Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here we go again...

Well, Mom didn't have a good day today... she is pretty aggresive, way different from the passive mom that she was yesterday or even the day before. They tried upping one of her medications at night and because the next day she was hallucinating and fell asleep during therapy they completely took her off of it rather than just going back to what was working for her before, so now we have angry mom back. I feel so bad for her, like she is suffering because we can't seem to get it right. After talking to my friend Pat who's mom has Alzheimers I realize that as much as we want to crawl under a rock sometimes, Mom needs us to speak for her, to find out what else we can try so that whatever path they take, isn't something that will send her for a loop. It is so complicated and I feel so inadequate but I know that God will guide us because our only concern is to do what is right for Jane, we can't lose sight of that.

I love you Mom and miss you so much....

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