I have been trying really hard to do an entry every day in honor of my favorite month… and time of the year! Noah had his Christmas program last night, and he was absolutely precious! You can’t really see him well in the picture he is in the center in the red vest… love that boy! Ya, I went to find him an outfit for the program because it had to be just right, and I finally found that set and stayed up til after midnite the night before hemming up the pants. Then yesterday the hunt was on for black dress shoes and black socks…but I found them and he looked adorable. When I was getting him ready for the program, he has his ‘happy place’ for his pants… tucked under his tummy and it made the pants pooch in the front… so I had to bribe my son with a new toy on Saturday to wear the pants over his tummy… I know this sounds crazy, but the point is this… regardless of the fact that this was his Christmas program, this was all about me… Let me explain… All those fits he throws, the crying every morning… the nights staying up with him sick or throwing up, the grouchiness… loss of sleep, frustrations… wanting to hide in a closet because he is making me crazy.. all of those trying moments when you question what exactly you got yourself into… ALL OF THEM … lead up to moments like these, when they look absolutely angelic, up on the stage, singing their hearts out and you feel total and absolute love and pride.. it makes all those hard moments fade away and gives you just enough strength to take the trying times until the next ‘moment’ when you realize it’s all worth it… (including the trip to CiCi’s after the program where he decides to push the red flash soda button so it goes straight into the arm on his new shirt and runs into his clothes… all the way down his back and into his pants… lovely) You forget about the fact that you had to run home after work, take him to get his hair cut, make sure both granny’s remembered you were picking them up at 5:15 to get Noah there on time and get them seated… had to fight for a parking space in the cold and get the granny who can’t see and the granny who is walking with her cane that she decides at this time she needs to their seats so you can get Noah to the line where he needs to be only to lose his BRAND NEW coat in the hustle of not losing them and him in the crowd then proceed to get them seated only to have your husband come in to tell you that they are in the wrong seats which I let him know that the USHER looked at our tickets and brought us too and would he MIND getting them to the right seats while I went to look for the coat (which I did not find) and get Noah to where he needed to be since the only thing he had to do was get himself ready and there … whew… so like I was saying, it was wonderful. So my brother in law had to sit with both the Grandma’s and I told Noah that we would leave right after his performance to go and eat… and the whole time I am wondering how the heck I am going to get these two ladies up and going quick and without too much of a commotion without just picking them up and carrying them out… at that point it didn’t matter anyway, I was still grinning from seeing my cutie… oh, and did I tell you my husband went all the way to the upper level to video the whole performance… and he was so proud… but kinda like he forgot to push the record button… but… we will always have the memories… LOL Johnny took his mom home after we ate and Noah and I went to drop off my mom… I told Noah to be a gentlemen and take mom to the door, he asked what a gentlemen was and I told him it was a man who did nice things for people and was respectful… so he got off the truck, opened the door for her and helped her start down the sidewalk, he starts running to ring the doorbell so my sister can open the door and see’s my sisters mangy cat and hi-tails it back to the truck, jumps in the front seat and slams the door… Mom was only halfway down the sidewalk, and I told Noah… you were supposed to take her all the way in…he rolls down the window and tells my mom… ‘ Mom… you can go the rest of the way because that cat looks scary, I’ll watch you from here’ my cowardly lion… Ha!
Merry Christmas… spread the joy
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