Monday, December 31, 2012
HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!
The countdown has begun!!!
I'm not sure what my little family is going to do tonight, but I know we will be together and we will be happy... Goodbye 2012, I just know the New Year is going to be great. Have a safe and blessed New Year from The Sauceda Familia to you...
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Living in the moment
I was actually trying to log onto my blog and came across this, I don't know how to put a link but you can google the authors name at the bottom, I will certainly go back to visit this site... enjoy!
10 Ways to Live in the Moment
Every Moment of Your Life
Every Moment of Your Life
If the moments we choose to live in are saturated with work, we’re living buried in the labor and not in our lives.
The trick is to experience every moment as a moment of life. Here are 10 ways to energize every moment of your life.
- Own your time. Know that every moment you spend doing anything is a choice. All of the “have-tos” and the “musts do” are because you choose what doing them will bring. Time is the only resource we can’t renew. Invest it in experiences, places, and people that are meaningful to you.
- Decide and define what you want your moments to be about. Are you a learner? an explorer? a teacher? a risk taker? a rodeo clown? When you look back in the last moment of your life what sort of moments will you cherish most? Decide now to make more of them.
- Don’t wait for the right moment to be alive. Stop yourself several times a day to look at the sky, to experience the environment you’re in, to hear your own thoughts as they move through your mind. Don’t wait for the someday to try something new.
- Spend time with people who truly live the moments of their lives. We slowly become what we look at most. If we hang with the best role models, we can learn the pros.
- Minimize the number and effect of negative moments in your life. Let go of anger and pain. Carrying around memories of bad times gets in the way of what we might be experiencing now.
- Don’t invest in fights that you don’t need to win. Who has time to argue about silly things? Meet with your friends in the places where you build things, not in the places where things get torn down.
- Make positive moments. Negative thoughts build fences and defenses. Positive people attract positive people who are doing positive things.
- Know when you’re getting swept into the current and losing sight of the moments of your life. It will be a need to speed up. Then it will be some sort of stress. Stop to reflect on who you are, where you are, what you value, and how you want to live your life.
- Stretch. Think of every moment as a chance to see more of yourself. Take small risks that push your ideas and ideals. Living is growing. Expand every moment into memory of a life.
- Curate and protect with bold intention. Let the people and places you care about know that part of living your life is dedicated to them.
How do you put yourself into the moments of your life?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
It's beginning to look a lot like.....
December is my absolute favoritest month, I love the lights, colors, scents... the anticipation of Christmas. This year, more so, than in years past, because I truly see my blessings and feel God's love and presence surround me! There is truly the feeling of CHRISTmas in the air for me...
December is my absolute favoritest month, I love the lights, colors, scents... the anticipation of Christmas. This year, more so, than in years past, because I truly see my blessings and feel God's love and presence surround me! There is truly the feeling of CHRISTmas in the air for me...
Lovin' me a little....
In my younger days, when I wasn't near as smart as I am now (teehee) I loved loved loved expensive persons... now, I just love being practical... I have been in search of the perfect bag, I had already decided that I wanted a crossbody that could also be a shoulder bag, I wanted the messenger bag style... but either the strap was uncomfortable, the bag was too small... I just couldn't find one that was screaming "pick me" because I don't indulge myself very often, this was a SERIOUS decision, right up there with toilet paper (just kidding), I mean, if I was going to spend money, it was going to have to be well though out... then I found this one, my new love! I didn't care too much for her real flowery patterns, but this one sealed my decision, my new Vera Bradley bag, love love love it... and I got it on sale! Thank you to my honey and little sugar for spoiling me for my Bday...
Sweet baby
Isn't she the sweetest thing ever! This is my newest great niece Cassandra Reese, and her Aunt Marla absolutely adores her! I am really excited about teaching her to nap (see how good she's doing) and how to just relax and kick back. She has become my new little buddy and I try to see her as often as I can, and her mom is great about bringing her to her Auntie.
