Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kylie's Korner

I guess I haven't explained how this little cutie started showing up on my blog, we have taken temporary guardianship of Kylie, for how long, we aren't sure...  has it changed our lives, oh yes... but it's been good and Noah loves having her around, I just keep reminding him we are going to love her while she is with us, we don't know how long that will be...  one day at a time. 

sleepy sleep

Well our little family plus one have all been sick this week, just our second week with Kylie and we had to tackle allergies and colds already, none of us really feel good and we are all pretty tired.  It has surely been a big change adding a little one to the mix but we seem to have more of a routine down, so that is good.  One thing is for sure, my new motto is 'plan ahead' no more saying 'I'll do it in the morning' because there is no telling how the morning is going to be so I have to pack bags and get clothes ready the night before.  Noah had his last basketball game on Tuesday and his first coach pitch practice last night, not even a break!  I pray that these colds go away so we can all get to feeling better, we shall see!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kylie, Iylie Apple Tree....

What a change, isn't she a cutie!  and happy as a bug, until you leave the room that is....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

And the valentine work shop begins

Friday, February 10, 2012

This is Bubba, he's my new friend... Nope, still haven't scheduled the warranty guy to fix my washer, but I think secretly I'm in love, with this machine... You can do like six loads at once, I did my whole hamper and could have doubled that... Now that is sexy ... Roar!

Field trip to Gattiland!!'

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My wreath I made really quick for my front door ... Not bad huh ?

It's the little things that make me happy, love my colored pens! They make me happy all day!

This is the best stuff for your feet love it and it lasts a long time, I'm out but I've probably had this jar a year!

Monday, February 6, 2012

At the carwash...

Not really, but the laundrymat seems close enough?!... Yes, I still have not gotten the repairman out to fix my machine, ridiculous, I know... Maybe there is a secret part of mr that likes this 'me' time because no one ever wants to come with ms to the laundrymat... I'm sitting in my car, watching my super mega load wash through the window, love that machine, you can fit like four loads in it... But alas, I see it has stopped, and I must go....

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, February 4, 2012

And the bday continuesPresents and cake...
....and ending with a Spurs bday win

Life is good!

Officially 7.... And it's my BirthdayLet's get this day started
And another Blazer win...,
Bday lunch with my family....

And.... It is done... Almost! I have some dusting and mopping, oh , and don't open ANY drawers or cabinets LOL