therapeutic, I have to keep in mind, that I have opened up myself to people, the ones I know of I love dearly but really, anyone can read it and that is neat…but it does keep me in check and makes me hold back on details that might be a little much to share… SOMETIMES… but today is one of those days when I just need to let it all hang out and I am… SERIOUSLY
I am struggling to get back on the diet wagon… I am just frustrated and not feeling to good about myself and I know a lot of that has to do with feeling like I am losing control on that area of my life. The only person that can change that is me so I have to spank myself… I guess… but I have started walking at the track and I am really enjoying that… SOMETIMES
which leads me to this story…
Yesterday at church my son kept poking at me under my arm… I looked at him and he was smiling…but he kept on…I was kneeling and trying to pray… and he kept on when it hit me, he was playing with my fat! Just about the time I realized that, I glance at him and he looks at his arm, then goes back to flicking my fat with his finger… SERIOUSLY and when I tell him to stop and he doesn’t, because he doesn’t listen to me (which will lead to another story) I have to tell Johnny to tell him to stop because even though I know I can take my shoe off and throw it at him I think he has already caught the attention of the family sitting behind us and that would definitely attract more attention. So…now that I am totally NOT in the right frame of mind to pray I sit back down and look at him, he smiles…and flicks my chicken wing one more time – since daddy isn’t looking… so being the grown-up that I am, I reach over and pinch his stomach roll and smile back… SERIOUSLY
So, after church me and my fellow BG’s proceed to the nearest buffet to take out our frustrations on – and we beat the crap out of that buffet… can’t you just see us standing there telling it ‘who’s your momma’ we spent more on tokens than we did on food to get just a little bit of girl time… but we felt bad, and felt regret after we saw all the plates of food that we demolished… AND we decided to hit the track!
So…we all went home to change and meet at the track for some activity points – I am pretty sure we would have had to walk a couple of days straight to work off what we ate… when we got there, my son who won’t listen to me decides to throw the fit of all times because he wanted me to sit there and watch him play on the bleachers… did he NOT realize that he was one of the reasons I was determined to walk! so after crying, kicking, screaming and whining (him not me) I decided to drag him home and put him to bed to show him I was in charge and he would listen – so I only got one stressful lap in… and made him go to bed and of course I had to stay there with him and fell into a coma myself… UGH
So the guilt of not cleaning my house and taking a nap with all that food still working it’s way to my hips was weighing on me (no pun intended), when I wake up to hear shuffling in the kitchen, I could have sworn not even 5 minutes ago it was snoring. My husband is cleaning the cabinet out above the stove and has all the contents all over the place and tells me how gross it is. Only another woman can understand the hidden message we get… while you were sleeping instead of cleaning I had to get up and do something to this filthy house. Um, could you have proved your point in the restroom, where people actually SEE. I guess the foil was crying out for help and the lunch sacks just couldn’t bare another minute of suffering… SERIOUSLY….
So, if you enjoyed this little rant…smile…because you must be a woman! Every man reading this is rolling his eyes… and everyone woman is thinking ‘I hear you girl, I feel your pain’
Don’t get me started on today….
Serenity…Peace…Joy…NOW please
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Viva La Hump Day!
Okay, so I am surprisingly wide awake at this hour when I should be sound asleep... It has been a busy week again. I say that a lot don't I? Noah started flag football and he loves it, this is his second year and ... I don't know if I should say it because I might jinx myself, but maybe, just maybe I will have a football player! Oh how God loves me if I do! I even walked 3 laps around the field while he practiced, I am totally sure it was like...what 10 miles or something like that. I am trying so hard to be a good girl but tonight, some brownies attacked me, pinned me to the floor in my kitchen and jumped down my throat, they almost got stuck so I had to drink some milk! What was I thinking the night before I weigh in? Oh well, such as life... I will be totally regretting it tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Never Lost
Last week was a hard week getting out of bed every morning, my body wanted more rest. It was a challenge every morning to drag myself out of bed because my boys will sleep until I get up, so if mama runs late, the whole family runs late.
