Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's time!
I can keep hearing that line over and over again in my head 'it's time, Daddy, it's time" from Steel Magnolia's when it is time to walk down the aisle...
But for me it's time it's time... is Festival time! yippee kay yay yo! so very happy about that and so very greatful that it is time!
Please join us, for lot's of fun!
St. James Catholic Church Fall Festival
Seguin Events Center
Saturday, September 24
5pm-12 midnight
BBQ Rib Cookoff, Salsa Contest and Bakeoff
Great food: Turkey Legs, Sausage on a Stick, Hamburgers, Tacos, Nachos, Frito Pies
Games, Moonbounces and Train... Bingo, volleyball tournament (Registration begins at 430 at vball complex)
Live Music in Gazebo
Sunday, September 25
11 am- 6 pm
Great food: Turkey Legs, Sausage on a Stick, Hamburgers, Tacos, Nachos, Frito Pies
Games, Moonbounces and Train... Bingo, volleyball tournament
Bar-B-Que Chicken plate sale, Live and Silent Auction, Cake Walk
Face Painting, Cookie decorating, country store
Live Music in Gazebo
Hope to see you There!!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
It's my Friday!
So excited because today is my Friday and me and my monkey have a three day weekend coming up, but he is coming home sick from school so THAT is not good, hopefully it is just a little bug and he'll feel better this afternoon.
I have been super busy finalizing things up for the festival and I was on the phone for quite some time last night trying to sign up volunteers to work shifts and I still have a long way to go to fill up my list... yikes.... it will all come together, I have no doubt.... I am feeling so ready for fall, this is my favorite time of year and I want to put all this stress behind me and get my house ready for the holidays, hopefully...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I think I tend to hold back on my blog postings for a lot of different 'sometimes'.
I like to laugh and cut up, I also like to pray and talk to God, and sometimes I can say very inappropriate things (gasp) and most times I laugh at it... (And I know God has a sense of humor... because of my nappy hair of course) I can pray ferverently to God for his guidance and love the Rosary and spending time in adoration but I also have my dark side where I can curse like a truck driver but still be a lady (give me a break, I worked most of my life with men). I am also very girly but I have put worms on a fish hook but LOVE tutu's and pink anything... I guess what I am saying there is a wide spectrum to who I am and the people in my life, I can blend in to most any setting but I can detect a person who isn't what they are pretty quick and tend to shy away from them (or run, it's just to exhausting and I am not a very good actress, okay, unless I must be)...
I guess what I am saying, in way too many words is that, I am not gonna hold back as much as I have before because SOMETIMES, that makes me lose a little bit of the shine of who I am... so, things are gonna be blogged a little bit more openly, put on your seatbelts, take a xanax, love me anyway and most importantly, just hit the little x and poof, the window will be closed...
Peace and Love my friends....