Monday, March 29, 2010

It's time to get going...

Ya, so I overslept this morning, okay, not really overslept so much as I had no desire to get out of bed.  There has got to be some kind of magnetic force that pulls you to the beds on the mornings you know you can’t stay there…  Luckily my brother in law (the animal that I have to take to work everyday LOL) overslept so I didn’t do too bad, Johnny had to finish packing Noah’s lunch AND get his clothes together, I am sure he didn’t mind (wink)…


Being out of the office for two weeks means that I am completely buried under stuff that needs to get done so today will be a fly by day… I hope…  I am not looking forward to Noah’s Tball practice tonight because I know that his coach could tell I wasn’t happy and am afraid he will ask me about it (afraid for him that is)…  I was so completely irritated at the game because our team totally didn’t have it together and it was not their fault, he does his best but with other kids in the sport he really doesn’t have the time to give our guys the guidance they need, not to mention he has cancelled or cut short most of the practices.  Seriously though, for having a month before their first game the kids don’t even know eachothers first names yet…  I can totally tell I am not the only mom that is unhappy but the other one that has been showing it longer didn’t even go Saturday so I am pretty sure she pulled her son, and I can’t say I blame her.  My concern is that if we keep Noah in private school, he needs this sport because they don’t even offer it there, and if he can’t even get the fundamentals I need to do something now because these kids will play together through the majors.  It really sounds silly, or at least that is how I feel, but it is important to me…  seriously, I am not one of those meddling parents or overly vocal but I have to do what I can to ensure Noah gets what he needs, that’s my job right?  Anyone that knows me knows I do not like confrontation and I get really nervous and sick to my stomach when I feel tension, but chaulk it off to old age because this girl seems to have found her voice when it comes to her baby and anything to do with him (just ask the worker at the tots corner at the zoo, she’ll think long and hard before she snaps at another kid).   I don’t know, maybe I am too concerned about it but that comes with being a mature mom (let’s not say old).  LOL  Believe me, some of the other parents look like they could be my kids!  Jeez…  for the record, I am not THAT old and if I lived in New York I would be a young mom…  Okay! LOL  This is the first time Noah has played in a league other than the Activity Center where they basically put you where you want and will let friends be on the same team, and I am really scared thinking about this is what it is going to be like if I throw my kid into public school, I mean, there were a couple of parents mugging eachother on the hood of their car at their last practice…  wow…really, I worry too because I think is Noah too sheltered, I mean he is around all kinds of people  and we are by no means perfect and he and kyle both know what kind of beer their daddy’s like so I don’t want to act like a prude because I am not believe me, when I lose it with my son I don’t always say the right thing and I can swear like a trucker when I get mad (but I do feel really bad…but sometimes it is more for emphasis?!)… I dunno, we’ll see, I am sure there will be a whole lot more situations like this to deal with…


And to refocus, we went to Stations of the Cross on Friday, ya, my husband volunteered me to make soup…  hello… Mexicans don’t know how to make soup without meat!  I made a potato soup from a new recipe and it was fabulous, yes…  people were scraping the crockpot!  Ya baby!  Yummy yummy for our tummy’s…  I am going to do an encore performance for Good Friday…  BUT most importantly, God put me in the right place again because the reflections for the station were just the medicine I needed… Here is your food for thought today:


First Station;  Jesus is sentenced to Death

O God, thank you for creating each of us as unique, never-to-be-duplicate reflections of you.  Help us to appreciate one another, to see the good rather than the mistakes.  Help us realize the best way we help each other become better is by telling them how good they already are.  We’re sorry for the times we’ve unfairly and unkindly judged one another.  Help us reflect your loving judgement to one another that our love for one another may reflect your love for us.


Typing that makes me re-think my whole post over again…  which is what it is supposed to do.  Happy Monday All!

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