Wednesday, March 31, 2010
and by the way...
Noah had his first after school playdate yesterday, he went home with his friend Ethan (my Godson), they also live down the street from us. It was the first time I let him go home with a friend from school and I was a little nervous just because it was a ‘first’. My baby is getting so big! He is such a Momma’s boy, he fights with me like crazy but the minute I walk away he can’t stand it… He has another T-ball game tonight, I will likely have to take a few xanax to keep myself calm… pray that I stay away from the concession stand, I love their popcorn… And I am totally stressing trying to keep his dang uniform together, I found one sock day before yesterday, mom put it somewhere and I have no idea where, so then I find the other one I was missing this morning… so I send my sister with mom to 4 different stores to get another pair of hunter green socks today and at their last stop Mom tells her the sock she moved is in the ‘unmatched’ sock basket on my dryer… she just remembered… Noah starts Karate tomorrow, and I have church the next three nights in a row because I am Chocho’s sponsor…good grief, I am going to have to take my pillow… I am sure I will behave horribly… and I need to get all my stuff ready so that I am not rushed on Easter… Just another busy day in the hood… ya, and I totally still have spray paint on my arms from painting the boys baskets (yes I use soap)…
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Why God Made Moms
The fall...
Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time
Father, thanks for loving us when we’re down, even more than our mothers and fathers did when they picked us up and kissed us after we had fallen. Help us not to expect ourselves to be perfect. Help us live with our faults while we try to do better and love others when they’re down so they can do better.
When Noah comes to me crying because he hurt himself or falls, whatever the injury… I pull him close to me and I can feel the pain in me wanting to take it from him, holding him tight, consoling him and kissing him… This child has made me see things so many times in a different light, because I realize because of him the love my heavenly father has for me… I can think of the times that I was down, feeling sorry for myself, hurt, sick… and to imagine my God holding me so tight like I do Noah and wanting so badly to make everything okay… it really takes my breath away. What a wonderful way to realize the awesome power of God’s love….
+++++Now… on to the diet front, okay, so because of so much going on I have missed my last 3 weight watcher meetings, it truly was unavoidable, I am not making excuses, two field trips, in class one week and this week we have a mandatory meeting at work! So it will be a whole month! I haven’t been doing good, but I haven’t been doing that bad… is that possible? So anyway, after my breakfast this morning I remembered I wanted to weigh myself in the clinic at work to see where I stood, they have a scale like the one they use at weightwatchers, it tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. (yikes) so I got on and it didn’t say “one person at a time please” LOL according to that I have gained 4.6 lbs… BUT I had eaten breakfast… don’t you think a taco and a coke zero can weigh, hummmmm about 6 lbs? Since I can’t go this week either I have a week to get that off and be proud to say I have stayed the same… can I do it, yes I can! He he, I have been walking the last couple of nights, Johnny, Vinnie, Cathy and
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Second Station: Jesus Accepts His Cross
Lord, Thanks for taking that cross for us, for our family. Nothing we’ll ever have to do for one another will ever be that heavy. Help us to be more cheerful in accepting our responsibilities, to be ready to do a little more than we have to, to remember that just about every day each member of our family is going through one struggle or another. You took the cross for us. Make us more open and generous in sharing each other’s concerns.
Big Wow, huh!
