Happy New Years...
From our little home in Texas to yours....
I can honestly say... honestly, that we are sooooo ready to bid 2013 farewell....
So very much has been going on with our little family and an update is coming soon, but right now.
Best wishes to you and yours for a blessed and safe New Years day and New Years eve.... we have two wonderful families that have invited us to share the New Year with them and we will be spending time with both...
God Bless, The Sauceda Family

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
We took the kids to see "Frozen" at the Palladium IMAX and look who we ran into! We've been Good Santa! and we loved the movie
We were lucky enough to be gifted with a weekend at the Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk, my kiddos had a blast and we relaxed and enjoyed our time away from the hustle and bustle....
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Christmas Past
I love, absolutely love, this time of the year...
I don't have too many memories of Christmas as a child, but I do remember that my Daddy loved the holidays and we had a HUGE Christmas tree. We lived in a really old falling apart house but life was simple, not always smooth, but simple to a child at least....
My Dad would dress as Santa on Christmas eve and hand out goodies to the kids, we had a big party on Christmas eve and I remember the anticipation of the morning...
But this was ONE Christmas, the Christmas that we each (me and my two sisters that still lived at home) got one each of the same things, one game each, one watch each, one doll each... etc. It was a tree full of presents! ...of course I know now from my Mom that Dad had talked her into getting a loan and he spent all the money on presents and she was not happy... and THAT, is exactly how life was... My impulsive Dad, and my frustrated Mom... LOL
As time goes by, and life continues to change, I am focusing more on the spiritual side of Christmas, the anticipation of a first time mother, the long journey in the cold harsh land, Joseph worried that Mary would go into labor on their journey and then after finally making it to their destination, no place to stay... I can't even imagine...
No room at the Inn, but we do have a stable...
Mary, knowing that this child was the Messiah, and HIS birth was just the beginning. I worried about colic, her worries were for salvation that his birth was to bring...
Away in a Manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus, lays down his sweet head...
The stars in the sky shined down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay...
Friday, December 6, 2013
Just a quick pause before running out the door for school, work and Momo's. I really hate dragging my kiddos out of bed when we are so warm and snuggly.... and I have gotten so bad, i get everything ready at night so we can literally sleep til 7:15... we are dressed and out the door in 25 minutes!
Such is life...
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Give thanks....
As much as we love the holidays, it is also very hard for people that aren't having the best times in their life. That's why I had to share this card I received today from my friend Ann, Ann is homeless... she basically drifts from camp to camp living out of her car, but she feels blessed for having at least that. She is a sweet soul who has a hard life, and she gives thanks. When she drifts into town she spends a lot of time in our Adoration chapel here at our church, you wouldn't know she was homeless by looking at her, I befriended her on one visit when she was having car trouble and we have kept in contact by notes that she drops off and messages I leave on her phone when she can figure out how to check them! I leave her notes in the adoration chapel in case she stops by when I'm not at work.
I love her very much and she prays for my family and I pray for her. We both pray for a home for her and I just know something that she can afford is going to come available some day. She told me once she wishes she were a turtle so that no matter where she was she could just pull herself into her shell and be home...
I've tried convincing her to go to get into government housing but she has severe allergies so apartments and places where they spray are not good for her. One thing for sure is that she knows God has a plan for her, and I believe that too...
Ann spends the majority of her time alone and in prayer... and she is grateful for her Faith.
We could all learn from the beauty of this woman, who is truly grateful for the little that she does have...
Thursday, November 21, 2013
So busy
What? Us, busy.... here is Ms. Kiley at her first Tamale making day, she was pretty excited and pretty messy by the end of it all. Tamales were super yummy and I have pretty much perfected my meat seasoning, making my Aunt Benita proud!
Don't play with sharpie markers Kylie, here's the little kitty kat.... "Kylie did you open that marker?" "Nuh uh..."... sure you didn't, LOL
Love this picture of my two cuties and love love love them!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Family ... never a dull moment
There has been so much going on lately...
