Sunday, February 27, 2011
Team Mom
It's Fundraiser time
Last night I was up til 2 in the morning making lemon squares and pecan squares for the Men's ACTS Team fundraiser at church today, those are for the silent auction, I also made yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting and german chocolate cupcakes for the bake sale...
I am so ready to eat some of their yummy BBQ! Those boys can cook!
We are in fundraising season right now... this one is done today, but Noah is also doing a Math-a-thon to raise money for St. Judes hospital, and Tball has us selling BBQ tickets and cups... people are going to start running when they see us coming!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
60 more days
I paid for his little graduation cap and gown today, and we'll be taking pictures in the next couple of weeks... time flys... enjoying every second...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Busy again....
I have been really stressed lately, I think the events of our bad January still linger and I just need to pray to let worries go but I am a natural worrier so that isn't easy. Our little house has been having to put ourselves on a tight budget because our little nest egg got cracked but it wasn't our fault which makes the whole 'poof' gone thing even worse. I surely thank God for placing this job in my path and allowing me to build back up and try to heal our wounds...
Let me tell you, I have had a whole new lesson in trusting in God. But my boys are good, everything else works itself out and God is in control anyway right?
Johnny's birthday is next month and I am loving this little bit of spring, little bit of winter weather...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Just another adventure
Okay, my husband doesnt look too impressed but really, he was happy LOL!
We took our little munchkin to eat at the Rain Forest Cafe on the Riverwalk, it was a beautiful afternoon, we didn't get to walk around much because he stepped on a nail that morning so his foot was hurting, but he still wanted to go do something so we went to get the best burgers (yes we love their burgers) ever!
Isn't this a gorgeous view, and even better when you don't have the summer heat to make you miserable....
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Really? It's only Wednesday?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Practice makes perfect
Well, My baby is loving his basketball season, I am so very proud of him because he has done an outstanding job. Noah just has it, don't get me wrong, I am not saying my baby is a pro but he is good, and that ain't just his mama talking. We don't force it on him, he's a natural and it is so amazing to watch him... His coach this year is great and the kids absolutely love him. Here is my baby running drills with his coach....