I walked to the closet, stood there with blurry eyes and thought to myself…’Taco’ definitely a taco day…and I sure wish Chrystal Pistol my co-worker would call and ask if I wanted one, in fact…I had a feeling she would. Not ten seconds later, my phone rings and I knew it was her, and it was! I know, sounds crazy…but true. It added a little pep to my step knowing that taco would be waiting for me when I got to work and I actually felt blessed because I knew God had thrown me a little sunshine in the rain. BUT, my God has a sense of humor, and he uses it quite often to give me little reminders like today. I got my boys going, packed lunches even and headed off to work and JUST as I am pulling in the front gate my phone rings, it is Chrystal, she locked herself out of her car and if I was on my way could she hop in and get a ride to the dealership to get a key they were already making for her. How could I say no, afterall, she did bring my taco… Well, you see it was pouring rain and I didn’t mind at all because it is hard to want to be at work when the weather makes you want to curl up in your bed at home. It was then that I learned the REAL problem, our nice, hot, fresh tacos…were locked safely in her car too! And even though her brand new car had On-Star…she had not activated it! But it’s okay, because she had worked around it without having to tell her husband that she had locked herself, and both sets of keys, and our tacos…in her car…and that nice little extra feature that could have quickly saved her, hadn’t been activated.
That On-star is a handy thing, one call and they can unlock your car, bring you fuel, send help… just one call! Sounds a lot like my Jesus, always there, always ready to help…give you just that extra little push, console, heal, hold, help…all in one little call. Never-lost, just like that On-star, we may lose our way, but we are NEVER LOST from HIM. If you have ever used one of these devices, even when you take the wrong turn (which brings us back to Chrystal, because she didn’t think our On-star was right on a business trip to Conneticut…like she has been there so many times) she decided to take what she felt was the right way, and it took us off of the right path, but never failing, it tells us ‘recalculating’ and adjusts the route to get us back on track. Isn’t that just like God, we may stray, we may make wrong choices or bad decisions…but all we need to do is put ourselves back in his hands and he gets us back on the right track. Never Lost, never forgotten. One of the best things about that On-star is that even when you take the wrong turn, it just fixes it, it doesn’t tell you “what were you thinking” (that was my job), it doesn’t get mad at you or roll it’s eyes (again…my job J), it just tells you what to do to get back on track. Isn’t God the same, we can do some pretty crappy things to ourselves, to others, make really really bad decisions and if we call out to him, he will just stand there with his arms open welcoming us home… He loved us enough to send his son to die for our sins knowing full well that we would continue to sin… WOW, that is love!
Which brings me to another little gift, the most beautiful song I have ever heard, it has been on my mind since I heard it last week, I called Cathy right away and made her listen to it and she didn’t know it, I could just hear my Chachito and Vinnie playing it, I wanted it for my birthday! Absolutely beautiful song, just made my heart fill up with God’s love, which is what it is about. This morning God reminded me to share that song of his infinitie love with all my lovies that read my blog, so google it if you can and listen… and remember how much he loves you..and me too. The lyrics are below, the band is the David Crowder band (soon to be the Cha Diaz and Vinnie the man band newest song) I love it, and I know you will, it is brand new and let it open up your heart to feel all the love you deserve!
So moral of the story, activate your On-star (God), he’s free and you will never be lost! (and you won’t have to pay $45 to get your taco out either).
Peace in Him!
He Loves Us…David Crowder Band
He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane,
I am a tree, Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.
And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all
He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
And we are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If his grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way…
He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves
I walked to the closet, stood there with blurry eyes and thought to myself…’Taco’ definitely a taco day…and I sure wish Chrystal Pistol my co-worker would call and ask if I wanted one, in fact…I had a feeling she would. Not ten seconds later, my phone rings and I knew it was her, and it was! I know, sounds crazy…but true. It added a little pep to my step knowing that taco would be waiting for me when I got to work and I actually felt blessed because I knew God had thrown me a little sunshine in the rain. BUT, my God has a sense of humor, and he uses it quite often to give me little reminders like today. I got my boys going, packed lunches even and headed off to work and JUST as I am pulling in the front gate my phone rings, it is Chrystal, she locked herself out of her car and if I was on my way could she hop in and get a ride to the dealership to get a key they were already making for her. How could I say no, afterall, she did bring my taco… Well, you see it was pouring rain and I didn’t mind at all because it is hard to want to be at work when the weather makes you want to curl up in your bed at home. It was then that I learned the REAL problem, our nice, hot, fresh tacos…were locked safely in her car too! And even though her brand new car had On-Star…she had not activated it! But it’s okay, because she had worked around it without having to tell her husband that she had locked herself, and both sets of keys, and our tacos…in her car…and that nice little extra feature that could have quickly saved her, hadn’t been activated.
