Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Take a deep breath....
Mother Teresa once said: "Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater wishes and so on; so that children have very little time for the parents, parents have little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of the peace of the world."
Today, let’s slow it down…
Last night I was in a grumpy mood… seriously… and Johnny asked if I wanted to go for a walk, I had already been outside a good part of the day at Noah’s school water day, it was hot, my house was a mess and I was not in a good mood… “No…I don’t want to” I got off the car and went into the house to surround myself by my negative feelings… I have been feeling grumpy a lot the last few days. I heard Johnny telling Noah to come outside so they could play Crochet… I saw them through the window setting up the game and I felt horrible for having a pitty party for no particular reason other than the fact that my house was in chaos and I never seemed to find the time to get the beast under control.
It is sad that we can get so caught up in the unimportant details of life that we totally ruin or miss out on what’s important. I went outside to watch them play and try to shake it off a bit. I had just told Johnny at dinner that I felt like the devil was dancing around picking at me and I needed to get back to my prayer life which I felt I had been neglecting. I don’t feel good that we haven’t been tithing like I feel we should at church, I feel the need so often to do so much more than I already am. I know Johnny thinks I am crazy sometimes because I always have these grand thoughts of how to make a difference here, we need to volunteer here, we need to serve here, we need to give more to this or that… this person needs help, this needs to be done we have to do MORE MORE MORE! And I truly feel called to that, but there are so many things that need to be done my head goes crazy thinking, where do I start? Which gets me back to my neglected prayer life… I completely trust that God has a plan for me and my life and I need to let him guide me, I have to open my heart and my mind to be HIS hands and feet and do his work. I want my son and my husband to do the same… I entrust my family to something much greater… God’s will for us and I know great things are coming! What has God placed on your heart? What can you let go of so that you can do more? God is calling me, he is calling you… I just got a call (really) from church to let me know that I got into Fr. Dennis’ bible study that was full, I am so excited and I truly believe God told me “come spend time with me”… I am pretty excited… What is my first project going to be, I trust he will place it before me… and I have decided that I don’t really need any more clothes right now, I am going to go today and cancel the layaway that is ready to get taken out and take that money and put it aside for someone that needs a new outfit for school next year. I don’t know who it will be, but I am sure God will send them my way…
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Romans 8:37-39, "But we have power over all these things through Jesus Who loves us so much. For I know that nothing can keep us from the love of God. Death cannot! Life cannot! Angels cannot! Leaders cannot! Any other power cannot! Hard things now or in the future cannot! The world above or the world below cannot! Any other living thing cannot keep us away from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord."
Today I have to go after work to get a vegetable to go with supper, exchange some undies that my dear sister bought for my son but are a little bit too small so we are going in for the next size, getting a cake mix to make a cake for my other sister that I am pretty sure she is playing on my bad memory and telling me I told her I would make it for her for tomorrow and buying some deodorant because I somehow managed to make mine pop out of the little plastic holder and step on it all in one smooth move this morning… and I have approximately 25 minutes after work to get across town to Wal-mart and get all of this done before the insurance man arrives at my house.
But it’s okay, I’ll manage… Life is chaotic, but I am so very grateful for it. Yesterday I went with Johnny to get some tests done at the hospital, and really I wasn’t worried until Monday morning even though I knew about it all weekend. It wasn’t a good marriage weekend this past weekend because we had too many things going on and patience was running short… but as I sat on my bed Monday morning I thought about our life and felt ashamed for being so unappreciative. Who really knows what the future holds for each of us, this very moment our life is very busy, but very good… and I’ll take that anyday! BUT in a moments notice it can be changed forever, this I know and in they business of all the little details of life we tend to not see our blessings. I read a book review when I was scanning an O magazine at the Momo’s house about a book called The Power of Half , okay, so I know I may get some of this wrong but the book is written by a girl and her father about their family, one day they were at a stop light in there car and they looked out the drivers window and there sat a man in his Mercedes, out the passenger window was a homeless man on the sidewalk. The daughter remarked on how different the view was from the same place but out of two different windows and how ironic it was for this nice car to be here that showed so much when this man on the other side had nothing. The father asked her, what about our car, it’s nice, what about all that we have that is still way more than what he has… how far were they as a family willing to take this concept. When they got home they discussed as a family how much more they had than they actually needed and they decided to sell the home there were in that was very big and bought a house half the size and used the money made from the sale of their home to fund water lines for two villages in New Ghuana… it was something that they really weren’t sure how it would affect their lives so they all had to be on board with it but seeing the results of what just getting by on what they needed has been life changing. Haven’t read the book, but I will…
So I am grateful that we have insurance, grateful that we were able to go and get the tests done… grateful that I have a Great and Powerful GOD that continues to bless me and my family and very grateful that even though I will be late getting to the meeting with our insurance guy, my husband will be there to handle it until I arrive…
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Saturday, May 22, 2010
My kiddos
Here they are, aren't they a beautiful bunch (and handsome)...