Did I tell you I know how to juggle? Seriously I am a professional juggler… okay, kinda… you see, I HAVE to master the skill of juggling my time, being creative and patient AND joyful trying to give of myself for my family and others (good thing I am a big girl and I got PLENTY to go around). I say this with much humbleness and share it not for anything else but because after reading this I realized I need to show joy more and frustration less, it is no good to do more if we do it with a heavy heart, with reluctance or a from or worse yet… with frustration that shows and makes the other person feel like they are a burden. Believe me, having to ask for help, when you have no other choice… you already feel like a burden… an unjoyful helper who rushes you or shows their reluctance only adds to the bad feeling. Unfortunately, as much as I try to die to my own needs, I have many times shown that I was doing something not because I wanted to but because I had to and I felt immediate regret when I realized that. BUT, we are human and we have bad days to and sometimes we don’t feel like giving, those are the times I need to focus on NOT showing it. Don’t get me wrong, I have had to have the “you must be patient too” talk with people who have asked, wanting some understanding and a little consideration that I can’t just drop everything in a moments notice, gimme a little lead time and it works out better for everyone. But, I also know you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and you have to take that person’s LACK of understanding with a grain of salt and remind yourself to see Jesus in you. We can complain about who does more, who doesn’t do anything, why is it always me… but what is the point of that? Really, it is not about wearing your good deeds as badges, it is about knowing that you have opportunities to be like Jesus, or as close to that as possible and feeling the warmth of his embrace within when he whispers in your ear “job well done my child”.
Sending a little joy your way…
“Be kind to one another, you never know what struggle they are going through”
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Monday, March 29, 2010
It's time to get going...
Ya, so I overslept this morning, okay, not really overslept so much as I had no desire to get out of bed. There has got to be some kind of magnetic force that pulls you to the beds on the mornings you know you can’t stay there… Luckily my brother in law (the animal that I have to take to work everyday LOL) overslept so I didn’t do too bad, Johnny had to finish packing Noah’s lunch AND get his clothes together, I am sure he didn’t mind (wink)…
Being out of the office for two weeks means that I am completely buried under stuff that needs to get done so today will be a fly by day… I hope… I am not looking forward to Noah’s Tball practice tonight because I know that his coach could tell I wasn’t happy and am afraid he will ask me about it (afraid for him that is)… I was so completely irritated at the game because our team totally didn’t have it together and it was not their fault, he does his best but with other kids in the sport he really doesn’t have the time to give our guys the guidance they need, not to mention he has cancelled or cut short most of the practices. Seriously though, for having a month before their first game the kids don’t even know eachothers first names yet… I can totally tell I am not the only mom that is unhappy but the other one that has been showing it longer didn’t even go Saturday so I am pretty sure she pulled her son, and I can’t say I blame her. My concern is that if we keep Noah in private school, he needs this sport because they don’t even offer it there, and if he can’t even get the fundamentals I need to do something now because these kids will play together through the majors. It really sounds silly, or at least that is how I feel, but it is important to me… seriously, I am not one of those meddling parents or overly vocal but I have to do what I can to ensure Noah gets what he needs, that’s my job right? Anyone that knows me knows I do not like confrontation and I get really nervous and sick to my stomach when I feel tension, but chaulk it off to old age because this girl seems to have found her voice when it comes to her baby and anything to do with him (just ask the worker at the tots corner at the zoo, she’ll think long and hard before she snaps at another kid). I don’t know, maybe I am too concerned about it but that comes with being a mature mom (let’s not say old). LOL Believe me, some of the other parents look like they could be my kids! Jeez… for the record, I am not THAT old and if I lived in
And to refocus, we went to Stations of the Cross on Friday, ya, my husband volunteered me to make soup… hello… Mexicans don’t know how to make soup without meat! I made a potato soup from a new recipe and it was fabulous, yes… people were scraping the crockpot! Ya baby! Yummy yummy for our tummy’s… I am going to do an encore performance for Good Friday… BUT most importantly, God put me in the right place again because the reflections for the station were just the medicine I needed… Here is your food for thought today:
First Station; Jesus is sentenced to Death
O God, thank you for creating each of us as unique, never-to-be-duplicate reflections of you. Help us to appreciate one another, to see the good rather than the mistakes. Help us realize the best way we help each other become better is by telling them how good they already are. We’re sorry for the times we’ve unfairly and unkindly judged one another. Help us reflect your loving judgement to one another that our love for one another may reflect your love for us.
Typing that makes me re-think my whole post over again… which is what it is supposed to do. Happy Monday All!
