My honey and I actually had a night out on Saturday, i am such a drag... if it were up to me it would be a PJ movie night every night, i just don't do the whole bar thing well, but I had a nice time actually .... his friends band was playing, and I even enjoyed a few drinks... woo hoo...
I have to really get on my own case because in marriage, you have to give in and do things that aren't your cup of tea...but you do, because it is all about compromise, and i had a good time and reminded myself that as long as we are spending time together, it's always good...

Ya, so I slept late and my post from yesterday tells how my day got started! of course sleeping late to me is 8 am when i get up at 5... 8 is late... but then again I didn't get to bed til 2! jeez... I am too old for that...
So, Johnny had to hit the floor running yesterday too because he had his Team fundraiser at church, luckily I had baked my cakes yesterday and got all his silent auction stuff together for him so he was good to go...
My little bear was not too happy about getting ready for church, we missed Sunday school, I had to run to the store because I was helping with the food for Youth Ministry and was STRESSED because they were having Sisters attend and wanted to make sure we had plenty of food... so you know I had to run and get extra just in case... Had to run by the Momo's and pick up the rice only to get in trouble because my big bear had told her I would take her breakfast which she had been waiting for and I didn't have time!!! I felt her pain, you don't tease a BG about food and then not follow through, so I took a good chewin for my husband... ugh!!! get to church, forgot to get candies for the movie basket (did i say my big bear ended up coordinating the silent auction so i was going nuts helping him)... back to the store to get that... with little bear telling me he hated when i rushed him... LOL everything worked out, plenty of food for YM, Men had a great turnout and this mama bear needed to pass out... but alas... THAT didn't happen... but Vinnie did make us some gooooooood ribs that my BFBG (big footed big girl) treated us with and I was thinking, pretty dang good ending to the day! even though my house IS a disaster AND little bear fought me through bath time....
and to go from that to my best Monday morning start off....
Gotta love my brother in law when he wakes up hungry... see! he bought me a taco in exchange for hauling his butt to work.... LOL
This is going to be a busy week, i am excited because Johnny and I are going to start helping with the marriage ministry at church and this week is our first meeting, looking forward to it... you know, since we have SOOOO much free time and all, seriously, I have really wanted to help with it for a while but Johnny didn't really seem interested so I let it go... prayed about it and when they asked us again this year my honey said he wanted to try it... God is so Good... I am happy, not just because God placed it on his heart, but because i just want to show my support for people that are beginning this journey in their lives, it is a true commitment and marriage is a lot of work, but the rewards are great and the love and God sustains...
Happy Monday All!!!!
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