Monday, June 7, 2010

The Notebook

So it was a nice weekend, very busy but what made it hard was I was losing the battle against this summer cold... My throat hurt, my eyes, my head and this cough was killing me. I ended up staying home from work today because I am exhausted, I haven't slept well in about four days and I finally took Nyquil this morning about 2 and didn't wake up until 9! But I am still sleepy, I don't feel good and I probably look as bad as I feel... :(
Last night Johnny and I watched The Notebook, he had DVR'd it because we heard it was good but had never seen it. Well, the whole dimentia side of the story really hit home and hadme crying like a crazy woman through the last 30 minutes, which made my headache worse but I just couldn't stop. It made me so sad thinking about my mom and hearing them use all the terms we are unfortunately familiar with like sun-downing. Especially after graduation this weekend when I truly felt there were times she didn't realize why we were there. A very very sad disease and just the little part of the movie that showed the actual nursing home and the patients really made my heart hurt.
Please pray for people with Dimentia and their family and care-givers. No one wants to see their loved ones going through this.

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