Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Second Station:  Jesus Accepts His Cross

Lord, Thanks for taking that cross for us, for our family.  Nothing we’ll ever have to do for one another will ever be that heavy.  Help us to be more cheerful in accepting our responsibilities, to be ready to do a little more than we have to, to remember that just about every day each member of our family is going through one struggle or another.  You took the cross for us.  Make us more open and generous in sharing each other’s concerns.


Big Wow, huh!


Did I tell you I know how to juggle?  Seriously I am a professional juggler…  okay, kinda…  you see, I HAVE to master the skill of juggling my time, being creative and patient AND joyful trying to give of myself for my family and others (good thing I am a big girl and I got PLENTY to go around).  I say this with much humbleness and share it not for anything else but because after reading this I realized I need to show joy more and frustration less, it is no good to do more if we do it with a heavy heart, with reluctance or a from or worse yet… with frustration that shows and makes the other person feel like they are a burden.  Believe me, having to ask for help, when you have no other choice… you already feel like a burden…  an unjoyful helper who rushes you or shows their reluctance only adds to the bad feeling.  Unfortunately, as much as I try to die to my own needs, I have many times shown that I was doing something not because I wanted to but because I had to and I felt immediate regret when I realized that.  BUT, we are human and we have bad days to and sometimes we don’t feel like giving, those are the times I need to focus on NOT showing it.  Don’t get me wrong, I have had to have the “you must be patient too” talk with people who have asked, wanting some understanding and a little consideration that I can’t just drop everything in a moments notice, gimme a little lead time and it works out better for everyone.  But, I also know you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and you have to take that person’s LACK of understanding with a grain of salt and remind yourself to see Jesus in you.  We can complain about who does more, who doesn’t do anything, why is it always me…  but what is the point of that?  Really, it is not about wearing your good deeds as badges, it is about knowing that you have opportunities to be like Jesus, or as close to that as possible and feeling the warmth of his embrace within when he whispers in your ear “job well done my child”.


Sending a little joy your way…

“Be kind to one another, you never know what struggle they are going through”

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