We are making tamales this weekend for the holidays, glad to get that done early and over with. I'm trying to get my house ready for the Thanksgiving holidays, with my honey's help.
My sister in Oklahoma is going through a nasty, sudden divorce, she will be moving home soon and that will be a big change.
Kylie's first Christmas with us and I am so excited for her too!
So much to do, loving the cooler weather, can't wait to have some stuffing!
We are making tamales this weekend for the holidays, glad to get that done early and over with. I'm trying to get my house ready for the Thanksgiving holidays, with my honey's help.
My sister in Oklahoma is going through a nasty, sudden divorce, she will be moving home soon and that will be a big change.
Kylie's first Christmas with us and I am so excited for her too!
So much to do, loving the cooler weather, can't wait to have some stuffing!
Monday, November 11, 2013
visiting the missions
Took the family to visit one of the missions in San Antonio, it was a beautiful day!
Took the family to visit one of the missions in San Antonio, it was a beautiful day!
We are on the down hill slide
another week of Chemo for our guy....
I actually look forward to taking my guy to Chemo, he's stuck with his Aunt Marla all day for as many days as needed. Love love love this boy to the moon and back a zillion times. End date for chemo is March 17, 2014... hooray!
I actually look forward to taking my guy to Chemo, he's stuck with his Aunt Marla all day for as many days as needed. Love love love this boy to the moon and back a zillion times. End date for chemo is March 17, 2014... hooray!
Special Places
New Library for Seguin!
The new library for Seguin is going to be built on the plot of land where my childhood home once stood. What a wonderful gift for me, I can go visit whenever I like and this childhood play land will always be appreciated, can't wait to see the progress...
The new library for Seguin is going to be built on the plot of land where my childhood home once stood. What a wonderful gift for me, I can go visit whenever I like and this childhood play land will always be appreciated, can't wait to see the progress...
Friday, November 1, 2013
Halloween... fun.... uh, NOT!
Here is my sugar love, you can tell by the expression on his face exactly how our Halloween went...
Momma failed, epic fail.... I am always in such a hurry to have the perfect costume for my little love that I jump on it right away once he decides, his Aunt Kasey ordered the costume and it took 3 alterations to get it perfect, to us at least... this is where my epic fail comes in... I didn't think about him, his age, his friends and I ordered him a baby costume, the other kids his age had the tshirt jeans and mask, he was embarrassed. I guess I'm still thinking of him as a little kid when he's all grown. Yes, I think he looks great and adorable but in hindsight I realize he is at that age where kids don't 'do' the jumpsuit costumes anymore. My poor sugar love, my heart just broke because of course his daddy was having none of that pity party.
And here is my glittery candy corn, who didn't get her afternoon nap, refused to keep her big bow on, hated her tights and whose glitzy dress was 'itchy'...
The daddy had a terrible day at work and momma was doing her best to stay calm and keep everyone happy...
Ya and thanks a lot to the scary bloody clown we ran into at one of the few houses we went to... I really enjoyed have to calm down a hysterical ninja turtle.... NICE, save your sicko costumes for parties with no kids present....
And that was Halloween 2013...
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween
It's Halloween! and I have the pleasure of taking the cutest little piece of Candy Corn and the bravest Ninja Turtle trick or treating tonight...
Be safe everyone... and I hope you get lots of treats!!!
Friday, October 18, 2013
My whole family is fighting colds, AND I do mean FIGHTING... TJ has his full week Chemo next week and my days are Monday and Tuesday, no time for this cold business, I've already lectured my little ones, well Noah at least, about the importance of washing hands, covering mouths, trying as best as possible to stay healthy this winter. Kylie just looked at me kinda puzzeled, BUT attentive... and all she got from my speech was TJ so she ran around for the next half hour squealing TJ TJ TJ...
I love love love this time of year but have been making myself sick worried about what it means for our guy, colds could be very very bad for him, as much as I love this time of year, I wish I could fast forward to April...