Basketball Season
We finished with football season and now we are back on the basketball court. My little guy stays busy, that's really important to me and I hope someday he realizes how important it is. Love this guy and he is growing so fast. He is my heart ad I pray constantly that he grows up to be a kind man.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Women's LIGHT Retreat 2012
Team and Retreatant Picture.... AMAZING Weekend
I am a lucky lucky girl, I have the absolute best group of friends anyone could ask for. This was the most relaxing weekend.... EVER! Beautiful scenery, great friends... and GOD... what more can you ask for...
Monday, October 29, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Love this weather
It feels wonderfule outside, cool, windy, rainy and such a welcome relief from all this heat! It has been so darn hot... As usual, it has been super busy around the Sauceda house. Noah has started football and he had his last game this past Saturday, even though they lost it was a great game and I was really happy because so much of the family made it out there to cheer him on, we are so proud!
I have been in a huge funk and I need to get moving on this stuff for festival and the light retreat. Meeting with the girls on the retreat has been great and I feel better because I feel like I have a handle on things but that feeling of being overwhelmed still takes over sometimes, I woke up about 4 last night and couldn't calm down... I actually had a follow up Dr. appt. yesterday for my knee, which is doing fine, and my blood pressure was high, so I left after being put on a low dose medication. Not to happy about that, but what can I do, I am a born worrier.
I'm trying to focus on the moment and take one day at a time. Life is too good to spend it stressed...
I have been in a huge funk and I need to get moving on this stuff for festival and the light retreat. Meeting with the girls on the retreat has been great and I feel better because I feel like I have a handle on things but that feeling of being overwhelmed still takes over sometimes, I woke up about 4 last night and couldn't calm down... I actually had a follow up Dr. appt. yesterday for my knee, which is doing fine, and my blood pressure was high, so I left after being put on a low dose medication. Not to happy about that, but what can I do, I am a born worrier.
I'm trying to focus on the moment and take one day at a time. Life is too good to spend it stressed...
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Suck it up and be a big girl (watch it!)

Well it's Monday morning and I have the Monday blues... :( I had to let my son play with my camera so he would give me a few minutes to blog before we started off our week. Here is his stinky mommy not even ready for the day
but, wow... I haven't cut my hair in a looonnnnggg time, and mostly out of sheer laziness, and it has gotten so long! Guess I don't really notice because I always have it tied up in a knot. I know I know, my mother always used to yell at me "Marlena aren't you going to do something with your hair... " well, duh Mom, I let it grow... just kidding...
Ugh, we had such a busy weekend and I am tired, actually yesterday was kinda lazy but I helped my mother in law with her yardsale Friday and Saturday and I am pretty sure I cooked myself, it is so stinking hot!!! We bought Noah a set of really nice used bunkbeds from my friend, and getting them into his room has been nothing short of an ordeal, you have to remember, Noah's room looked like a tornado hit it... literally.. two toy boxes stacked 3 feet above their lids, two toy shelves with bins and only enough walking space to get to his dresser... NO FUN... I had to keep the show Hoarders on the TV all day yesterday just so I wouldn't sit down ... seriously
Me and my honey went to a friends party on Saturday night and danced away, wow, we havent' done that in a loooonnngg time. I feel so sorry for my husband, he is an awesome Tejano dancer... I mean he can really dance, I love watching him... but, unfortunately for him... His wife is not... which used to be perfect when my friend Kimmy and her boyfriend were together, we could all go to dances back in the day and we would switch partners, because he and I werent that great and Johnny and kim were. So that's why I can say I loved watching him... just can't get all what twisting and sliding down! I try, I get nervous LOL and good lord, I can barely walk without falling! But, I have to say I am getting better... We have about 6 weddings coming up so I am sure we'll have time to work on it... :) And I one of our friends did say we looked like we were gliding across the floor... he did have quite a bit to drink though so Im not sure if that counts...
