Monday, March 22, 2010


I need a vacation to recover from my vacation...


I finally get to talk about the surprise 4oth birthday party I threw for my honey... It was hard not to share all the details up til the big day but I couldn't take the chance he would read my blog! It was a success... unfortunately, I have had a SERIOUS Monday, in a loooonnnggg class all day AND the rest of the week, and Noah had four roosters for snack this afternoon and one of us almost didn't survive... he cried through baseball practice, through Wal-mart... through our hour at Adoration and bathtime ... I need a drink, a xanax and a bed...

He doesn't get to play his PS3 tonight or his Nintendo... and WTH was I thinking saying that, I just torture myself, like I said... BAD Monday...

At least I wasn't the only one.... The lady waiting behind me at Wal-mart completely lost it with her kid... pretty funny actually, I at least know my son is safe there thanks to the cameras LOL.... I know she was completely embarrassed when she realized she was screaming, and mam, in case you read this, I was looking at you in complete empathy...not shock... BELIEVE me, my son was lucky I was tuning him out...

... where's my drink?

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