Happy New Years...
From our little home in Texas to yours....
I can honestly say... honestly, that we are sooooo ready to bid 2013 farewell....
So very much has been going on with our little family and an update is coming soon, but right now.
Best wishes to you and yours for a blessed and safe New Years day and New Years eve.... we have two wonderful families that have invited us to share the New Year with them and we will be spending time with both...
God Bless, The Sauceda Family

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
We took the kids to see "Frozen" at the Palladium IMAX and look who we ran into! We've been Good Santa! and we loved the movie
We were lucky enough to be gifted with a weekend at the Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk, my kiddos had a blast and we relaxed and enjoyed our time away from the hustle and bustle....
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Christmas Past
I love, absolutely love, this time of the year...
I don't have too many memories of Christmas as a child, but I do remember that my Daddy loved the holidays and we had a HUGE Christmas tree. We lived in a really old falling apart house but life was simple, not always smooth, but simple to a child at least....
My Dad would dress as Santa on Christmas eve and hand out goodies to the kids, we had a big party on Christmas eve and I remember the anticipation of the morning...
But this was ONE Christmas, the Christmas that we each (me and my two sisters that still lived at home) got one each of the same things, one game each, one watch each, one doll each... etc. It was a tree full of presents! ...of course I know now from my Mom that Dad had talked her into getting a loan and he spent all the money on presents and she was not happy... and THAT, is exactly how life was... My impulsive Dad, and my frustrated Mom... LOL
As time goes by, and life continues to change, I am focusing more on the spiritual side of Christmas, the anticipation of a first time mother, the long journey in the cold harsh land, Joseph worried that Mary would go into labor on their journey and then after finally making it to their destination, no place to stay... I can't even imagine...
No room at the Inn, but we do have a stable...
Mary, knowing that this child was the Messiah, and HIS birth was just the beginning. I worried about colic, her worries were for salvation that his birth was to bring...
Away in a Manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus, lays down his sweet head...
The stars in the sky shined down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay...
Friday, December 6, 2013
Just a quick pause before running out the door for school, work and Momo's. I really hate dragging my kiddos out of bed when we are so warm and snuggly.... and I have gotten so bad, i get everything ready at night so we can literally sleep til 7:15... we are dressed and out the door in 25 minutes!
Such is life...
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