Saturday, March 27, 2010

Need to hit the sack

I took a really good nap this afternoon, passed out actually so I am sitting here updating my blog... Do you like my new Springy look? Getting to be a pro at that! I am trying to get in the mode for spring cleaning at my house, because my goal this summer is to not just get my house in order, but work on our yard, I actually saw on the community notices at the coliseum on the way to Noah's game that they are having a junk disposal day.... hummm, what are the chances I can get Lu to take some loads from our back yard... Let's just say I am not placing money on that...

We have decided to keep Noah out of the summer program at St. James and use that money towards sending him to camps but honestly, I am starting to stress about that... I don't want him to get bored and I am really worried that he will sit around and watch way too much TV. I have been looking for camps to send him to but needless to say, it is going to be a crazy summer shuttling him back and forth and keeping up with his schedules. Tball ends in May and his flag football doesnt start up until the fall. I have been doing a lot of work with him here at home and he actually loves to stay outside and kick the ball around and ride his scooter... We'll see how it works out. I am thinking about asking if he can go on the Wednesday field trips with them, I am sure they would work something out with me... Ya, I can already tell I am totally going to get on my husbands nerves about it.

After church tomorrow I am taking Noah to get his cleets for tball and we are done with that. He starts Karate next week, I hope he likes it...I am sure he will... It is really hard trying to juggle everything but I have just had to tell myself he is first, My mom and Momo are going to have a hard time with that but as he grows he is going to get busier and busier, right now our only free day is Tuesdays... I really don't know how people with lot's of kids do it... I go crazy just with my one...

Noah's first game went well, I am really not too happy with his team and it is frustrating, I am watching the other team warming up and doing drills and our guys are still in the dugout, we have had a lot of canceled practices and he has cut the ones we have had short... I am trying to be patient but I am afraid I am turning into one of those mom's that is screaming from the stands... in a nice way... lol

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