Prayers for a healthy winter for our family, especially TJ the Tank...
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Kylie loves girlie things, like colored rubber bands, so we did a crazy do and she loved it... and her new nightgown...
silly girl making life sweet with ribbons, bows, purses, puppies and plenty of questions.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Hanging on...
Barely, countdown to the festival is next week and I am so excited that in just a few weeks it will all be over.... until next year that is. Join us, it will be a wonderful time!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
This is Ms. Kylie in her cheerleading outfit Aunt Kasey made her, in one day to boot! The top was a little snug but she was ready for the High School Matador game and cheered Noah on with the peewee Mats the next day to... That cheerleader got a workout!
My love love ready for his game. I mean to tell you EVERY game is a huge ordeal, draggin chairs, ice chests, canopy, bags... by the time we get everything all set up we are pooped! Not to mention making sure Noah has his socks (which ALWAYS disappear) jersey, cleats, helmet and mouth piece, Jeez, and the season is just starting... practices are 4 days a week! Momma is worn out...
Just grinning and going...,.
My little honey saved this quote as the wallpaper on my phone... I'm pretty sure he loves his Momma.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The in's and out's of life in my shoes
There really is no other way to describe my life but ... well, CRAZY. It always has been and surely always will be and in all honesty, I am okay with that!
We have so much on our plates right now, but my main focus, of course after caring for my family, okay okay... sometimes things get neglected there too (I am officially wearing my last pair of clean underwear as I type) Anyway, I got off track, first on my task list at this time... AHEM is, our parish festival, which Johnny has been in charge of for at least the last 5 years and looks to be in charge of for a while yet... And that in turn means that I am essentially, his festival bitch (pardon my language) the truth hurts, I run around like a chicken with my head cut off taking care of all the details so that he can seemingly handle everything with no effort whatsoever... YA... but rather than complain, I am once again the supportive wife and I have embraced my task at hand and, well, basically said... I have to help him, might as well get 'er done....
I love fall, so I focus and that and move forward.... knowing that in four short weeks, I will have one less thing on my task list to worry about...
We have so much on our plates right now, but my main focus, of course after caring for my family, okay okay... sometimes things get neglected there too (I am officially wearing my last pair of clean underwear as I type) Anyway, I got off track, first on my task list at this time... AHEM is, our parish festival, which Johnny has been in charge of for at least the last 5 years and looks to be in charge of for a while yet... And that in turn means that I am essentially, his festival bitch (pardon my language) the truth hurts, I run around like a chicken with my head cut off taking care of all the details so that he can seemingly handle everything with no effort whatsoever... YA... but rather than complain, I am once again the supportive wife and I have embraced my task at hand and, well, basically said... I have to help him, might as well get 'er done....
I love fall, so I focus and that and move forward.... knowing that in four short weeks, I will have one less thing on my task list to worry about...
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Time to catch up
I know I have neglected my blog lately, but there has been much more craziness than usual in my life, is that possible?
Football practice has started 3 times a week, plus games on Saturday... Luckily my sister is working, lucky for me that is because she has been a huge help caring for the kiddos and Kylie adores her, and she spoils her rotten.
Tomorrow, I am starting weight watchers, why not? it's not like I don't have enough to keep me busy... Actually, in taking care of myself my girlfriend Christina, whom I will refer to as BG, yes that is Big Girl, twisted my arm, just a little... because it didn't take much for me to realize, it's time...
So, that will be a whole new set of entries, fun and funny surely... I am sure I will pass out after I get on the scale tomorrow, we shall see.... Lord, give me strength.
I had a cute little fat girl clipart here, for some reason she disappeared... Do you think that's a sign?
My TJ is still fighting this beast we call cancer, love that kid so much it is so hard, it has taken a toll on my sister too and I worry about them both so much....
My mom had a heart cath done and has blockage, I don't even know where to begin with that, just the procedure aggravated her dementia and it has been hard...
Our life is full with little Kylie and as crazy as ever, more to come, I promise :)
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
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