Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well, the Sauceda family just couldn't stand to make this just another Thanksgiving, we had to make it one to remember... so, my son decided to break his first bone! UGH! My poor baby broke his wrist... and THAT is how my week started off. It was already a weird week because my boss officially retired last Friday and now I answer to my 'big' boss who offices in South Carolina. It shouldn't be anything new to me because there have been periods in my working career that I have been completely alone in a building for months, but it was our own portable building... now we are in a real building with lots of people and it is weird but I almost feel like we don't have anyone looking out for us, kinda like we are in a fishbowl....
I am more aware of how they look at our area and to start off the week having to call in because Noah broke his wrist...not good. But, such is life. My son was NOT happy that I even went to work and left him at the Momo's house in the first place. I am scheduled for vacation next week so I HAD to go in, I am already far behind and this wasn't helping...
We have kept Noah home from school because they only put his arm on a splint with a wrap around it, the break was just a smidge from being clear through (seriously, I wanted to throw up looking at the X-ray, i felt horrible because it had happened the night before and Johnny thought it was just a sprain) and then there is a small piece of the bone where the break started that kind of chipped and turned... ugh... and they won't put a cast on it until the Ortho Dr. x-ray's it again to make sure it is setting and healing correctly.. and if it isn't, they will have to do surgery... I really don't want to think about that. I am totally freaking trying to keep a 4 year old from jumping around and banging the arm and finishing off that break. I am really really sad because he will miss his last football game too.....
I know I am going to gain 15 lbs. this week because I have been eating everything in sight just because of stress... in fact, i just scarfed down two pieces of cinnamon toast... oooopsy...
I'll post a pic of Noah with his 'soft' cast... he is torturing me with that broken wrist I just don't want him to fall on it... That is his newest excuse for trying to get out of bath time...the water 'hurts' it... whatever.... How can you gripe at a kid with a broken wrist? Not to mention his Aunties and Grandma's are treating him like a piece of fragile china... that boy is totally rotten...
Life is good, God is good and I am so ready for Turkey day! I am so very grateful for the people at the hospital that were good to my baby and let a big girl cry because she felt bad. I am even more grateful for a family that loves my little boy so much they have been spoiling him rotten...
I am more aware of how they look at our area and to start off the week having to call in because Noah broke his wrist...not good. But, such is life. My son was NOT happy that I even went to work and left him at the Momo's house in the first place. I am scheduled for vacation next week so I HAD to go in, I am already far behind and this wasn't helping...
We have kept Noah home from school because they only put his arm on a splint with a wrap around it, the break was just a smidge from being clear through (seriously, I wanted to throw up looking at the X-ray, i felt horrible because it had happened the night before and Johnny thought it was just a sprain) and then there is a small piece of the bone where the break started that kind of chipped and turned... ugh... and they won't put a cast on it until the Ortho Dr. x-ray's it again to make sure it is setting and healing correctly.. and if it isn't, they will have to do surgery... I really don't want to think about that. I am totally freaking trying to keep a 4 year old from jumping around and banging the arm and finishing off that break. I am really really sad because he will miss his last football game too.....
I know I am going to gain 15 lbs. this week because I have been eating everything in sight just because of stress... in fact, i just scarfed down two pieces of cinnamon toast... oooopsy...
I'll post a pic of Noah with his 'soft' cast... he is torturing me with that broken wrist I just don't want him to fall on it... That is his newest excuse for trying to get out of bath time...the water 'hurts' it... whatever.... How can you gripe at a kid with a broken wrist? Not to mention his Aunties and Grandma's are treating him like a piece of fragile china... that boy is totally rotten...
Life is good, God is good and I am so ready for Turkey day! I am so very grateful for the people at the hospital that were good to my baby and let a big girl cry because she felt bad. I am even more grateful for a family that loves my little boy so much they have been spoiling him rotten...
Friday, November 13, 2009
The week in review....

