Today was an ordinary day, just the same as most days...
I woke up... believe it or not I dragged myself out of bed at 6 a.m. I am not sure what has happened to me, I used to get up at 5:30 every morning and I just can't seem to do it anymore... Maybe it's age, or maybe it's the fact that I am absolutely in love with my bed, or maybe it's that snuggling with my little honey is my absolute favorite thing to do (don't judge, I'm not ready to let him sleep in his own room and neither is he LOL), or maybe it's that I wake up feeling panicky and worry worry worry and just when I catch a restful sleep (usually because I am exhausted from thinking so much) that blasted alarm sounds and my head screams NOOOOOOO! And I grab it, praying that it is a mistake, that it went off at the wrong time and I actually still have 3 hours more to sleep.... NOT (A girl can dream, right?)
I got up today, because I was so excited because today was gamer day at school, Noah's school that is! Why was I excited you ask?! Because it meant that my Lil Honey wasn't going to be grumbling under his breath when I tried to wake him... oh no, not today because HELLO, it was gamer day and he got to take his Nintendo DS to school as an award for good behavior (God bless the person that came up with the good behavior award days)
I wasn't even upset about having to go and buy yet ANOTHER charger for his DS so it would be ready to go today, I wasn't even upset that I had to go to THREE different stores to find one at 9:30 last night, nope... why you ask again! BECAUSE Noah was going to pop out of bed with the first call rather than 15 minutes of coaxing, pleading, begging and finally a reminder that he had 10 minutes to get dressed...
He was ready and we were out the door at 7:32, a true Sauceda miracle since we usually pull out of the driveway, tying shoes in the car at 7:46... good thing we only live three blocks from the school...
In the middle of all this I am frantically calling the Rooster (my mother in law) because she has to be at the hospital for a test at 8 a.m., which I laughed about all week because she HATES morning appointments and I knew she was dreading getting up for it... of course she wasn't answering which is why we were out of the house at 7:32 so I could go and get her up and be at the hospital by 8... The joke was definitely on me because I was kicking myself I was so sleepy I just couldn't wake up. (which explains why I didn't realize that I had not brushed my hair until we were leaving the hospital) The rooster was still in bed when I got to her apartment, which leads to the SECOND Sauceda miracle, I got her up, she got dressed and we were at the hospital sitting in the waiting room at 8:02... another act of God... I'm sure we were a sight...
Took the Rooster to eat after the appt., dropped her off, went home and cleaned the kennel pulled it in the house and put Bella in it before the rain hit...
Then I went, picked up my Mom and took her to her appointment, set her hair appointment, made sure my brother would be in town to take her, picked her lunch up, deposited her and her lunch back at her house... went and dropped off tickets for TJ's fundraiser and grabbed lunch for me and made it to work at 1 with bells on (and brushed hair)...
My life is crazy and full, and I wouldn't have it any other way...
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