That On-star is a handy thing, one call and they can unlock your car, bring you fuel, send help… just one call! Sounds a lot like my Jesus, always there, always ready to help…give you just that extra little push, console, heal, hold, help…all in one little call. Never-lost, just like that On-star, we may lose our way, but we are NEVER LOST from HIM. If you have ever used one of these devices, even when you take the wrong turn (which brings us back to Chrystal, because she didn’t think our On-star was right on a business trip to Conneticut…like she has been there so many times) she decided to take what she felt was the right way, and it took us off of the right path, but never failing, it tells us ‘recalculating’ and adjusts the route to get us back on track. Isn’t that just like God, we may stray, we may make wrong choices or bad decisions…but all we need to do is put ourselves back in his hands and he gets us back on the right track. Never Lost, never forgotten. One of the best things about that On-star is that even when you take the wrong turn, it just fixes it, it doesn’t tell you “what were you thinking” (that was my job), it doesn’t get mad at you or roll it’s eyes (again…my job J), it just tells you what to do to get back on track. Isn’t God the same, we can do some pretty crappy things to ourselves, to others, make really really bad decisions and if we call out to him, he will just stand there with his arms open welcoming us home… He loved us enough to send his son to die for our sins knowing full well that we would continue to sin… WOW, that is love!
Which brings me to another little gift, the most beautiful song I have ever heard, it has been on my mind since I heard it last week, I called Cathy right away and made her listen to it and she didn’t know it, I could just hear my Chachito and Vinnie playing it, I wanted it for my birthday! Absolutely beautiful song, just made my heart fill up with God’s love, which is what it is about. This morning God reminded me to share that song of his infinitie love with all my lovies that read my blog, so google it if you can and listen… and remember how much he loves you..and me too. The lyrics are below, the band is the David Crowder band (soon to be the Cha Diaz and Vinnie the man band newest song) I love it, and I know you will, it is brand new and let it open up your heart to feel all the love you deserve!
So moral of the story, activate your On-star (God), he’s free and you will never be lost! (and you won’t have to pay $45 to get your taco out either).
Peace in Him!
He Loves Us…David Crowder Band
He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane,
I am a tree, Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.
And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all
He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
And we are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If his grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way…
He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves
Monday, October 12, 2009
Big Girls Don't Cry
Well, today is day two of my big girl bra. Yes, I will admit…I am a sports bra-aholic, and my girlfriends are determined to reform me. Now come on, before everyone gives me a hard time again…they are comfortable, I mean, isn’t comfort important? When did we all give in to wearing these things that pulled them up, pushed them together and then had wire attached to torture any part that dared tried to escape? I guess trying to make everyone else switch over didn’t catch on so I caved in… WAAAHHH! I have been looking for months, no lie, for one to start off with… I mean, you gotta give me a little space, switching the girls from ‘young wild and free’ to ‘strike a pose’ is quite a shock in itself so I had to ease them into it by finding one that was at least ‘semi’ comfy. Good grief, I never realized what a challenge it would be…and odds were not in my favor, small and wide is not, hummm, how do I put it, a popular thing… J Let me tell you, there are some cup sizes that are crazy, I didn’t realize some of those girls lived that far at the end of the alphabet. The other challenge is with trying to lose weight, I don’t want to spend a fortune on them because hopefully I won’t be using that size for too long… Now, the shock of being able to buy my most favorite sports bra from Wally World for a mere $6.74 was something I used to feel I