Kicking it off with a pep rally and twin day!.... Go cougars!

Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Proud to be an American
This is another reason I love St. James, two of our students became American citizens and we gathered in the courtyard to let them raise the flag and sing because that is how we love our kids!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
A new chapter starts....
It was really hard realizing that the routine I had gotten into was getting ready to change again, or I guess I should say is getting ready to change again because tomorrow is my first day.
I gotta go get my house in some kind of order and get ready for the coming week, more details to follow!
Stay blessed and be a blessing...
Let the fun begin!
So a lazy Sunday turned quite adventerous! My niece got her car stuck in the mud in my backyard, we have has so much rain our backyard was like a swamp... so we spent much of the afternoon/evening watching the boys trying to figure out a way to get it out. Our little Engineer is the one with the helmet on. Not surprising that it stayed stuck until this morning...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Go Texans
My boys went to their first NFL game on the day after New Years, they were so excited and had a blast!
Big Boy
Awww.... here is my nieces baby Dominic, they surprised us and came down for New Year's weekend, isn't he a cutie! he is going to be two in a few months!
Awards assembley
Here is my baby, he got a little gift during the awards assembly for serving during the Christmas Eve mass.
I am not sure what I got wrong but I hadn't been able to send pictures to my blog lately so... Yay! looks like it is working again...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
what to do what to do!
The holiday's were good in the Sauceda house and now we are heading full force into a brand new year. We have a good life and thanks to baby Jesus the worries I hold aren't ours really but when you hold on and won't let them go I guess we sort of own them... I didn't get to go to adoration last night and I really miss my peaceful time so I am pretty sure I am going to pick up a little here at the house and head back to school to spend some time in the adoration chapel. I have too much to do and never enough time to do it, but such is life.
On the yay me side, I made a yummy banana cake yesterday and a huge pot of caldo con pollo and there is just a smidge of both left so looks like I did real good!
Peace and love in Him...