Valerie (Val), Naomi (Nomes), Annalissa (Anna), Daniel, Jennifer (Jen), Julie (Jewels), and Deandra ... love these kiddos
Many moons ago when Johnny and I did Youth Ministry at our church these were some of our kiddos that we are still really close too. We have four weddings this year and it is awesome to see them grow up into such amazing women and men, they are great kids.... I can't even look at this picture without my eyes watering up I am so proud of the people that they have become. Seeing these kids turn into fabulous Young Adults gives me so much hope for the future, I can only hope that Noah can be just as good. I've got four teachers in this bunch... and ALL college graduates (Not bragging, okay... just a little BC there parents do great work), maybe if we switch Noah over to public school we can make sure they keep him in line...
May God continue to bless and watch over these amazing souls...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Things are not always easy
“When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and sat down again.” John 13:12
…..Please note, he finished washing their feet.
That means he left no one out . . . He washed the feet of Judas. Jesus washed the feet of his betrayer. He gave this traitor equal attention. In just a few hours Judas’ feet would guide the Roman guard to Jesus. But at this moment they are caressed by Christ . . .
That’s not to say it was easy . . . That is to say that God will never call you to do what he hasn’t already done
----By Max Lucado----
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We are made for service…
I spend a lot of my time caring for others, but that is how it should be, I don’t need to list what I do (Okay, sometimes I need to vent because I get overwhelmed) but this is what we are CALLED to do. Jesus washed the feet of the person who would betray him… Have you ever done something good for someone who turned around and couldn’t do the same for you or who hurt you? Well, if you did, Jesus can relate… and he would tell you to love them anyway. Don’t you just hate it when you bend over backwards to help someone and they don’t appreciate it?! Could you send your only child do die so that others could be saved KNOWING that many would still sin, still do wrong and not care. THAT is a hard pill to swallow, especially now with my own son. Who would not end up becoming bitter? Mary didn’t, she continued to love and live as Jesus her son would have wanted her to. It was heart-wrenching to watch The Passion of Christ and see her there watching her son endure everything… and to walk behind him as he carried the cross to his own death… even thinking about it makes me feel like I can’t breathe. So any complaints we have, seem pretty insignificant to that… I will be the first to say that I throw the needs of my family and myself to the back a lot when someone needs something, and I feel the worst guilt when I am so tired and worn-out from running around and doing things that my husband and son seem to get the worst of me when they deserve the best… and they love me anyway. I have to die to my needs everyday because THAT is being Jesus, when I get frustrated and impatient but I smile and say, ‘take your time, I am not in a rush’ and my heart is screaming that I want to be home… I AM being Jesus, maybe not feeling it, but my actions are showing it. But when I am human and show my irritation or make someone feel like they are a burden, the guilt and shame I feel are overwhelming… And the regret is something that I pray on so that I can remember that feeling and hope that the next time, I can die a little more to my own needs… Sometimes we need to stop and put ourselves in the place of people that need help, it is not an easy place to be… I am blessed to be able to drive, to have a home, to have money to meet my needs to have a family that loves me and to feel loved and appreciated, but I also know that there are so many people that do not. When Johnny and I were having car problems last year, it was not easy, him working out of town and having the only car left me… looking for rides, figuring out ways to get where I and Noah needed because I didn’t want him to feel the guilt of having to take the car so I smiled and said, no biggie.. I will work it out. It was a couple of weeks of waiting… being stuck here and there until someone could get me, trying to make the most of the trips I was able to make and wanting to kick myself when I forgot this or needed to do that and was left wondering what to do AND feeling like I hated to ask… AGAIN… My mother can’t driver with her dementia, my mother in law hasn’t been able to drive for years… My mom was a VERY independent person… and that is gone now, she has to learn to depend on others and I know she hates it… Momo has been dependent longer so even though it is still very frustrating for her, at least my mom has more options because she has more kids! All those little things you never think about… They feel like they are burdens, they hurt when they have to ask… again… BUT, they have no choice. Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him yet HE, our Saviour, washed his feet anyway. When I compare what I do to all that our Savior has done and continues to do… my list isn’t much… So today, I will be going to take the Momo to pay a bill then trim her toenails (by the way, I hate feet) and if I had time I would paint them too… But I can’t because I have to go and get my family dressed and then get my Mom loaded up and head to TJ’s graduation dinner at church… And I am sure that I will be rushed, running like crazy and in a hurry to get there when I only have an hour after work to get all this done… But I have a Spider-man puzzle waiting on the table for us when we get home and a little boy that will be ready for some snuggle time… and that makes it all worth it…
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Thursday, May 20, 2010
Oh Nunu, your so darn cute...
Okay, I am not a pet person, but this is my sister's dog Nunu, and she is the only dog i really like of the herd of cattle she has. Nunu has back problems because she is about 20 lbs bigger than a chihuahua should be... she's a BG just like her momma...
Isn't your niece adorable when she's sleeping?Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Keep your chin up...
Okay so yesterday was literally crazy… I took Johnny’s mom to see her new Endocrinologist yesterday… and it was waaaayyyyyy on the other side of San Antonio, took us 45 minutes to get there and I had to drive on 1604, which I hate. We made it and Dr. Cruz is great, I am so excited and grateful that he has accepted her as a patient because with her being on Medicaid it is very hard to find any doctor that will take her let alone a really good one like Dr. Cruz, AND big thanks to Chocho because she is the one that made it happen. Now, to get this old rooster to do what the doctor says is a whole new deal. She has to get a full cardio eval (won’t that be fun, no telling where we are going to find a doctor to take her insurance, I may be driving out of state…just kidding), Dr. Curriers office has been really good about finding doctor’s for us, hopefully this is a good one… He took her off all her meds and started her on two insulins and we go back in a few weeks to meet with the dietician… Bottom line is she needs to get her sugar under control because she is a walking time bomb, Johnny and I know that, we are just praying she is a good patient because she is one stubborn lady. I need to take her to get her glasses, she sees her eye doctor in a couple of days and I will have to reschedule because I haven’t gotten her glasses yet… sigh… On the bright side Mom went to her prayer group last night, I went and took her and Kasey went and picked her up, I was kind of nervous about leaving her there but her friends welcomed her and I knew she would be fine, I left our numbers with them and it felt good to see her happy, she seems more disoriented lately and it worries me. Noah has been home all this week because he broke out in hives on Saturday, they finally look like they are clearing up, I was going to take him to school this morning but when I got him ready I noticed the blotches on his face so he got Benadryl and a trip to Momo’s. I have had a rough week, just too many loose ends that need to be tied up, busy everywhere and I am not feeling good, I feel yucky really… I need to get up and start walking again, something to put a little pep in my step…. Life is too busy to nap! Wednesday needs to fly by, because Tuesday ended with a beesting on my neck and me vacuuming up grated cheese from the front seat and floor of my car… got you wondering huh?! Lookout Thursday… you better get ready for some lovin’
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Three Mondays in a row!!!
TODAY WILL BE A WONDERFUL DAY! (please, Monday and Tuesday didn't like me... Wednesday... be my friend)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Invitation back
this was the back, I need to figure out how to rotate pictures and it seems to be stretched out... I guess that is another to do list item....
Invitation front - Grad 2010
okay, so i didnt do the best job uploading, but this is the front, these are 1/2 sheet, I also did 1/4 sheet to go inside of Grad. ceremony invites and 1/8 sheet size just for the dance to hand out to friends... pretty good huh?!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
We Are The Champions
Aren't they cute! They are wearing the medals their daddy's got for doing Beach to Bay...