could brag about, especially since I was the only girl out of all my sisters that has small ones (at least compared to theirs), I am a C cup but DD’s were considered flat chested until I came along. I consider it a blessing because their bra’s are an investment. I still swear it is because I always slept on my stomach and they just never had a chance to grow but that would contradict the reasoning for why my rolls didn’t stop growing, hummm, gotta give that some thought… Anyway, I am having a really hard time pay so much money for a big girl bra, am I paying that much extra for the underwire? Is it sterling silver? Is the cushioning a special blend? Is the satiny look spun by special weavers in some 3rd world country? jeez, you pay that much money and okay, if you are single, I can see that MAYBE you might need to put out a little more money on them, but when you are married, my husband could care less what is holding them up, in or even how they feel. I wore my new one for the first time to church yesterday and made sure all my girlfriends, at least the four that sat in the same pew as me, knew that I had my big girl bra on. It really took everything in me not to pull up my shirt and show it to them! If you understood the kind of friendship I had with all these girlies you would totally understand that this is not out of the ordinary for us. They were proud, I was proud…and deep down I felt a little more grown up, like I was wearing my first training bra. So, another milestone has been accomplished in my life, I have a black silky underwire big girl bra… And I wore it all day, and was reminded by all my friends to keep wearing it… and as I sat on the toilet, which is my ritual before I take my shower at night, my son comes running into my restroom with my bra in his hands and asks me with every ounce of seriousness, ‘mommy, can I play with this?’ and I tell him to put that back it belongs to me and NO he can’t play with it… God only knows what he had planned on doing with it… and in the back of my mind I thought of many many MANY years ahead when I could use that story to torture him, just like that bra tortured me today…
Friday, October 9, 2009
Yippee for Friday!
It is cold and rainy outside, perfect stay home weather. I feel so relaxed bing here at home all of us just relaxing in our PJ's. We had planned on heading to the coast this weekend but this weather was God's way of telling us to stay home tucked and I am glad, no football game tonight... Noah has meet the coach for flag football tomorrow but I am pretty sure we'll skip that too and just stay chillin' like villans here at the house.
Well, we officially have a new dog, his name is Bones. Bones is a miniature dachsund...I am sure I spelled that wrong but anyway, he is an older dog and supposed to be housebroken... but, um...kinda like he has already relieved himself twice in our bedroom and once in Noah's... here we go again! Johnny is trying not to like him, I think he is really missing Gino, all of us are...but bones is a good dog and overall, i like him. Noah keeps talking about Gino but he is enjoying Bones so we are off to a good start.
My banana cake was a hit... that damn cake took about 3 hours to make but it was pretty scrumptious. I don't know what has been my baking kick lately but I have been a baking fool... so call me if you want something special, I make it from Scratch... that's it, i have an itch! I already did pecan pies..for the first time and they were awesome and then i did banana bread... now the cake... Look out Betty Crocker, I'm coming after you! Doe told me I should enter it into the fair, I hadn't thought about ever doing anything like that, I feel so country even thinking about it... 'My legs are sweatin' Ma' I'm thinkin i might just mosey on down to the county fair and put my dessert in that there contest and just might win me sumthin... watcha think?
Well, we officially have a new dog, his name is Bones. Bones is a miniature dachsund...I am sure I spelled that wrong but anyway, he is an older dog and supposed to be housebroken... but, um...kinda like he has already relieved himself twice in our bedroom and once in Noah's... here we go again! Johnny is trying not to like him, I think he is really missing Gino, all of us are...but bones is a good dog and overall, i like him. Noah keeps talking about Gino but he is enjoying Bones so we are off to a good start.
