Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The fall...

Third Station:  Jesus Falls the First Time

Father, thanks for loving us when we’re down, even more than our mothers and fathers did when they picked us up and kissed us after we had fallen.  Help us not to expect ourselves to be perfect.  Help us live with our faults while we try to do better and love others when they’re down so they can do better.



When Noah comes to me crying because he hurt himself or falls, whatever the injury…  I pull him close to me and I can feel the pain in me wanting to take it from him, holding him tight, consoling him and kissing him…  This child has made me see things so many times in a different light, because I realize because of him the love my heavenly father has for me…  I can think of the times that I was down, feeling sorry for myself, hurt, sick…  and to imagine my God holding me so tight like I do Noah and wanting so badly to make everything okay…  it really takes my breath away.  What a wonderful way to realize the awesome power of God’s love….



+++++Now…  on to the diet front, okay, so because of so much going on I have missed my last 3 weight watcher meetings, it truly was unavoidable, I am not making excuses, two field trips, in class one week and this week we have a mandatory meeting at work!  So it will be a whole month!  I haven’t been doing good, but I haven’t been doing that bad… is that possible?  So anyway, after my breakfast this morning I remembered I wanted to weigh myself in the clinic at work to see where I stood, they have a scale like the one they use at weightwatchers, it tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  (yikes)  so I got on and it didn’t say “one person at a time please” LOL according to that I have gained 4.6 lbs… BUT I had eaten breakfast…  don’t you think a taco and a coke zero can weigh, hummmmm  about 6 lbs?  Since I can’t go this week either I have a week to get that off and be proud to say I have stayed the same…  can I do it, yes I can!  He he, I have been walking the last couple of nights, Johnny, Vinnie, Cathy and Funk are all in training for Beach to Bay so I always have people ready to go out to the track, I just didn’t realize until Vinnie went how annoying it is to be passed so many times when I haven’t even made one lap…  I was pretty close to stealing Noah’s scooter…  He is my excuse for taking so long….   I will do better even though this will be a holiday weekend…  I hope I don’t accidently get a Whataburger for lunch … yikes!

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