We went to church in Corpus with Nicholas, it was really nice... huge church... and these boys were good enough to sit through mass and pose for this snapshot...
The best part of the coast, relaxing at the pool after a day at the beach... don't you just want to dive in...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Jordy is posing for the camera... and smiling sweet so we will take her to go hit the shops...
My goddaughter JordanBeach to Bay, here we come...
Let me see
So my favorite BG is doing beach to bay with the guys this year, we went to eat at a Pizza Place in Port A so the guys could load up on carbs for the race and last night they were drinking pickle juice... LOL I am just looking for some relaxation and hopefully a little bit of time at the beach..
...and the thunder rolls
A storm blew in right when they were getting ready to leave. Thunder and rain but it was great! The sun is already starting to try and come out now and I am sure it will be a wonderful afternoon.... I am so proud of the girls/guys for doing the run...
Ready to roll...
So my plan for the morning was to sleep late and wait for everyone get back from the race and then head to the beach... unfortunately I was awakened wtih all the comotion of the boys trying to get ready and get out the door. ANd then unfortunately the kids woke up and that was the start of the ruining of my day LOL... so I am trying to keep them occupied until the guys drag in and then they can torture them...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
CMC Awards Ceremony
TJ got his Scholorship from CMC, and when I picked up Noah from school I took him back to work with me so he could go to the awards program with us...
2010 CMC Scholarship Ceremony
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Alligator Tears
So of course we had tattoo drama at bathtime last night, I was giving Noah a bath and he said, ‘Dad had to scrub hard to get the tattoo off”…the one on his face that is… So of course I assume (never assume) that he meant for me to scrub hard to get the one on his arm off… WRONG… let’s just say I will be running to Mananitas where he bought the tattoos at lunch to buy more… oopsy… It cracks me up how he gets so upset over such silly things, but I KNOW that silly to me, may be the world to him so Momma had to do some fast talking to stop the flow of the alligator tears… So dang cute, even when he cries… Never mind the fact that me and his Momo went to the store just to buy him sleeveless shirts because he only had 2 old ones from last summer that are just okay for the pool this year… never mind that mommy and momo bought one of every color they had… Really, I don’t know where he gets that drama from… LOL
Noah is still working the whole band-aid thing too, we ran out of the wrap (thank God)… let me see.. he had a broken thumb, leg, wrist, arm and foot last week that needed to be wrapped… My sister bought him camouflage bandaids yesterday so all of us were at the store sporting our bandaids from Dr. Noah, unfortunately he caught me off guard when he asked what was hurting me, I was on the phone and pointed to a new pimple on my chin that was trying to come out, so my bandaid was on my face… nice… and let me tell you, no need to wax, those little suckers took off some skin when I pulled it off! Humm, maybe I should put some on my legs… (comments to yourself please).