My banana cake was a hit... that damn cake took about 3 hours to make but it was pretty scrumptious. I don't know what has been my baking kick lately but I have been a baking fool... so call me if you want something special, I make it from Scratch... that's it, i have an itch! I already did pecan pies..for the first time and they were awesome and then i did banana bread... now the cake... Look out Betty Crocker, I'm coming after you! Doe told me I should enter it into the fair, I hadn't thought about ever doing anything like that, I feel so country even thinking about it... 'My legs are sweatin' Ma' I'm thinkin i might just mosey on down to the county fair and put my dessert in that there contest and just might win me sumthin... watcha think?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
sniff sniff
Tonight I went for a quick walk with Noah and the momo, just when we were a block from the house my son stopped dead in his tracks, there was a lady outside with a little black dog that looked just like Gino, I looked down at Noah and his eyes were welling up with tears, broke my heart. Momo told him "it's okay baby, Momo is going to find you another dog even if she has too buy it" and my son looks at her and says... "okay momo, either a dog or a lady bug, I like lady bugs" I'm rooting for the lady bug, they have got to be easier to house train....
Well last week was such a bad week I swore this week was going to be better, I was tired, worn out and had a knot in my back that was killing me… I am not going to lie, I was pretty grouchy… I need to snap out of this funk because the holidays are comin!!! I have to get stuff organized and get ready… We have been sad all week because Gino our dog got run over on Monday morning… I think we cried all day Monday and it broke our hearts to have to tell Noah, we told him someone stole him because I just felt like the whole death thing was too much. He still talks about Ernie and always tells us he misses him and that he loves Jesus but he doesn’t want him to take me or dada to heaven. I know it may not have been the right way to handle it but it is what we felt we needed to do. He has been sad off and on but he will be fine, Johnny and I know we will have to get him another dog, but we are going to take our time and find one that will fit in well with our family, no hair shedding, small, an older dog – pups are too hard to train – and house trained… We’re not asking for much right? Physically I am so exhausted, I feel like I am even having trouble keeping my eyes open, we don’t have any plans this weekend other than football on Friday so I think we’ll be able to catch up on some much needed rest. I am still trying to get ready for a garage sale I am having for Mom and Johnny’s mom the weekend of the 23rd and I know they aren’t going to have much stuff so I am cleaning house and going through everything, I need to get rid of Noah’s toys to get ready for Christmas and then his birthday… it will be here before I know it. The diet is going…ummm..alright, I need to get a little umph in attitude and stay on track, I haven’t walked in a week and I actually miss it. I got the Zumba workout DVD’s and it is very sad, that I was out of breath from the instructional video that showed you the moves! WAAAHHHH… jeez, I remember when I used to do jazzercise all the time. I have lost 43 lbs, had a little bitty set back a few weeks ago and gained… damn those funnel cakes to *!@# …. oh well, don’t ask me if it was worth it because I will tell you it sure was!
Noah is all set with his costume for Halloween, that is one thing I HAVE to get early, I don’t care if I pay double the price ordering it on the internet my baby is always going to have a good costume for Halloween. Growing up we didn’t have that, I can remember my sister Doe trying to put a costume together for me to wear to school…I was almost always a gypsy because that was what was easy to put together from what we had…what kid wants to be a gypsy or even knows what that is? We were the kids that IF we got a costume, we were rummaging through what was left at Handy Andy after school on Halloween night… so, Noah is going to be Snake Eyes, the deluxe edition with built in muscles, a sword and the GI Joe bucket to match, the gloves were too big so I am making him gloves… so, out of childhood trauma comes change, a kid with an AWESOME costume – he even thinks I ordered it straight from GI Joe headquarters…
Noah is all set with his costume for Halloween, that is one thing I HAVE to get early, I don’t care if I pay double the price ordering it on the internet my baby is always going to have a good costume for Halloween. Growing up we didn’t have that, I can remember my sister Doe trying to put a costume together for me to wear to school…I was almost always a gypsy because that was what was easy to put together from what we had…what kid wants to be a gypsy or even knows what that is? We were the kids that IF we got a costume, we were rummaging through what was left at Handy Andy after school on Halloween night… so, Noah is going to be Snake Eyes, the deluxe edition with built in muscles, a sword and the GI Joe bucket to match, the gloves were too big so I am making him gloves… so, out of childhood trauma comes change, a kid with an AWESOME costume – he even thinks I ordered it straight from GI Joe headquarters…
Sunday, October 4, 2009
rain rain..DON'T go away!
