It was bear week at school this week, they learned all about bears, read bear books and took their bears to school for buddies, Noah switched bears everyday taking one at a time, I was actually pretty relieved that he had these bears, That is one thing about Noah's school... you HAVE to keep on top of the 'Wednesday Packet" it comes home in his backpack everyweek with what is going on, the school newsletter, the class newsletter, book orders, announcements, permission slips... get where I am going? Ya, I totally freak out if I don't get my Wednesday packet.... they ended their week with the Bear Olympics... too Cute! They competed with their bears at school, I went to have lunch with Noah that day and all the kids had their medals on. I really love St. James and we have decided to keep him there because they just do so much with the kids, he gets to go this week to take cookies to all the firestations and since it is Catholic Schools week, they have a different activity for each day... Yesterday was spirit day and today was college 'Team' day so he is wearing his longhorn shirt since he kinda outgrew his jersey (hint hint for anyone who is looking for an idea on his bday).
Ya, this is Birthday week for Noah... 5 years old on Thursday, I CAN't believe my baby is so big.. i love that he loves anything he gets, so I bought him a bunch of little toys and he is going to be happy as can be opening each one. He is a lucky boy, because Birthdays are supposed to be fun according to his mommy and daddy so it is all about fun stuff and toys... Chonies and clothes are things we have to provide him... at least that's our thinking, so he gets all the fun stuff... We love playing games... even though he cheats and is a really sore loser, the only ones he likes to play games with are his momo and grandma because they ALWAYS let him win... We are having a pizza party at his school for on Thursday and I am making pasta and cupcakes AND treatbags for 37 kids... jeez, he started off with 20 kids in his class and now it is huge! His wanted GI Joe this year so i bought army helmets for all the kids... too cute... AND then we will have hot dogs, hamburgers and cake for the family at supper... His real party is on Saturday at Gatti-land so by Sunday, I will be ready to pass out. Kinda disappointed because he wanted a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting... not my favorite but at least my sister ordered a Yummy cake for Saturday so I will get my fix then.
Crack me up... When Johnny has cancellations during the week sometimes he has to see a few patients on Saturday so Noah and I go with him and then we will kinda hang out in SA, well we are driving to his patients houses and we always see Garage Sale signs and we love Garage Sales, but my son HATES them, I mean he starts complaining the minute we see one, and he will whine (not the word I wanted to use) and complain the whole time, EVEN from the car window ... ugh... so Saturday we stopped and he got it from both of us,
Me: 'noah, mommy and daddy do a lot of things for you and things we don't like, spending hours at McD's to name a few but we do it because we love you... you need to be considerate and do the same for us'
Noah: What is considerate?
Me: considerate means you take another person's feelings into...
RUDE Interruption
Johnny: suck it up Noah, and cut your whining out or we aren't going to take you to do fun things again..
(I guess my explanation was annoying him)
so... lo and behold, we see another sign, Johnny goes ' Hey it's an Estate Sale'
Noah: Oh daddy, I love Steaks... let's go... ummmmm ummm, love those steaks, do you think they will have mashed potatoes too...
Ya... he learned his lesson...
And ... Here are some pics of my precious Great Nephew Dominic... I LOVE HIM, I love my nieces kids because I really never thought I would have my own and now this little boy has just stolen my heart, isn't he precious! and guess who his God-momma is... ME... I love you Dominic... who is the precious boy! huh.... My niece is a single momma and she does an awesome job because let me tell you, pictures are cute but babies are work... have'll find out!

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