So this adventure from switching to a one income from a two income family is going to be fun… LOL Don’t get me wrong, it is going to be totally worth it and there is no amount of money that would replace all that my family is going to be gaining. Yesterday my hubby had a double root canal, all said and done we are looking at a little over $1100 dollars to save that tooth, our part after insurance being about a cool $450… ya… I was TOTALLY for pulling that sucker LOL… Add to that the prescription for pain and we are looking at $475, AND he needs work done on 4 more teeth. The good thing is that since we will be picking up Johnny’s insurance Sept. 1 we can go ahead and do the rest of the work since we will have their dental rather than waiting until Jan. 1… is that good news? I have become the light police at our house, I will be the first to admit… I was an energy waister until a dear friend told me how she was trying to go green and how much she cut off her bill… hellur… that little bit of savings will be really nice. It is the little things that people don’t realize add to the costs of living that we really don’t think about when we are not being money or energy conscious. Mr. Fish no long gets his lamp on 24/7, only when we are wanting to enjoy our fishtank in the evening in our den, which is rarely. The microwave and coffee maker no longer stay plugged in so that they can flash the wrong time 24/7… And the biggest, and most significant change, I don’t leave the sink water running while I am cleaning, I know I know… Johnny used to get on me all the time, it’s like the minute I went into the kitchen I turned on the faucet and left it on the whole time I was in there… I don’t know why, something about the sound of the water I guess… Have I seen a savings? Um, not sure, I was the lady hunting for the city bill to pay before the late fee… Now that I look for the bill to budget in the amount, I am like… HOLY COW, our bill is ridiculous! But in talking to other moms, ours is actually quite good, our house is always cool and it seems to be well insulated, not to mention that the builder knew what he was doing and there are really no windows on the HOT side of the house and we have trees around the windows we do have… I am so proud that last year we were able to buy our new washer and dryer, they are beautiful and my babies because it is the first time I ever bought brand new appliances and the icing on the cake was paying for them in… hold your breath… CASH… me and my honey saved for them and we are hoping to get a new fridge and stove so they have a new brother and sister hahahaha… I so want my other new appliances before the holidays, we’ll see… Depends on our other purchase, we are looking to buy a small used car for Johnny to take to work, good on gas… so depending on how we fair with that, my appliances may have to wait a little longer. I am still trying to let it sink in that really, there are going to be so many of my clothes that I don’t even wear anymore, really… I will be wearing the school shirt with Noah 5 days a week (maybe I can add some sequins to that) and so the other clothes won’t get much use, Noah will be in uniform also so even he won’t have to use the clothes like before, I will have more time for laundry so no need to have clothes to last for 3 weeks (and then some)… Guess I will have to get to cleaning out that closet again…. My oldest sister Nena is leaving on Wednesday for

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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