Friday, June 25, 2010

just me!


Okay, the jig is up… I finally turned myself in to the Weight Watchers police yesterday… Yes, I am sure they already had a warrant issued for my arrest! LOL Okay, I have not been in at least 5 weeks…maybe 6? That is horrible I know, and my body feels it, let’s just say there isn’t as much room in those clothes that I remember having… ahem… I HAD taken off a total of 58 lbs… HAD being the key word there, and although the scale didn’t scream for mercy when I got on it yesterday, it did report a total gain of… (this would be a good time to sit down) 29 lbs. Now, in my defense this has not been just in the last six weeks, although I feel sure I could do a weight gain like that if you gave me a chance J… this has slowly, kinda slowly… crept up since November of last year… yes… my high weight loss was pre-holiday tamale time…. I have kept. 28.8 lbs off, which is still good but VERY disappointing… sniff sniff… but never fear, I turned myself in and I faced the music and it aint’ over til the skinny lady sings (and dances!) Just taking it one day at a time, so if you see me eating enchiladas… don’t worry, I can have them… just make sure I don’t have the rice and beans on my plate! LOL I went swimming in the pool with Noah and was doing my water aerobics, okay, my leg exercises and he didn’t appreciate me taking up so much of his pool time kicking around so I had to spend most of that time with him sitting on my back… of course I had a piece of banana pie to re-energize me afterwards… calm down, it was sugar free! One of my FAVORITE quick desserts, fat free graham cracker crust pie shell, fresh fruit…whatever I have… bananas, strawberries, pineapple, manderine oranges… sugar free pudding (vanilla or banana cream are the best) and sugar free cool whip on top. Yummo! I even made chicken stir fry with brown rice last night and my family ate it up. I got a two thumbs up for dinner last night… Yay for me!
My name is Marla, and I love food, and I am determined to learn to refrain from hogging so much of it… Peace out my people…

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