Monday, March 8, 2010

Just for giggles...

Okay, so my son has a knack for saying the absolute wrong thing at the perfect time...

So we are standing in the line to check out at the grocery store and I smell something, and it smells bad... Noah: Mom, gross... your farting again, you already farted all the way over here in the car... (lovely... did I mention it was Saturday?) and for the record, it wasn't me!

Johnny and I are a sponsor couple for a marriage ministry class at church, unfortunately my sitter fell through at the last minute so I had to take Noah with me, and double unfortunately the only seats open were next to the older sponsor couple. Bad mom is letting her son play his Nintendo DS to keep him quite. "My grandkids, that is all they want is to sit in front of the TV and play games" Me: My sister bought this for Noah, I really don't let him play it much and I totally agree with you. (cringe) "The problem with kids nowadays is parents don't monitor what they do and what they watch, Good grief I had my grandkids at the house the other day and walked in and they were watching these horrible cartoons.. Simpsons or something like that, I can't believe parents would let their kids watch that trash" Noah: Oh I love the Simpsons and Spongebob too, sometimes I watch Family Guy with my Tio ... Me: His momo puts those on but she can't see, she just thinks its a cartoon, I told her I don't like him watching that .. Noah: Na ah momma, me and Daddy watch the Simpsons sometimes... (Needless to say, I left early)

Field Trip... We are finally buckled in and sitting on the bus headed on Noah's field trip to see a play in San Antonio. I am sitting chatting with the other moms... and... Noah: Look momma look, that is where we take Tio for probation. (wow, how do you recover from that one) Me: It is not probation honey, it's where he does his community service. (lovely)

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