Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Alligator Tears

So of course we had tattoo drama at bathtime last night, I was giving Noah a bath and he said, ‘Dad had to scrub hard to get the tattoo off”…the one on his face that is…  So of course I assume (never assume) that he meant for me to scrub hard to get the one on his arm off… WRONG…  let’s just say I will be running to Mananitas where he bought the tattoos at lunch to buy more…  oopsy…  It cracks me up how he gets so upset over such silly things, but I KNOW that silly to me, may be the world to him so Momma had to do some fast talking to stop the flow of the alligator tears…  So dang cute, even when he cries…  Never mind the fact that me and his Momo went to the store just to buy him sleeveless shirts because he only had 2 old ones from last summer that are just okay for the pool this year…  never mind that mommy and momo bought one of every color they had…  Really, I don’t know where he gets that drama from… LOL

Noah is still working the whole band-aid thing too, we ran out of the wrap (thank God)…  let me see.. he had a broken thumb, leg, wrist, arm and foot last week that needed to be wrapped… My sister bought him camouflage bandaids yesterday so all of us were at the store sporting our bandaids from Dr. Noah, unfortunately he caught me off guard when he asked what was hurting me, I was on the phone and pointed to a new pimple on my chin that was trying to come out, so my bandaid was on my face…  nice…  and let me tell you, no need to wax, those little suckers took off some skin when I pulled it off!  Humm, maybe I should put some on my legs…  (comments to yourself please).

Spring fever has hit me a little late… sort of.  I have gone crazy cleaning out my clothes, maybe it is a midlife crisis, I am not sure… I mean every day I have gone in there and taken out an armful more, I am sick of having things in my closet that I never wear!  It is so hard to depart with clothes, but it is ridiculous when you have so many you can’t even fit them anywhere.  Maybe it is the need to live simply, maybe old age?  I don’t know but I feel the need to really…  simplify things…  So my friend Dottie told me she has cut her kids back to about 5 outfits each because she is sick and tired of doing laundrey all the time and really feels there is no need for more than that…  and I kinda went… ‘hummmmm’, yes it is ridiculous that I have to have so many clothes, and quite honestly, I wear the same ones over and over again anyway… Maybe, just maybe, she has hit the nail on the head.  Not to mention that most women, myself included, have at least 3 different sizes of clothes in her closet…  we tend to move up and down the scale quite a bit.  Me, for instance, I have been beating the crap out of the same dang 15 lbs for the past few months…  Now considering 10 lbs is a size (at least so they say) that means when I wore my skirt that I had bought in February that fit perfect and I put it on last week and it left a red ring around my tummy..  makes the 10lb/size theory believeable, I wanted to rip that skirt off when I got home I was so miserable and, unfortunately, I can’t blame it on the dryer since I hadn’t washed it…  water retention maybe?  I always tell my self that my obsession with clothes is because growing up we got what we got, which wasn’t much and usually hand me downs and rarely new.  That is how I justify spoiling myself now, that and the fact that my husband let’s me…  he is so good like that.  But really, I have made that my new mission, if it hasn’t gotten worn in recent memory…  send it on to bless someone else…  so far I have removed (sit down please) 44 hangers from my closet…  and yes, it is still packed…  But I shall continue and anyone that is interested in my other ‘warehouse’ theory, let me know…  let me share…

My fellow BG’s that I have shared this with totally love the idea, we just need someone to donate a warehouse to us (anyone willing, please call).  I feel that we should have a warehouse for all the clothes we can’t get into, whether it is because of faulty dryers or water retention, everything would be sorted by size…  Anyone is welcome to bring stuff in to exchange for a different size, whether a bigger or smaller one, is no one’s business, but we would have all these clothes in all theses sizes for all of us to share and no more worry about having been attacked by a buffet or a dryer that is too hot!  I can hear your mind ticking, you like the idea huh? LOL

Okay, I am getting off track…  less is more, catch the fever and clean out those closets ladies!!!


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