Do you LOVE my new pendant, a very sweet gift from an older couple that attend our church for my belated birthday... I just LOVE it, who wouldn't want to wear LOVE all day!

Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
My surprise package from my niece. I try to be really creative about sending cards because I love to get them in the mail, they make my day and make my heart smile. My sister has sent me care packages which are so much fun to open (remember my halloween package) that sometimes I will let the box sit on my table for a few days just to enjoy the anticipation. This love pack was courtesy of my niece who returned my son's DS that he left in her car on her last visit and she included some stuff for me, a hand-knitted beautiful light purple scarf that I absolutely LOVE, and some really great photos, one of the big oak tree on the lot where our old house on Nolte street stood.
Can't wait to wear the scarf, just need a little cold spell is all...
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Lunch date
My baby got Student of the Month for December, so I took him a surprise lunch and he got to pick two of his buddies to sit with us.
It was actually a good laugh that he got it for December, since there was only 2 1/2 weeks of school and he was out a whole week of that with the Flu... go figure.
Love my little guy
It was....
It was a cold wet Saturday and I look out the door and see the rooster (my mother in law) swinging, she really hates being outside so I thought that was unusual until I saw this...
See next post....
So kind
.... my mother outside on this lazy at home day picking up the pecans, Momo was afraid that Mom would fall so she sat outside watching her pick them... great memory...
Silly Girl...
This is my God-daughter Jordan, actually my first of girl God-children that have grown all up. Jordan is my best friend Patty's daughter and she has become my gum lately, because don't you know her God-momma is cool... Lol, old is more like it, old and doesn't give a rat's booty what other people think most of the time... Actually, that's not it at all.... maybe a little...
Pardon me, my ADD was kicking in...
I always tell people when the kids get to be this age (about middle school) I don't really like them very much LOL, I'm not sure why.... but my Jordy has changed that, sometimes, I will admit, I want to smack her around a little, mostly when she insists on constantly taking pictures like this... but her and Christian, my other girlfriends son, are at this age and these kiddos are the exception to my rule (smile). Christian has become Noahs play buddy because they both love basketball, and it warms my heart that they are good to my little guy, Jordan insists that Noah sleep with her on the top bunk when she stays the night, if she has to sleep without her mommy, he does too, and they do!
Jordy just likes hanging out with us, she's fine withbeing in pj's on a Friday night and hanging with the girls, who all have their girls hanging... LOL, pardon that comment...
In this respect, she reminds me of me, because I preferred hanging out with my family than going to my friends. We laugh, pick on eachother and just do whatever... Love her, treasure this time, hold on to the memories...always.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Two more additions
They belong to me now...
Stuff, we have so much stuff that we can't take with us when we go! That's what my mom always used to say.
I purchased these two little plaques with my birthday gift card from Fr. Dennis at one of my favorite stores, Blessings... I need to post before and after pictures of my house as I really work trying to transform it...
I have really started to love the plaques with written words and sayings, my challenge is trying to piece things together and make them look right on the walls... I need to be more daring and move out of my thinking that everything has to match to look right. We'll see where these little gems end up.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Having fun...
Our last day of Christmas break, but we had a blast at Momo's dentists office with an indoor gym and free arcade games and then we met my honey for lunch, great day!
My honey loves pecan pies, and this wonderful pie was made with pecans from our own tree. It makes me feel so good to make something that is so yummy and appreciated by my boys. This was and easy traditional recipe, comment if you'd like it!
The gangs all here...
Had a night out with Johnny's ACTS brothers celebrating Jaime's birthday, I feel completely blessed that my husband has such a wonderful support system. Love these guys and their families...
Spurs Holiday Camp
Sean Elliott was at Noah's camp that he went to, he gave the kid's pointers and Noah was so excited to get to meet him and get an autograph.
Waiting patiently
My baby was able to attend the Spurs holiday basketball camp, his Auntie paid for it as an early birthday gift, he had a great time!
Thanks Aunt Christina!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
2013, Well hello there!
How's my 2013 going so far... ugh... right now I am so stinking tired if I closed my eyes for longer than a minute I would start snoring... zzzzzZZZZZzzzz
Did I make a resolution, well, not OUT LOUD... but I will share some things I have on my heart, not really resolutions... not really even goals... changes maybe? not sure... but definitely gonna focus on...
PRAYER, I want to spend more time in prayer, not just saying the words, but being in the presence of Christ and opening my heart to whatever he may place there.
HAPPINESS, we started off the year with a big financial hit, car problems, colds... But in all this, I choose to find the brighter side, to know this too shall pass, most importantly to focus on the 'haves' and not the 'have nots'. I am grateful for a husband who works hard to provide for his family, that we have two vehicles that ARE running and that we have medicine and a warm home to rest our heads, good friends and family who love us... a blessed life....
I truly want to live every moment, trust in God and enjoy every precious second of life.
Did I make a resolution, well, not OUT LOUD... but I will share some things I have on my heart, not really resolutions... not really even goals... changes maybe? not sure... but definitely gonna focus on...
PRAYER, I want to spend more time in prayer, not just saying the words, but being in the presence of Christ and opening my heart to whatever he may place there.
HAPPINESS, we started off the year with a big financial hit, car problems, colds... But in all this, I choose to find the brighter side, to know this too shall pass, most importantly to focus on the 'haves' and not the 'have nots'. I am grateful for a husband who works hard to provide for his family, that we have two vehicles that ARE running and that we have medicine and a warm home to rest our heads, good friends and family who love us... a blessed life....
I truly want to live every moment, trust in God and enjoy every precious second of life.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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