Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Expecting a miracle

Yesterday we went to Adoration, I always love going, just the peacefulness of being in the presence of the body of Christ. Even though we had a little family discussion that didn't go to well afterwards, the gift I recieved was this, life gives you exactly what you expect from it, so expect the best.
I think in my old age (yes, I am old!) I have come to realize much, like the fact that I am truly a work in progress and expect to be that for all my life because if I wasn't, God wouldn't keep working on me.... I sometimes forget all the little lessons I have learned but He gently (and sometimes not so gently) reminds me.
You have to love people for who they are, and accept them as they come. It is hard to know that there will always be someone that doesn't like you for whatever reason, but these are lessons in humility and acceptance, true tests to make you realize that to be Christ-like you have to die to yourself... which includes your need to be liked or feel accepted. Can you imagine our Lord, all the people that judged Him without knowing Him and He loved them anyway? Most of us have to admit that is not easy to do. I have gotten bit plenty of times by trying to love everyone whether it is the popular thing to do or not. How hard is it when a group is totally against someone to be the one to say "they are who they are"... not easy for sure, it is also hard to know people think ill of you for no reason.
I always say I was born an old lady because I immediately took the role of peace keeper in my family and it wears on you, so I took a different approach when I started my own family. Everyone is welcome in my home, but there will be Peace in my house, so no one will be treated badly, made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome or unwanted in my home. Simple as that, if you see someone you don't like, find a chair in another room or come back another time, only twice has this rule been broken in my house and both times I politely asked them to leave, and come another time :)
That's where you accept people how they are, some people just don't know better and you have to die to yourself and be the bigger person... not easy for sure...
If only we could all look at people and see them through Christ's eyes, I fail there myself many times because I try so hard to avoid confrontation or stressful situations it will backfire on me and I tend to wear my feelings on my sleeve. So I have found that in my wiser years, I try to make better choices about whom I open my heart and home to, and sometimes I have to keep opening the doors to people in my life that continue to do and say hurtful things but I don't think Jesus ever closes doors so, like I said... work in progress
But back to my miracle, we get what we expect, I can't tell you how many times I have heard that bad luck is the only luck someone has, well if that is what you expect of course you will... so let's expect the good, the best... miracles
Last night my sweet husband was trying to smooth out a family situation and I wasn't in the right frame of mind and I expected a bad outcome and yup, that's what we got so we left well enough alone... but rather than say it just can't be worked out, I am expecting that Joy and Peace will fill the hearts of everyone we love and it will be a wonderfilled Christmas...

These are words to live by:

Love them anyway...
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered...
love them anyway
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives,
be kind anyway
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and genuine enemies
succeed anyway
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow
do good anyway
If you are honest and sincere people may decieve you,
be honest and sincere anyway
What you spend years creating can be destroyed overnight
create anyway
If you find serenity and happiness some people may be jealous
be happy anyway
The good you do today will often be forgotten,
do good anway
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough
give your best anyway
In the final analysis it is between you and God,
it was never between you and them anyway

--- Mother Theresa

This applies to everything family, friends... life...

live well, it will come back to you...

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