Okay, so I bit off a little more than I can chew with the whole “week in my life” theme… I guess that is a true testament to the fact that I am a busy busy bee! If I lost my calendar I would be in really big trouble… I literally have to note everything I have to do… or I will forget (did I mention I forgot to pay my electric bill…) Johnny is on team for the next men’s ACTS retreat at church and his meetings will be every Tuesday until the retreat in mid-February, this past Tuesday was his first meeting, and I am sure he will have plenty of projects to throw at me… I missed Noah’s book order that was due Tuesday… I can’t remember why? Noah had flag football practice that day, I walked my mile and a half…thank you very much! and I know I did something else that I can’t remember either…. Noah informed me that Kyle can fart 100 times a day… apparently that is the new ‘cool’ thing with the 4k boys… lovely… He has given me a hard time EVERY day about going to school, I have turned into the pushover Mom I didn’t want to be… he’s so darn cute though! We made it through a trip to HEB and Dollar General with no new toy… I even had the momo with me at HEB and she didn’t cave in either. No tears, just whining…cause don’t you know I am a mean momma…LOL I returned 3 redbox DVD’s for a grand total of… sit down, too much money… I can’t put it down b/c if Johnny reads this he will remind me all the time… let’s just say, I won’t let it happen again. I went with Noah on his class field trip to the corn maze in Hondo… it was a really neat place… but… we got stuck with 12 kids in our group… that’s right, 12 four year olds with 3 mom’s that took a day off of work for THIS! jeez… It was neat, okay I was stressed in the actual maze because it wasn’t something a 4 year old would consider fun walking through a maze with a riddle to get us to each point… and I was right there with them… I could have done without that part, just a little too much stress… not to mention that all they had there were port a potties…. ya, with 4 year olds… yikes… I am not a germ freak but between that and runny noses… I was pretty stressed… And I was trying to stop diet sodas that day also… ya, that didn’t work, as soon as we got done with everything and got all the kids cleaned, juice boxes punched, chips opened and eating… I headed straight to the snack bar and bought two ice cold diet dr. peppers…. it was a long day, and I knew it would be when the teacher gave me my group and said, this little’s one’s name is Billy, watch him because he likes to hit…. great…. I am going to spend this weekend cleaning my house for next week and getting noah’s snacks ready, I am in charge of room snacks for next week and of course I have to bake… cute little pumpkin cakes to be exact… It will be a nice quite weekend I hope and I will take it easy as much as possible and get my house ready for the Thanksgiving week… can’t wait!
Here is my son's 4K group picture at the corn maze...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A week in the life...
Okay, if you think you are the only person person that is overwhelmed...overworked and feel underappreciated...your wrong... We have all been there and some of us live there ALL the time. But…life is short so we can complain and whine or get on with living it … right? So, in honor of the special people in my life, I am inviting you to spend a week in my life, starting with the evening before and the day of…
And the story begins…
Monday evening
Doctor’s appointment, so I start my evening early …because evening to me is when I leave work… Only problem, I can’t remember why I have a doctor’s appointment? I am sure I am not seriously ill…but it is on my calendar and my ear has been hurting all weekend anyway so I go… also because I can’t cancel or my doctor will surely send me a nasty letter telling me to find someone else to cancel appointments on and I have a balance I need to pay anyway soo…. I go… the lovely nurse asks if I went in for my lab work b/c they can’t find the results… THAT’S why I had an appt., follow-up on labwork… which of course, I forgot to go in for… he he he… so I told her about my ear and she said… alright, come on… gotta love an easy visit… unfortunately my doctor told me my ear canal looked fine and to go easy on the Q-tips… how did she know? See… THAT’s why I love my doctor, she has ESP… that and she gives me xanax… ANYTHING ELSE, yes… I have lost 54 lbs… she is so impressed… and I have started walking and my body hurts… can I get something for pain? LOL she tells me to take magnesium, which helps with aches but can cause loose stools so I have to play with the dosage… walking and loose stools… WOW…
Picking up Noah… Mommy, your late… actually I am early… where is your pillow and blanket I sent with you for naptime, it’s not in your cubby (I freak out with the whole cross contamination thingy and was imagining my sons blanket in a pile of dust and other peoples mats on the floor on the corner) Teacher wouldn’t let me keep it so Daddy took it with him… WHAT! OOOooh no, here I am trying to comfort my son who hates nap time and I send stuff from home and then he can’t have it… Why did she send it home Noah… because naptime is too short mama… Should have known…
So I debated on whether or not to tell the Momo I had to go to HEB, b/c that meant I would have to pick up her AND Hector and take them and would add more time and stress on my trip… but, hello…I had to take Noah so how much worse could it get…
..little did I know…. (to be continued)
And the story begins…
Monday evening
Doctor’s appointment, so I start my evening early …because evening to me is when I leave work… Only problem, I can’t remember why I have a doctor’s appointment? I am sure I am not seriously ill…but it is on my calendar and my ear has been hurting all weekend anyway so I go… also because I can’t cancel or my doctor will surely send me a nasty letter telling me to find someone else to cancel appointments on and I have a balance I need to pay anyway soo…. I go… the lovely nurse asks if I went in for my lab work b/c they can’t find the results… THAT’S why I had an appt., follow-up on labwork… which of course, I forgot to go in for… he he he… so I told her about my ear and she said… alright, come on… gotta love an easy visit… unfortunately my doctor told me my ear canal looked fine and to go easy on the Q-tips… how did she know? See… THAT’s why I love my doctor, she has ESP… that and she gives me xanax… ANYTHING ELSE, yes… I have lost 54 lbs… she is so impressed… and I have started walking and my body hurts… can I get something for pain? LOL she tells me to take magnesium, which helps with aches but can cause loose stools so I have to play with the dosage… walking and loose stools… WOW…
Picking up Noah… Mommy, your late… actually I am early… where is your pillow and blanket I sent with you for naptime, it’s not in your cubby (I freak out with the whole cross contamination thingy and was imagining my sons blanket in a pile of dust and other peoples mats on the floor on the corner) Teacher wouldn’t let me keep it so Daddy took it with him… WHAT! OOOooh no, here I am trying to comfort my son who hates nap time and I send stuff from home and then he can’t have it… Why did she send it home Noah… because naptime is too short mama… Should have known…
So I debated on whether or not to tell the Momo I had to go to HEB, b/c that meant I would have to pick up her AND Hector and take them and would add more time and stress on my trip… but, hello…I had to take Noah so how much worse could it get…
..little did I know…. (to be continued)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Today is Johnny and I's 6th wedding anniversary... Six years sure has gone by fast. Here is a picture of Noah holding our wedding bands this morning... Love that boy...
They look so big in his little hand...