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday Already!?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Need to hit the sack
We have decided to keep Noah out of the summer program at St. James and use that money towards sending him to camps but honestly, I am starting to stress about that... I don't want him to get bored and I am really worried that he will sit around and watch way too much TV. I have been looking for camps to send him to but needless to say, it is going to be a crazy summer shuttling him back and forth and keeping up with his schedules. Tball ends in May and his flag football doesnt start up until the fall. I have been doing a lot of work with him here at home and he actually loves to stay outside and kick the ball around and ride his scooter... We'll see how it works out. I am thinking about asking if he can go on the Wednesday field trips with them, I am sure they would work something out with me... Ya, I can already tell I am totally going to get on my husbands nerves about it.
After church tomorrow I am taking Noah to get his cleets for tball and we are done with that. He starts Karate next week, I hope he likes it...I am sure he will... It is really hard trying to juggle everything but I have just had to tell myself he is first, My mom and Momo are going to have a hard time with that but as he grows he is going to get busier and busier, right now our only free day is Tuesdays... I really don't know how people with lot's of kids do it... I go crazy just with my one...
Noah's first game went well, I am really not too happy with his team and it is frustrating, I am watching the other team warming up and doing drills and our guys are still in the dugout, we have had a lot of canceled practices and he has cut the ones we have had short... I am trying to be patient but I am afraid I am turning into one of those mom's that is screaming from the stands... in a nice way... lol
Friday, March 26, 2010
sleepy sleepy
What is that cartoon character that said “ which way did he go, which way did he go…” looking around in a frenzy… can’t remember… but that is how I feel, not really sure which way to go, where I have been, what I need to do, where I need to be….
I have been in class all this week and vacation all of last week, and I actually feel dizzy because there is so much to do (and yes I am sitting here blogging about it). BUT I did get a lot of laundry done last night, clean one restroom and cook supper and color mom’s hair AND hem one leg on Noah’s pants, dang it no wonder I am tired!
So Let’s see… ah yes, the surprise party that has been many months in the planning, I cannot begin to tell you how relieved I am to have pulled that off! And I have already warned all my friends, I DO NOT want a surprise party for my 40th, my husband loves party’s, I hate to be the center of attention (comments to yourself please), and would much rather have a Dooney with matching wallet etc….. LOL, um, hello my Birthday is about me I want it ALL to be spent on me! Hahaha… Johnny had a great time and it meant so much to him that there were so many of his family members and friends there… I was so happy because he truly loves being with his cousins from
Of course the only problems came from the ones I was expecting it from… gotta love family, but after a couple of handfuls of xanax (kidding) and a glass of crown (not kidding)… I shook it off and let the good times roll. It is always so much more fun to attend a party rather than have to put it on, BUT it was worth all the effort because I love that man!...
Unfortunately I was going around crazy trying to make sure everything was going good I didn’t get to take that many pictures… okay hardly any! But Johnny’s cousin should forward some soon so I will post them for your viewing pleasure… So needless to say, my vacation wasn’t very relaxing, trying to sneak around taking care of details and stressing stressing stressing… But, I can’t begin to tell you, having that party done and a success was like a HUGE weight taken off my shoulders!
Now back to the everyday craziness of life… Noah has his first Tball game on Saturday… the real deal, no more Activity Center, he is in Little league now and we have been running here and there getting all his stuff together, pants, socks, belts, cap, Tshirt… check and double check, we need to get his shoes and he is good to go! And he hasn’t really had a whole lot of practice so I am worried. Last night was our first night home, and there wasn’t a whole lot of relaxing and we have got to get to bed early tonight because we are scheduled for pictures at 7:30 in the morning… great! With baseball season well underway, and Noah getting ready to start Karate… I can see the Sauceda family is going to be busier than usual… Is that possible? It is looking like Tuesday’s and Fridays will be the Sauceda’s only days at home for a while… and what is a free weekend? You might catch us snoozing on Sunday afternoons but that is if you can find us under the piles of laundry.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
THERE you are...
