Thursday, June 3, 2010

And the Journey begins

Well, It has been long anticipated and given much thought, worry, hope, anxiety, excitement, doubt, confidence and faith…  But the time has arrived to announce my big news!!  I will officially become a stay home mom/wife in 2 weeks (give or take a few days).  Am I nervous about it?  Heck ya!  Am I excited?  You have no idea!  Johnny and I have been talking about it for some time, okay, I have been talking about it and he has been telling me to do it.  It won’t be easy, there will be a lot of changes around our house because our income is going to be cut in half!  Yikes, typing that gave me the chills.  Johnny has always left it completely up to me and the only hurdle we had was him getting benefits in line for us and that has been taken care of so… no obstacles, and away we go!  I am sure it will make for some really interesting future blog entries but I knew in my heart the minute that I said I needed to do this that it was exactly what God had planned for me and my family.  I have felt his presence and there is no doubt in my heart that God is smiling too and has even more great things in store for me and my family.  I just wanted to finally put it out there and it makes it that much more real, I know everyone is wondering what I am going to do now…  I am going to do TONS of stuff! LOL  but first in line is getting things cleaned up here at work so I can leave things in good shape.  Keep those prayers coming!

Love, Marla…  the worlds NEWEST Stay At Home Momma…  J

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