"T" for Tyler.....
Tyler is my fish fry buddy, yes... we met and became friends last year at the OLG Lent Fish Fry and have been waiting a whole year to catch up...! Don't you just love the way his Ash Wednesday Ashes accent his hair... Love the hair , love the shirt, love the shoes.... Tyler also happens to be a HUGE fan of my code name... dare I say it... "Princess Glitter" he loves it! so my first T goes out to my buddy Tyler...

T is for Tulips....
Aren't they beautiful! I love tulips, they are my favorite flower and my honey love awesome wonderful handsome husband gave these to me for Valentine's day.... awwww, how sweet!, they were just buds (kinda like him, cept I am PAM not sissy) and we have enjoyed watching them bloom... kinda like our love.., AAAWWWW... ya, anyway... on to the next item...

T is for Teddy Bear....
Okay, this is how much I don't pay attention, everytime I take Momo to see her doctor we have to drive to his office in LaVernia, coooouunnnnttttrrryyy.... yes, like, one stop light in the whole town I believe (I am such a big city girl)... everytime we come back home we pass these grain bins (I only know that is what they are because I saw in a magazine where in some state up north people are making houses out of them), before that they were big silver thingy maboppers... anyway, some really sweet farmer stacked these up and made a huge teddy bear out of hay, and if you look real close you can see his toes are the square bails of hay just so you can get an idea of how big this bear is.... Ya, I would always hear them say something about bears and I thought momo was just playing with him... i almost hit a fence when I saw this because I JUST noticed it after all these trips from the doctor... cute teddy bear.... oooo, tall teddy bear, oooooo, tall tan teddy bear... a Triple "T"!!!!

T is for Team....
Tonight Noah had meet the coach for his Little league team, This will be his first year in a sporting group that is not with the Activity Center, they were the only group that had sports for his age but now that he is 5 he is old enough for the big leagues, practice three times a week... another T!!! Three Times.... he he he That will surely make our already crazy schedule even crazier...
My last T is for Tired... which is what I am so I am signing off.... Toodles!!!!
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