Ya, so the boys were dying to see the elephant, I got a pretty good picture from my phone huh?! It was not the best day to visit the zoo, dreary and drizzly, we never did get to see the giraffes and hippos, they were obviously just not feeling the weather either...
Yes we are!
Ya, so I had the three boys with me, Noah, Kyle and Ethan... and to try to keep them busy I gave them each a map and we used the markers that were posted throughout the zoo... so, needless to say I spent quite a bit of time argueing with 5 year olds about exactly which way was the right way...
Aren't they cuties! They made backpacks for the trip and had their lunches in them, and YES I ended up carrying them all...
Monday, March 22, 2010
I finally get to talk about the surprise 4oth birthday party I threw for my honey... It was hard not to share all the details up til the big day but I couldn't take the chance he would read my blog! It was a success... unfortunately, I have had a SERIOUS Monday, in a loooonnnggg class all day AND the rest of the week, and Noah had four roosters for snack this afternoon and one of us almost didn't survive... he cried through baseball practice, through Wal-mart... through our hour at Adoration and bathtime ... I need a drink, a xanax and a bed...
He doesn't get to play his PS3 tonight or his Nintendo... and WTH was I thinking saying that, I just torture myself, like I said... BAD Monday...
At least I wasn't the only one.... The lady waiting behind me at Wal-mart completely lost it with her kid... pretty funny actually, I at least know my son is safe there thanks to the cameras LOL.... I know she was completely embarrassed when she realized she was screaming, and mam, in case you read this, I was looking at you in complete empathy...not shock... BELIEVE me, my son was lucky I was tuning him out...
... where's my drink?
Hail Hail the gangs all here...
Here is the decorating crew for Johnny's suprise Birthday Party, yes...they all got out of bed bright and early Saturday morning... I love my girlfriends, they are the best!
(Jesus) said to (his disciples), “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”
Luke 9:23
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Party til he pooped
Saturday was a busy busy day, sneaking around to get the last details available for Johnny's party and then Dominic's first birthday, sweet sleeping angel... Man could I have used a nap too....
Friday, March 19, 2010
I took Noah to see the Dinosaur exhibit at the Witte Museum, this was not our first trip and please remember, the last time I said it is not a really fun place for the kiddos, once we were through the room we were ready to go... It was an awesome show though but never again will we go opening week... jeez...
DINOS at the Witte MuseumThursday, March 18, 2010
Neat House
We passed this house downtown, I would have loved to stop and ask if I could look around, I love old houses, it would be so cool to have an open account to totally remodel them... okay, to pay someone to do what you want done! LOL and I love the pink tree...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We had taken the boys to play at the playscape in New Braunfels and they were taking pictures of eachother with my phone, not bad huh?! This is Kylito and Chinchila, aren't they cute!!!
So I took the boys to the children's museum in New Braunfels, loved it! Noah has been invited to parties there but we never made it and it is the coolest place for kids ever! They have all kinds of really cool things for the kids to do... Here is my little artist painting a car...
Ten, nine, eight,....
This was in the space room, we were sitting in a space ship... They even had little jumpsuits for them, I didn't put that on.. ahem... ...
This was an emergency flight, my astronaut was in a rush and only got his arms into his jumpsuit, you can see his co-pilot is just waking...
Decisions decisions
After having his shopping cart hi-jacked by a little girl (they are so cute, miniature real push carts) Kyle decided to stick with the basket because he didn't have to worry about turning his back on it... Fish or Chicken... what to do, what to do
which way did they go!
We threw about a half pack of crackers at this little ducky, i am not sure if he was ignoring us or not hungry
Monday, March 15, 2010
35 minutes and counting...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
PF Changs.... yummy
If You Give A Moose A Muffin - Theatre
This is one of those areas kind of like going to the movies alone, may seem awkward to do some of these things and not have a kid with you or not be a kid but seriously… who cares! if you enjoy it or want to enjoy it… DO IT!