Me and my honey went to a friends party on Saturday night and danced away, wow, we havent' done that in a loooonnngg time. I feel so sorry for my husband, he is an awesome Tejano dancer... I mean he can really dance, I love watching him... but, unfortunately for him... His wife is not... which used to be perfect when my friend Kimmy and her boyfriend were together, we could all go to dances back in the day and we would switch partners, because he and I werent that great and Johnny and kim were. So that's why I can say I loved watching him... just can't get all what twisting and sliding down! I try, I get nervous LOL and good lord, I can barely walk without falling! But, I have to say I am getting better... We have about 6 weddings coming up so I am sure we'll have time to work on it... :) And I one of our friends did say we looked like we were gliding across the floor... he did have quite a bit to drink though so Im not sure if that counts...
Well, now for my little rant and rave session... I am so disappointed in people.... I had a person who I thought was a friend take some backhanded digs at me and on FB no less... seriously?
I found out my precious great-niece was surrounded by loving family and friends for her baptism this weekend... on FB again... my feelings were so hurt that we weren't even told...
...and I hope that someone who reads this will take into consideration that FB should be a place where you share Loving memories with family and friends, proud moments, happy times....
I do love it, My dear Herrera cousins started me on it and I have met and kept up with so many family members that I wouldn't have otherwise. I have been there for the birth of their children, to send condolences during loss and all the other important moments in their lives.
I have kept in touch with friends that I love dearly, I know their kids, I see their families and laugh and feel love with them.
Do I like FB, yes, because just last week I gave the biggest hug to my friend Tina who moved back from California, I ran into her at Peter Piper Pizza and even though it had been more than a year since we had physically seen eachother, I have journeyed with her and we hugged knowing that we were just as close as when she left... That is when FB is truly awesome...
Would I give up FB... nope, because my smoking hot friend Alex and her dj honey Damien share their lives with me... and even though she is gone, she still makes me feel hip by sharing her wonderful life and glamourous pictures... I wouldn't have that without facebook, we couldn't pick on eachother and she wouldn't see Noah grow... So I miss her physically for our everyday lunch dates and chats.... but I still have her in my life and can see how she is doing...
If only people could share just the good stuff, their humor, their lives... FB could always be a happy place...
This weekend I really wanted to just close my page, but why should I lose touch with all those people, when they benefits of the ones who love me outweight those who use FB for the wrong reasons...
That's it.... I'm done... peace out my party people... we got a whole new day ahead of us and I gotta make my Jesus smile!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
My baby
This is my view of my little buddy as we run around doing our crazy errands. Johnny always says we can't last 10 minutes without arguing, but hey... we spend the majority of our time together so how could we not disagree about things?! I love him, I love his ears, his nose, his little chin... i could just eat him up my precious boy...
My honey is swamped this week because one of the therapists in on vacation. So I have been trying to take extra good care of him. I get up and make him breakfast, pack his lunch and cold drinks for the day... send him off with his coffee, jug of ice water and a big kiss... I love my husband, and it breaks my heart when he looks tired and overworked. He won't complain, he loves his family and works hard to take care of us... and I feel terribly guilty when he calls and we are swimming or eating out, at a movie or anything that he can't be a part of because he works... but it makes him happy when we are happy, he is selfless like that. This week, because I knew it was going to be a rough one, I felt sad when I sent him off on Monday morning, because I knew it was going to be a stressful week and for some reason, I look at Noah and realize that he needs to have fun, be carefree... be a kid, because there is going to be a point in his life where he too will have to provide for his family, take care of them and miss out on things because he is doing that. So this week, I am not going to feel bad about running my kiddo to all his different activities, I just pray that when he reaches that point in his life, he will look at his own children and want for them what he had and that he too will work hard to provide for them and know that they will grow into strong, happy people...
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Go Matadors
And football practice begins... look at my baby running the tires!
He's watching his little buddy...
After a disappointing coach last year, we have found a new team and we are ready for football season! Go Mats! This team seems very close, organized but best of all, Noah enjoys it... Thank goodness because momma can't handle meltdowns at practice!
