My brother in law is a pain in the butt (sometimes)…but I love him… He is a truly good hearted person... He is going through some really hard times right now and I know the power of prayer, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. If he looks lost, he is…he went to Church with us on Sunday and Father Dennis gave an awesome sermon of course… love that man. I pray that God take hold of his heart… and he learn that he has never been lost to God….
When we went to adoration last night I felt drawn to the bible and picked it up, this is the reading that God placed before me…
My son, when you come to serve the LORD, prepare yourself for trials.
Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity.
Cling to him, forsake him not; thus will your future be great.
Accept whatever befalls you, in crushing misfortune be patient;
For in fire gold is tested, and worthy men in the crucible of humiliation.
Trust God and he will help you; make straight your ways and hope in him.
You who fear the LORD, wait for his mercy, turn not away lest you fall.
You who fear the LORD, trust him, and your reward will not be lost.
You who fear the LORD, hope for good things, for lasting joy and mercy.
Study the generations long past and understand; has anyone hoped in the LORD and been disappointed? Has anyone persevered in his fear and been forsaken? has anyone called upon him and been rebuffed?
Compassionate and merciful is the LORD; he forgives sins, he saves in time of trouble
Sirach 2
God is so good, but we are all human and I am sure even the most faith filled people have moments of fear in their lives... God is never away from us....
Never give up on the people you love, God doesn't give up on us!
1 comment:
loving the blog sweet woman. you are so wonderful!! - L
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