We went to the Majik Theatre in San Antonio ( 210.227.2751) to see If You Give A Moose A Muffin. It was so neat! (I think I mentioned the field trip previously) The actors greet you at the door and take you to your seats, very relaxed and sooo cute! They have upstairs and downstairs seating, and I actually think upstairs is great because you can see everything. Very affordable, $8 for kids and $10 for adults… there is a huge playscape right beside the theatre and a few tables to eat at, we just sat on the ground and ate our lunch, restrooms out near play area were clean (BIG thing) and even though it was downtown, it seemed quite and peaceful. There is a small parking area next to the park part, which is VERY close to the theatre, all in the same little area, but of course we were on a bus so we got curbside service so I imagine if the parking lot was full you may have to search for parking and pay considering it is downtown but we had parents follow and they all found places there and didn’t seem to have a problem. It was a wonderful time and kid or not, a great thing to do… there are always shows running and the switch off, they will be having Pinkalicous next WHICH I am taking the boys too whether they want to or not… really… the performances are based on childrens books and are great, and make the book even more fun to read after seeing it LIVE! plus they add their own special bits too it including some really cool dancing to current songs!
Hope you can check it out!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Just for giggles...
So we are standing in the line to check out at the grocery store and I smell something, and it smells bad... Noah: Mom, gross... your farting again, you already farted all the way over here in the car... (lovely... did I mention it was Saturday?) and for the record, it wasn't me!
Johnny and I are a sponsor couple for a marriage ministry class at church, unfortunately my sitter fell through at the last minute so I had to take Noah with me, and double unfortunately the only seats open were next to the older sponsor couple. Bad mom is letting her son play his Nintendo DS to keep him quite. "My grandkids, that is all they want is to sit in front of the TV and play games" Me: My sister bought this for Noah, I really don't let him play it much and I totally agree with you. (cringe) "The problem with kids nowadays is parents don't monitor what they do and what they watch, Good grief I had my grandkids at the house the other day and walked in and they were watching these horrible cartoons.. Simpsons or something like that, I can't believe parents would let their kids watch that trash" Noah: Oh I love the Simpsons and Spongebob too, sometimes I watch Family Guy with my Tio ... Me: His momo puts those on but she can't see, she just thinks its a cartoon, I told her I don't like him watching that .. Noah: Na ah momma, me and Daddy watch the Simpsons sometimes... (Needless to say, I left early)
Field Trip... We are finally buckled in and sitting on the bus headed on Noah's field trip to see a play in San Antonio. I am sitting chatting with the other moms... and... Noah: Look momma look, that is where we take Tio for probation. (wow, how do you recover from that one) Me: It is not probation honey, it's where he does his community service. (lovely)
To Love Anyway
On Valentine's Day, Meg* went all out, giving her husband, Peter,* his favorite candy and tickets to a hockey game. Later that night, she wrapped herself in a special outfit purchased just for the occasion.
Peter got her a card.
At the grocery store.
That he purchased on the way home from work.
He didn't add anything to it, either. He just signed it, "Peter."
A couple of days later, Meg tried to explain that she felt a little taken for granted. Apparently, Peter misunderstood her intent because two months later, when they celebrated their anniversary, Peter didn't get Meg anything.
"How could you not get me anything for our anniversary?" she asked Peter the next day. "Especially after our conversation about Valentine's Day."
"Well, I thought about getting you something, but it didn't work out," he replied. "And then I knew not to get you a card because you said you didn't like that last time."
"It's not that I didn't like the card. It's that the card alone seemed a little sparse. But even that is better than nothing ..."
Several months later, Meg had a birthday. This time, Peter got her a present – a kitchen tool set. Several weeks before, Meg had asked to borrow Peter's tape measure and screwdriver. Peter figured that Meg should have her own small set of kitchen tools so she didn't have to borrow his.
Meg recounted all this and then explained how she had tried to get her husband to read several how-to books on loving your spouse. He would read the first few pages, lose interest and never pick the book up again.