Spring fever has hit me a little late… sort of. I have gone crazy cleaning out my clothes, maybe it is a midlife crisis, I am not sure… I mean every day I have gone in there and taken out an armful more, I am sick of having things in my closet that I never wear! It is so hard to depart with clothes, but it is ridiculous when you have so many you can’t even fit them anywhere. Maybe it is the need to live simply, maybe old age? I don’t know but I feel the need to really… simplify things… So my friend Dottie told me she has cut her kids back to about 5 outfits each because she is sick and tired of doing laundrey all the time and really feels there is no need for more than that… and I kinda went… ‘hummmmm’, yes it is ridiculous that I have to have so many clothes, and quite honestly, I wear the same ones over and over again anyway… Maybe, just maybe, she has hit the nail on the head. Not to mention that most women, myself included, have at least 3 different sizes of clothes in her closet… we tend to move up and down the scale quite a bit. Me, for instance, I have been beating the crap out of the same dang 15 lbs for the past few months… Now considering 10 lbs is a size (at least so they say) that means when I wore my skirt that I had bought in February that fit perfect and I put it on last week and it left a red ring around my tummy.. makes the 10lb/size theory believeable, I wanted to rip that skirt off when I got home I was so miserable and, unfortunately, I can’t blame it on the dryer since I hadn’t washed it… water retention maybe? I always tell my self that my obsession with clothes is because growing up we got what we got, which wasn’t much and usually hand me downs and rarely new. That is how I justify spoiling myself now, that and the fact that my husband let’s me… he is so good like that. But really, I have made that my new mission, if it hasn’t gotten worn in recent memory… send it on to bless someone else… so far I have removed (sit down please) 44 hangers from my closet… and yes, it is still packed… But I shall continue and anyone that is interested in my other ‘warehouse’ theory, let me know… let me share…
My fellow BG’s that I have shared this with totally love the idea, we just need someone to donate a warehouse to us (anyone willing, please call). I feel that we should have a warehouse for all the clothes we can’t get into, whether it is because of faulty dryers or water retention, everything would be sorted by size… Anyone is welcome to bring stuff in to exchange for a different size, whether a bigger or smaller one, is no one’s business, but we would have all these clothes in all theses sizes for all of us to share and no more worry about having been attacked by a buffet or a dryer that is too hot! I can hear your mind ticking, you like the idea huh? LOL
Okay, I am getting off track… less is more, catch the fever and clean out those closets ladies!!!
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Monday, May 10, 2010
Old Moms....
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – Thessalonians 5:16-18
I call myself an old Mom, and this is true… to a certain extent… I was 34 when I had Noah, and with kids having babies now… that is old! Of course my OB/GYN thought I was crazy when I would tell her that because she had just moved to
I think that he is lucky to have an old mommy… because I am older and have less inhibitions and can go with the flow much more, the petty things don’t seem to get to me as much but I also have perfected the art of making my nieces and nephews squirm when they see me in a crowd because they never know what Aunt Marla is going to do… my son… will hate it, and it will keep him from asking me to take him here and there with his friends… I am sure they will think I am way cool but my son will roll his eyes and ask me to PLEASE not do anything….
Here are just some of the fun things an old mom is Okay with:
*An old mom let’s her son buy all the biker tattoos he wants from the quarter candy machine and helps him put them all over, she even takes the time to avoid “scrubbing” them at bath time so we can make them last an extra day…
*An old mom looks for a sleeveless shirt so her son can show off his skull with fire tattoo on one shoulder and his raging bull with a fork tongue tattoo and his other arm to all his other Pre-k friends at Catholic school… and don’t forget the venom spewing shark tattoo he has across the whole side of his face… yup, she knows the importance of looking cool… AND pushing the rules…just enough…
*An old mom knows she can say “I can’t believe his auntie let him wear those to school” if someone says anything… LOL
*An old mom BUYS the shirts at the coast that say “Bite Me” for her son to wear to school so he can make his teachers laugh…
*An old mom has no problem paying the extra money for 3-D movies…and don’t forget the popcorn… and of course we have to find the T-shirt and PJ’s if the movie is good, ya, I get all that stuff without even being asked because hey, your only a kid once… and who cares if it’s the late feature, we have eternity to sleep, let’s do it!
*An old mom buys the shoes in all the colors if you like them that much…
*An old mom will find it on the internet if we can’t find it in the store… and hello, they have express shipping for a reason…
*An old mom realizes how precious each moment is and how short life is… heck ya you can eat your dessert with your food!
*An old mom’s heart really knows what the phrase “it hurts me more than it does you” means…
*An old mom tells you to hit back, push back and not let anyone bully you, if you let them once, you’ll be a sure target for the rest of your days… push them back ‘just enough’
*An old mom tells you to stick up for your friends, be kind and remember, rain is only water….
*An old mom says sometimes skip days are needed…
*An old mom makes you help other people until it comes naturally…
*An old mom prays constantly for her child… knowing that in the end, there future is already planned and only God shall sustain us all…
*An old mom loves HARD, pushes gently and knows best… An old mom knows what her child will need to survive and strives with all her being to give him that…
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Sunday, May 9, 2010
On the edge... as usual
I was having one of those, what about me, moments... and i was pouting about wanting to just stay home all day and veg out for Mother's day, but I know I am blessed to have my Mom and there will be a day when I won't.... and I will be glad for the time I had...
