Sunday, May 9, 2010

On the edge... as usual

so today is better... but yesterday I was way tired and overwhelmed... trying to do too much and my attititude sure showed it... But today I feel refreshed...and i feel a nap coming on and I realize that sometimes I get to caught up in the details...
I was having one of those, what about me, moments... and i was pouting about wanting to just stay home all day and veg out for Mother's day, but I know I am blessed to have my Mom and there will be a day when I won't.... and I will be glad for the time I had...

It is easy to get busy with day to day stuff and not take the time to enjoy the moment, Last night me and Noah made a bedtime run to Mom and Kasey's to visit them in our PJ's, I hadn't been over to see mom in a couple of days and felt horrible, but she was so happy to have us over there...

Happy Mother's day to all the mom's AND the motherly people in our lives!

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