Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Romans 8:37-39, "But we have power over all these things through Jesus Who loves us so much. For I know that nothing can keep us from the love of God. Death cannot! Life cannot! Angels cannot! Leaders cannot! Any other power cannot! Hard things now or in the future cannot! The world above or the world below cannot! Any other living thing cannot keep us away from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord."


Today I have to go after work to get a vegetable to go with supper, exchange some undies that my dear sister bought for my son but are a little bit too small so we are going in for the next size, getting a cake mix to make a cake for my other sister that I am pretty sure she is playing on my bad memory and telling me I told her I would make it for her for tomorrow and buying some deodorant because I somehow managed to make mine pop out of the little plastic holder and step on it all in one smooth move this morning…  and I have approximately 25 minutes after work to get across town to Wal-mart and get all of this done before the insurance man arrives at my house.

But it’s okay, I’ll manage…  Life is chaotic, but I am so very grateful for it.  Yesterday I went with Johnny to get some tests done at the hospital, and really I wasn’t worried until Monday morning even though I knew about it all weekend.  It wasn’t a good marriage weekend this past weekend because we had too many things going on and patience was running short… but as I sat on my bed Monday morning I thought about our life and felt ashamed for being so unappreciative.  Who really knows what the future holds for each of us, this very moment our life is very busy, but very good…  and I’ll take that anyday!  BUT in a moments notice it can be changed forever, this I know and in they business of all the little details of life we tend to not see our blessings.  I read a book review when I was scanning an O magazine at the Momo’s house about a book called The Power of Half , okay, so I know I may get some of this wrong but the book is written by a girl and her father about their family, one day they were at a stop light in there car and they looked out the drivers window and there sat a man in his Mercedes, out the passenger window was a homeless man on the sidewalk.  The daughter remarked on how different the view was from the same place but out of two different windows and how ironic it was for this nice car to be here that showed so much when this man on the other side had nothing.  The father asked her, what about our car, it’s nice, what about all that we have that is still way more than what he has…  how far were they as a family willing to take this concept.  When they got home they discussed as a family how much more they had than they actually needed and they decided to sell the home there were in that was very big and bought a house half the size and used the money made from the sale of their home to fund water lines for two villages in New Ghuana…  it was something that they really weren’t sure how it would affect their lives so they all had to be on board with it but seeing the results of what just getting by on what they needed has been life changing.  Haven’t read the book, but I will…

So I am grateful that we have insurance, grateful that we were able to go and get the tests done… grateful that I have a Great and Powerful GOD that continues to bless me and my family and very grateful that even though I will be late getting to the meeting with our insurance guy, my husband will be there to handle it until I arrive…


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