Monday, June 28, 2010

OOooooh What a Monday...

Well my family started the week off by oversleeping… Almost and hour and a half! Yes, I was generous last night and set my alarm for 6:30 and of course I cut it off and fell back into a coma and woke up at almost 8… wow, good thing I didn’t have a fashion photo shoot scheduled for today! Noah is at his Momo’s today so I got him all packed with all his favorite toys and a change of clothes, swim clothes and snacks. No time to pack mine and Johnny’s which is okay because my honey needs to eat a good lunch today because he has his root canal this afternoon… Yikes! My poor honey and he HATES shots… I am going with him to help hold him down LOL…. We had a great weekend, very busy but good. I am having a heck of a time breaking my son of the fact that he CANNOT have a new toy everytime we go to the store, his Momo and my sisters and niece spoil him rotten! Ugh… we had to go buy a bday gift for his friend Gavin’s bday party on Saturday morning and he gave me a hard time and I was determined to go through the motions and NOT lose my cool, I could literally feel my head pounding I was so stressed out with him whining and crying and me trying to be patient and gentle and not beat him in front of the cameras at Wal-mart LOL… I kept telling myself, he is 5, don’t try to reason with him or get him to understand just make him pick the toys and get the heck out of here… I was sweating by the time we left… that is why I feel complete compassion for other Mom’s shopping with screaming and crying kids. My niece Krissy who is a first time mom keeps asking when her 1 year old will grow out of his tantrums… um, they don’t… they actually perfect the art of it… as they get older… I just love when he screams “no no mommy please don’t hit me” in the grocery story… when he knows dang well I hardly ever spank him… mostly because it never hurts him anyway but kills my hand! LOL… I have this pampered child acting like a neglected orphan who has a hard life… cracks me up… okay, actually at the time it doesn’t but later on, I laugh… usually I am just trying to get to the car quickly and trying not to scream something stupid like “ you are never ever ever going to get McDonalds again”… very untrue but when you lose your cool and all you want to do is make them understand that you are mad you tend to forget your own age and act like a kid too… HAHAHA… “ and you know what else, Santa totally doesn’t want to visit mean kids who stress their mommies out and you are SSSOOOOOO off the list this year” oh yeah “ and Buzz Lightyear thinks you’re a crybaby and would jump out of the basket if you tried to take him home anyway!” so there… (by the way, I just thought those things and didn’t say it… only because he is a tattertale and would have told his Momo and daddy and then I would have had to get my tail chewed… totally not worth the additional stress… but I did scream “ get in the car!” pretty loud )

More to come about our weekend later… J

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