I'm sure I have referred to the babies at several times in my blog life... Jessica and TJ (my niece and nephew) have been the babies all their lives, because even as grown up as they are, they will always be our babies. I was teaching a Sunday School class last week when I got a bunch of calls from Jay (jessica), She was on her way to the hospital, she was sure TJ had broken his leg, possibly his hip... I went and got Noah out of class and called Johnny, picked up my sister and we headed to Austin. He had indeed broken his leg, pretty badly, too badly for what he said he was doing, an inverted push up against the wall. His break was something they see in a bad car wreck or something from a high fall. It was right then that my heart sank, I remembered TJ complaining about his leg... My worries were confirmed when after surgery they said they they found what they called a lesion, but couldn't say more until test results came back... Which they did, and that moment has sent us down a different road, cancer, Ewings Sarchoma.... our hearts are heavy, the days have seemed like eternity until he meets the oncologist today and we find out how bad, what treatment, what to expect. Prayers are needed, God is here, in this place that Cancer has taken us, and we are leaning on him... please pray for our baby, that this new journey is just a bump in the road and we can beat this...
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