Monday, August 30, 2010

Things I Am Learning In Kindergarten

**Dick and Jane have been replaced by Mack and Buffy
**All parents try to save a little money by buying their kids shoes at least a size or more bigger so we can get more wear out of them (myself included), not always the safest shoes when you are trying to run with the others...
**When your tired, sleeping on the floor on a mat looks soooo comfortable...
**Cafeteria food isn't bad!
**If you think your office chair is uncomfortable, try sitting in a chair that is a foot off the ground and less than a foot wide! LOL
**It is not fun to go home without a happy face stamp...
**Field trips are exciting until you realize you are the chaperone not the kid!
**Buses cool off right when you get back to school
** The caboose is just as important as the front of the line...

I'm alive!

Today is Monday right? Yes, yes, it is because I packed a lunch for my monkey today... It has been quite a rollercoaster ride and yes... I am already asking myself how I ever had a job! Today I missed school for the most part because we FINALLY saved up enough money to get a shed for the backyard and they are here putting it up today, we actually purchased it almost 3 weeks ago but it has been a super huge pain getting the building permits and scheduling taken care of. I am so excited about having all of Johnny's stuff that needs to be in storage out of the house AND maybe even some of my holiday stuff LOL.... They finally have it together and it isn't looking that big anymore... yikes.... I have been really enjoying being in kindergarten... love the kids and it is a lot of work, Teachers of young children are a special breed... these kiddos wear me out, I finally feel like I am getting a little more rest but we are exhausted at the end of the day. I have to get busy on my soup I am making for supper but I do want to post another 'what I am learning in Kinder' entry... signing out!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Things I am learning in Kindergarten....

><>Everyone gets butterflies on their way to school, including mommies...
><>PE isn't so bad...
><>Dodgeball is just as much fun even if you are 34 years older than the other players...
><>Water fountains outside may be okay when you are a kid but thirst isn't so bad when you are a grown up...
><>Bows can be a chore...
><>Velcro shoes should be required...
><>Kindergarteners can't tie shoes...
><>You tend to check everyones shoes, including other grownups...
><>Jenna likes bugs, especially rolly polly's... but NOT grasshoppers...
><>I love brushing my girls hair before the bell rings at the end of the day...
><>Whoever invented the packaging for Capri-Suns did not have kids...
><>Tennis shoes are a MUST...
><>Kids fall in love with adults who give them attention...
><>You can work hard at anything, but making a difference in the life of a child changes our world...
><>I have never worked so hard in my life but wouldn't change a thing...
><>Fridays are bittersweet, I miss my kiddos....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Here I am

Trying to post an update before I get my day started, I actually woke up wide awake at 5 this morning, I seem to do that naturally every morning but usually I stay in bed til sleep takes over again.... BUT, since we were late our first day of Kindergarten, I thought it MIGHT be a good idea to get myself going earlier... LOL that and the fact that we seem to be busier... and yes, I am already asking myself how did I ever work? HAHAHA Noah is having a hard time adjusting to kinder, I knew that would be the case because we let him stay home all summer... but I know it will get better, I will post some pics later when I have time to load them. I am so tired, Kindergarten wore this momma out! That and the rest of my to do list which seems to grow. It will be a long day today, we have football practice tonight and I am going to try to walk while Noah practices... we'll see....

Friday, August 13, 2010


Here it is, my empty office all cleaned out. Wow, can't believe it, still can't believe it...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Go Steelers!

Here is Noah in his team huddle after practice, it is sooooo HOT out there! He is practicing 3 nights a week right now and will go to 2 nights and games on Saturday. I am so proud of him he is doing great!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

diZzy giRl

Can you believe it is 4 in the afternoon and I just stopped in at the house to get supper started, been on the road since 9:30 this morning! YIKES... I am making BBQ chicken baked potatos and veggies tonight... I still have to run back to pick up Mom at the beauty salon then pickup the Momo and bring them back over here for dinner... AND I have to take Noah to football practice tonight so Johnny can do his notes, UGH.... it is HOT outside! I am going to melt and I am not looking forward to that AT ALL... Momo had an eye doctor appt. this morning, I went to get Noah's school supplies (dropped about $80 there) and drop off prescriptions...then off to pay his registration fee at school (goodbye $150) and that is not his actual registration, that big check will be next week... then to city hall to get a building permit for our shed... didn't get the permit, apparently Home Depot conveniently forgot to tell me it is a lot more work than just 'stopping by' to pick up a permit.... GREAT... Johnny is going to be real happy about that and I am sure I will be on the phone with Tuff Shed this afternoon.... anyway, got the paperwork I need to start that process and I am now searching for numbers to call them and the team mom about tshirts for tonight... gotta go, the clock is ticking again.... by the way... I am tugging along my book 'ECLIPSE' trying to finish it up, almost there... I am so loving Edward.... GO TEAM EDWARD.... gotta love that vampire!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Well, here I sit amidst what remains of my office... Can't believe it! My last full day and then taking vacation days to finish out!

I am soooo excited! I have been training my replacement this week and we finished loading up her car with all my files to take back with her, as I touched them all I kept thinking, 22 years... wow... this has been my life longer than it has been NOT my life... The guy I work with looked at me and said, 'how does it feel to send off your life's work'... my response... I am not sending losing my lifes work, my life's work is waiting at home for me... my family...

so so so true...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hi Little One...

He is here! Andrew Patrick, 8.6 pounds and 21 inches, born 8/1/2010! Mommy and baby are doing good! I am having fun with all my babies!