The kiss, I am pretty sure my husband was trying not to laugh during this 'staged' kiss... Please not the perfectly waxed eyebrows... haven't looked as good since...
And this... is the traditional big Catholic wedding party... that's right, we had to have that many so it would make us look tiny LOL... seriously, we had a great group, all my nieces, Johnny's cousins and our friends... And you can't see it to appreciate it, but Funkweda (Patty) my maid of honor... who pretty much got her tail chewed by me all day (good thing she loves me) got her dress a size and a half too small...that's what she gets for waiting to long to get fitted... she looked great, she just couldn't sit down at all or she would slide off the chair... And she got an F right away... we couldn't figure out why i kept stepping on my dress... kinda like i wore my skirt (two piece) backwards the whole entire day... yup... she won't live that down...not to mention i am sure everyone at the church saw my tennis that were supposed to be hidden... that witch!
They look so big in his little hand...

The kiss, I am pretty sure my husband was trying not to laugh during this 'staged' kiss... Please not the perfectly waxed eyebrows... haven't looked as good since...

Monday, November 2, 2009
Girls Night out
We went out for Cathy's Bday a couple of weekends ago, the boys had taken off camping AGAIN so we went out too. Which, is a MIRACLE for me because I am seriously not a partier, not that we got wild or anything like that... but I am a movie and dinner kinda gal... not to exciting... but I did so good, even stayed out til 1:30 which is pretty amazing even for me!

This is cathy in her bday get-up that Heather got for her, can't you just see that smile... "who's the pretty girl...huh...?"

This is with her present from Sonya, she calls Sonya helmet so she bought cathy her own helmet, it had her name on the front and on the back it said "Jesus loves me" too funny!
She is ready for the roller derby!
Another creation

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