It is easy to get busy with day to day stuff and not take the time to enjoy the moment, Last night me and Noah made a bedtime run to Mom and Kasey's to visit them in our PJ's, I hadn't been over to see mom in a couple of days and felt horrible, but she was so happy to have us over there...
Happy Mother's day to all the mom's AND the motherly people in our lives!
Happy Mother's day to ... Noah?
So we went to Wal-mart last night so that Noah could get gifts for his Aunts and Grandma's and he decided they would want him to have these PJ's for Mother's day... kinda missing the point huh... but they are all excited that he promised to visit them in his new PJ's this afternoon...
this kid gets away with way to much with these ladies...
.... and the rest of the gang
My humongazoid Brother in law (Jeremy... ahem... he is single ladies) was not able to get up in time for Church so we made his life miserable when we got back to Momo's... I have to be nice because he did get me a present... That big boy...
Here is Jeremy (big boy), Me, My honey, Noah and Momo...
I have to be nice, Momo said all she wants for Mothers day is for me and Jeremy not to fight or pick on eachother... so I guess that means we won't be talking today.... :)
No, you are not imagining things... believe it or not the Momonater got up and went to church with us too! Noah asked her too and she did... Okay so that is getting up early two days in a row, Yes people, say your prayers because the end of the world may be near! LOL
She enjoyed it, and I am really glad she went because she needs Jesus... just kidding Momo we know you are a good girl... sometimes...
We went to eat at one of my favorite places, Mananitas... Me and my girls from work are regulars there... and Gabby, the owner... we love her! She had corsages for the moms and carnations... She is a mom of 4 herself and she was still there to take care of us...
Hope Gabby has an awesome Mother's day... she is a great lady...
So I cracked up later when I realized that my HUSBAND snapped our picture in front of the Taco places to go sign... I am sure I will get a bunch of comments about the BG's and their picture in front of Mananita's.... LOL My sisters and I get up and go to church with mom every year, 8am mass is a REAL sacrifice considering that the one thing I would like to do for Mother's day is sleep late... I actually woke up late but we managed to get dressed and out the door in 20 minutes... a record for me and my boys....
My niece and baby girl Jessica, Me, My Mom, my sister Darlene (Doe) and Kasey (Rina) and of course my little love love...
We had a really nice breakfast and I am ready for a nap...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ramblings of a busy mom
Bad bad blogger… I know… it has been busy busy busy…. I have been a busy bee trying to get things organized at the house (ya right… don’t worry, I am rolling my eyes too) I am helping my sister this weekend with her moving sale and I know she is going to drive me crazy, she hasn’t even priced her stuff… I have a bunch of Noah’s clothes I need to get rid of, but I was going through stacks last night and he was having a cow, not a good idea because all of a sudden every shirt was ‘his favorite’. I am totally frustrated with myself because the plants I bought to plant… died… because I hadn’t replanted them, AND I still have Christmas stuff to put up… isn’t that horrible?! I am seriously thinking about just selling everything in my closet and keeping 5 outfits… okay, that is a little drastic but, really, it is completely ridiculous the amount of clothes I have… Seriously… My son and husband have the same problem, so I am off tomorrow to go on Noah’s field trip that was rescheduled and then a picnic at the park and THEN I hope I can get home and make some real progress on my to do list. SERIOUSLY….
Mother’s day gifts still need to be bought and wrapped, I wanted to do some baking… AND the laundrey monster has once again exploded in my bedroom. Noah’s new fascination is band-aids, if anything touches him, he puts a bandaid on it, we have had to switch to the generic brand because he has been going through them like crazy… I’ll post some pics of him… He has karate tonight and I sure hope I can get him there without any crying… isn’t it supposed to be peaceful? And I really want to go to the National Day of Prayer gathering that is going to be downtown this evening, I think it will be really nice… We can never get enough prayers….
Speaking of which, if you haven’t seen Avatar, you MUST… just the whole concept of peaceful people who gather in prayer at a tree of life… respecting all things living… Really made me want to be an Avatar… not to mention that I didn’t see one chunky one in the movie… LOL…
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