Friday, August 3, 2012
How much is that doggy in the window, the one with the waggly tail...
My ACTS sister and roomie Patty, love this crazy girl!
And the queen rests...
Yes, we have probably more fun being on team than the retreatants do! These crazy girls, I got back to the team house and they had moved my bed and even my fan and nightstand out of my room and into the living area... I think this just proves that SOME team members have too much free time! LOL
Anything less...
How could anyone ever tell you, you were anything less than beautiful...
How could anyone ever tell you, you were less than whole...
How could anyone fail to notice, that your loving is a miracle...
How deeply your connected to my soul...
Another aMAzInG retreat! Praise God, still trying to catch up on rest, still on my high from the weekend. Still feeling overwhelmingly blessed.
Even as I am home on a Friday night, cleaning my dirty, neglected house (thank you God for my home) and grateful that my a/c is working again (thank you Lord for a cool place to live in this heat) I am ever so grateful for all my many blessings. Grateful that despite my car overheating this week (thank you dear Lord for a brother in law who fixed it the same day) and the chaos of trying to get everything back on track... I have a loving and wonderful husband that puts up with my grouchiness from lack of sleep and at the same time can understand that even through the tiredness, we would do it all again in a heartbeat.
ACTS 2012 made my heart sing, brought renewed joy... lifted me up... love my sisters in Christ... and they love me, even though I am super silly on retreat ;)
How could anyone ever tell you, you were less than whole...
How could anyone fail to notice, that your loving is a miracle...
How deeply your connected to my soul...
Another aMAzInG retreat! Praise God, still trying to catch up on rest, still on my high from the weekend. Still feeling overwhelmingly blessed.
Even as I am home on a Friday night, cleaning my dirty, neglected house (thank you God for my home) and grateful that my a/c is working again (thank you Lord for a cool place to live in this heat) I am ever so grateful for all my many blessings. Grateful that despite my car overheating this week (thank you dear Lord for a brother in law who fixed it the same day) and the chaos of trying to get everything back on track... I have a loving and wonderful husband that puts up with my grouchiness from lack of sleep and at the same time can understand that even through the tiredness, we would do it all again in a heartbeat.
ACTS 2012 made my heart sing, brought renewed joy... lifted me up... love my sisters in Christ... and they love me, even though I am super silly on retreat ;)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
So ready!
Well, we have been meeting all summer and it's finally time for our Women's ACTS retreat this weekend, I am so looking forward to spending 4 days with all my girls and meeting 32 new girls that are gonna just add to our big happy ACTS family... It's going to be an amazing weekend and I absolutely can't wait! The only sad thing is that it is going to be over as quick as it starts... :'( I have much to do left on my to do list, including finishing up my cute aprons for my team... Can't wait to see how they turn out!
On the homefront we are making some major changes in our house. After much discussion and deliberation we are pulling our son out of St. James and putting him in public school. It wasn't an easy decision but I absolutely feel it is the best decision for him and I am looking forward to meeting our new Weinert family. I am going to miss St. James, but it is time for a much needed change, first grade was a hard year and I am ready to start fresh. Prayers are appreciated! Noah is excited and ready, I was a little worried that it might be too soon, but after Spurs camp last week, I know my son never meets a stranger and will make friends fast.
I'm signing off and praying for an awesome weekend for my 40 sisters on team with me and our 32 retreatants we are welcoming into our hearts!
On the homefront we are making some major changes in our house. After much discussion and deliberation we are pulling our son out of St. James and putting him in public school. It wasn't an easy decision but I absolutely feel it is the best decision for him and I am looking forward to meeting our new Weinert family. I am going to miss St. James, but it is time for a much needed change, first grade was a hard year and I am ready to start fresh. Prayers are appreciated! Noah is excited and ready, I was a little worried that it might be too soon, but after Spurs camp last week, I know my son never meets a stranger and will make friends fast.
I'm signing off and praying for an awesome weekend for my 40 sisters on team with me and our 32 retreatants we are welcoming into our hearts!
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