My lil' sugar was home sick from school yesterday. He had been running a temp since Sunday evening and I was kinda nervous about keeping him home because he has missed so much school, he was just out the week before Christmas break with the flu. I sent him to school Monday and sure enough, the nurse called that he had a fever. The doctor said it's just a cold, ugh... I really hate when he has fever, it makes me so nervous. Luckily Noah has never been a whiney sick kid, so I should count my blessings. Doesn't he look all comfy, love this little guy. We switched to a new pediatrician, we can never get into the one he had because she is always booked solid and that is one of my biggest pet peeves. We really liked Dr. Stephens and he came with great recommendations so we'll see.
I heard on the news this morning that 80% of the U.S. population has either a cold or the flu, it is a terrible flu season this year, wash those hands and keep those sick kiddos home! LOL...
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