We have been in Houston this weekend for baby Dominic's christening...Krissy was so happy that it really was beautiful. She was so nervous, made me think back to Noah's baptism, I was a nervous wreck and right when we were getting ready to go up to the alter he took a poop! Luckily Dominic did great, he was asleep at first and then I saw his little head pop up and I thought 'oh no' but he didn't make a peep.... precious baby, I'll have to post some pics. I am sleepy because Johnny, Noah and I slept on a full size bed (keep your comments to yourself), needless to say I could use a nap... we stopped by to visit Momo's brother and then we are headed back to Seguin to get ready for the week.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Take time
When your life is busy the feeling that you don’t finish any one thing can be very frustrating. I feel like everything at my house is waiting to be finished… I started to re-decorate the restroom, but haven’t finished it. I started to sort through Noah’s toys but have not finished. I started to organize our clothes but haven’t finished. See where I am going here? So, because I feel like I need to start and complete something, I decided to get myself back into reading books, I always say I don’t have time for this and that but I decided I would make time to read and FINISH the book. I used to love reading, I could finish a whole book in a day… and there is nothing like reading a good book, when you are done you feel like you are coming back from a little get-away. I started with the book Twilight, that my friend Sonya lent me…I had seen the movie and fell in love with Edward so I thought, let’s try the book…and I fell in love again. OOooOooh Edward, you make me want to be a vampire! Ha ha ha I totally think I would have forced him to bite me! LOL I just finished My Sisters Keeper, I haven’t seen the movie but the book was great…good enough to choose another book by the same author to start. I know if my husband is reading this he is probably thinking I could take all this energy and put it into finishing one of my projects… NOT… I have only one thing to say about that ‘yardwork’… case closed…
Sometimes our family sounds annoyed when they tell us that we are never home or that we need to stay home. But I can’t, we can’t…there is so much to do and see and now especially with Noah..I want to do EVERYTHING. I know it sounds crazy and I am sure I over do it but starting October, there just aren’t enough weekends! We have to do the whole Sea-world Halloween thing, and now he wants to go to Fiesta Texas too, gotta do Zoo-Boo, the Corn Maze and pumpkin patch. November Santa’s Ranch opens, gotta do the whole Sea-world thing again and now I have to squeeze in Dinosaurs and I just found out the Lion King will be at the Majestic and I bought us the Spurs 5-pack so we have 5 games to go to from Thanksgiving to New Years. I enjoy our life, and I want Noah to enjoy it too…to see as much as we can and enjoy doing things together. I love making sure that we have things to do that I know that we will all enjoy and I am lucky to have a husband that just goes with the flow. We will be heading to Houston this weekend for baby Dominic’s dedication at church, next week-end we are heading to the coast and hope to catch the Rockport Festival…and I want to definitely go to Church Sunday at the little chapel on the island…I love it. Noah can’t wait to go to the beach…me either… And I love that my honey is just happy seeing us happy, can’t ask for much more than that.
Sometimes our family sounds annoyed when they tell us that we are never home or that we need to stay home. But I can’t, we can’t…there is so much to do and see and now especially with Noah..I want to do EVERYTHING. I know it sounds crazy and I am sure I over do it but starting October, there just aren’t enough weekends! We have to do the whole Sea-world Halloween thing, and now he wants to go to Fiesta Texas too, gotta do Zoo-Boo, the Corn Maze and pumpkin patch. November Santa’s Ranch opens, gotta do the whole Sea-world thing again and now I have to squeeze in Dinosaurs and I just found out the Lion King will be at the Majestic and I bought us the Spurs 5-pack so we have 5 games to go to from Thanksgiving to New Years. I enjoy our life, and I want Noah to enjoy it too…to see as much as we can and enjoy doing things together. I love making sure that we have things to do that I know that we will all enjoy and I am lucky to have a husband that just goes with the flow. We will be heading to Houston this weekend for baby Dominic’s dedication at church, next week-end we are heading to the coast and hope to catch the Rockport Festival…and I want to definitely go to Church Sunday at the little chapel on the island…I love it. Noah can’t wait to go to the beach…me either… And I love that my honey is just happy seeing us happy, can’t ask for much more than that.
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