Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ramblings of a busy mom

Bad bad blogger…  I know…  it has been busy busy busy….  I have been a busy bee trying to get things organized at the house (ya right… don’t worry, I am rolling my eyes too)  I am helping my sister this weekend with her moving sale and I know she is going to drive me crazy, she hasn’t even priced her stuff…  I have a bunch of Noah’s clothes I need to get rid of, but I was going through stacks last night and he was having a cow, not a good idea because all of a sudden every shirt was ‘his favorite’.  I am totally frustrated with myself because the plants I bought to plant… died… because I hadn’t replanted them, AND I still have Christmas stuff to put up…  isn’t that horrible?!  I am seriously thinking about just selling everything in my closet and keeping 5 outfits… okay, that is a little drastic but, really, it is completely ridiculous the amount of clothes I have…  Seriously…  My son and husband have the same problem, so I am off tomorrow to go on Noah’s field trip that was rescheduled and then a picnic at the park and THEN I hope I can get home and make some real progress on my to do list.  SERIOUSLY…. 

Mother’s day gifts still need to be bought and wrapped, I wanted to do some baking… AND the laundrey monster has once again exploded in my bedroom.  Noah’s new fascination is band-aids, if anything touches him, he puts a bandaid on it, we have had to switch to the generic brand because he has been going through them like crazy…  I’ll post some pics of him…  He has karate tonight and I sure hope I can get him there without any crying…  isn’t it supposed to be peaceful?  And I really want to go to the National Day of Prayer gathering that is going to be downtown this evening, I think it will be really nice…  We can never get enough prayers….

Speaking of which, if you haven’t seen Avatar, you MUST…  just the whole concept of peaceful people who gather in prayer at a tree of life…  respecting all things living…  Really made me want to be an Avatar…  not to mention that I didn’t see one chunky one in the movie… LOL… 


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