"I've realized this is never going to change," she confessed. "But I love him anyway."
Because ...
That last statement of Meg's, "but I love him anyway," is one of the most profound theological statements on marriage I've ever heard. Most of us base love on because, not on anyway. I love you because you're good to me. I love you because you're kind, because you're considerate, because you keep the romance alive.
But in Luke 6:32-36, Jesus says we shouldn't love because. We should love anyway. If we love someone because that person is good to us, or gives back to us, or is kind to us, we're acting no better than anyone else. In essence, Jesus is saying you don't need the Holy Spirit to love a man who remembers every anniversary – not just the anniversary of your marriage, but the anniversary of your first date and your first kiss. Any woman could love a man like that. Or if you love a wife who lavishes you with sports gifts, who goes out of her way to make you comfortable when you get home from work and who wants sex anytime you do – well, you're doing what any man would do. There's no special credit in that!
But if you love a spouse who disappoints you, who can be a little self-absorbed – now you're loving anyway. In doing that, you're following the model of the heavenly Father, who loves the ungrateful and the wicked.
... Or Anyway
Will you love only because? Or are you willing to love anyway? Will you love a man or woman who doesn't appreciate your sacrifice? Will you love a husband or wife who takes you for granted? Will you love a spouse who isn't nearly as kind to you as you are to him or her?
Just about every faithless marriage is based on because love. Christians are called to anyway love. That's what makes us different. That's what gives glory to God. That's what helps us appreciate God's love for us, because God loves us anyway. He gives and gives and gives – and we take Him for granted. He is eager to meet with us, and we get too busy to notice Him. He is good to us, and we accuse Him mercilessly when something doesn't go just the way we planned it.
But God loves us anyway. To love anyway is to love like God – and to learn about God's love for us.
That's love, the way God intended it.
I love my husband, with all my heart… and when I read this it really was a ‘wow’ moment… My friend Alice is one of my angels I turn to all the time with questions, dilemmas… you know, those ‘what would Jesus do’ type advisors who helps me to see things in a different light. I absolutely adore her… She has worked in marriage ministry and is always willing to share words of wisdom, one of those little gems is that Love is a decision, it is not just a feeling… in marriage you will fall in and out of love, some days you may not like each other and there may be moments and months when you wonder where you are… but each day you decide to LOVE each other because feelings come and go… so if you think love is a feeling, you will think that when you don’t have that, there is no love… and that is not true. Marriage truly is a vocation, and on the day you commit yourselves to each other you have decided to make love Your decision. Hard or easy, good or bad… whether you agree or not. My husband and I were best of friends when we decided to get married, and you would have thought the transition to a married couple would have been smooth and our path would be easy, but that is not the case. I spent many nights crying while he slept because I felt like I had lost my best friend, the obstacles we faced in our marriage were just as hard, if not harder than a couple that didn’t have that friendship to fall back on, mostly because when I needed my best friends shoulder to cry on, he was the last one I wanted to be around! Were the problems huge? Well that depended on who you asked, the ones that were huge to me were small and insignificant to him. In my mind we were headed for divorce court because he didn’t have any love for me, and in reality, I had built up the problem so much in my head that when I finally broke down and wanted to talk to him, he wasn’t even aware of me being upset or bothered. Men are different creatures, and miscommunication has got to be the leading cause of divorce, I see that now, but I can honestly say I still fall in the trap of deception the devil weaves to make me feel insecure and that the end is near. In marriage there is no end, that is why the wedding bands are circles to symbolize that there is a bond, a commitment… to never give up and continue. I believe in the sacrament of marriage and I hold on to the promises we made before God and our families to stand together as one. I look into the eyes of my child and see the love we have for each other and the hope we have for our future. It won’t always be easy, but it is constant, it will always be there and just like anything in life, it requires work and our promise to keep walking together and hold on to the truth that God’s blessings and hope is in us as well.